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Show Tomorrow 7/31 Ressurecting the $5 show! @ The Alley

[show listing]  ___________________________________________
[Jul 30,2009 9:33am - tinygiantclothing ""]
I've been given a huge opportunity by the owners of dover bowl to strengthen the scene in the area by being able to offer $5 all ages shows. the 5 bands 5 bux show has slowly becoming extinct not to mention clubs offering all ages shows are fading fast too. we will be running all ages (hardcore this week) from 4-9 and after 9 we'll be setting up for the 21+ side of the night. ANYONE who attends the show will get half off rock and bowl. The club owners are awesome and really going out on a limb for our scene. Please come out tomorrow and support local music and the club for helping keep the all ages scene alive. We plan to do shows every single friday night. Next week is pop punk and pop-core stuff for the all ages and with irish and rockabilly punk for the 21+. $5 is cheap for an awesome time.

dismantle the cyborg wont be playing .. they recently booted thier vocalist

if you are a band and want to get in the rotation shoot me an email and we'll chat. Right now all ages bands of of the plenty for me but goo drawing local 21+ bands arent. I'm interested in pretty much anything for the 21+ other than country and rap. If your band draws fairly well in the dover area shoot me an email. I have openings on the 14th of august right now. that i need to fill.

[Jul 30,2009 10:17am - joeycobra ""]
Sounds rad....I really wish I lived closer to Dover so I could frequent this place.

ps. I need to hear The CHUD...hope they are a band that uses samples from the movie or quote it in the lyrics.
[Jul 30,2009 10:23am - tinygiantclothing ""]
the chud is great.

i had them play and all ages show for me a few weeks back. lol the kids didnt know what to do ..

check out some of the pix:
[Jul 30,2009 10:25am - tinygiantclothing ""]
we were even visited by a dancing chud, who defined what a hardcore kid really is based on foriegn policy with iraq lol
[Jul 30,2009 10:25am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Hey Chris

This is a FANTASTIC idea, I'd just recommend keeping it at 4-5 bands. All Ages things are great but with like 6-7 or even 8 bands it's just too much for any venue, which they figure out quickly

Other than that, awesome work.
[Jul 30,2009 10:27am - tinygiantclothing ""]
usually i overbook 1-2 bands because for some reason or another a no show or a band break up happens.. lol happens quite often.

DTC dropped and Trials was iffy because of a band members work schedule.

i plan to keep it 5-6 bands though
[Jul 30,2009 10:29am - tinygiantclothing ""]
i'm waiting to hear back from buckhunter about a booking in august. i really hope they confirm soon though lol

[Jul 30,2009 10:50am - brodown ""]
Hivesmasher is always down to come hang in Dover!
[Jul 30,2009 5:54pm - tinygiantclothing ""]
14th or 21st aug.. you guys free? (hivesasher?)
[Jul 30,2009 6:49pm - BlackoutRick ""]
How can we get on a show at this bowling alley?
[Jul 30,2009 7:03pm - tinygiantclothing ""]
shoot me an email at myspace@tinygiantclothing.com

give me all the band links you have to samples and such and your myspace and what fridays your available.

other than a couple thrash/hardcore bands for the 14th i need 1-2 pop punk/punk/post hardcore bands for the 28th.

if these i'll start bookin for september mid august once the club gives me the go ahead
[Jul 30,2009 11:23pm - tinygiantclothing ""]
[Jul 31,2009 9:11am - tinygiantclothing ""]
anyone coming from here tonight?!

[Aug 1,2009 11:08am - tinygiantclothing ""]
the show was AWESOME! we had nearly 80 at the door plus bands and plus 1's it went awesome and everyone had an awesome time .

check out the pics


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