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[Mar 25,2004 8:46pm - swamplorddvm ""]
:tmnt4:Donatelo enters the pit at a Vader show. +10 Thrash pionts...
Then he kicks a guy in the nuts. +Brutality points...

Feel free to "play"

PS. I realize that this thread is gay.
[Mar 25,2004 8:53pm - the_reverend ""]
"you are blinded by a flash"
*enters the_rev_ramm_rod*

just imagine if I put a MUD on here.
geezus freaking christ...
we would waste soooo much more time.
[Mar 25,2004 8:54pm - darkone535 ""]
:ralphie: walks into the same vader pit and sees donatello get puched in the face after hitting a guy in the balls. ralphie using 2 magic points conjurs up a wookie and crushes the thrashbot who punched donatello in the face +15 metal pints and moves up a level in magic
[Mar 25,2004 8:57pm - the_reverend ""]
I wanna cast...Magic missile!
Why do you want to cast magic missile, there's nothing to attack here.
I...I'm attacking the darkness!
[Mar 25,2004 9:20pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
:krusty: walks in and gets ball whapped, laughs rediculously BWUAHAHHAA, then replies I got snipped two weeks ago, pulls
out his demented shrivelled penis and scares everyone out of the pit.
[Mar 25,2004 9:20pm - retzam ""]
Some cool swedish person baffles Donatelo with his amazing music. During Donatelo's bewildered daze, said swedish person kills him because he his gay.

+20 Bård Faust points
[Mar 25,2004 9:26pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Donatello's cool dude! Thats not cool.

Enter Swamplord. Starts head bagging(in honor of Donatelloss passing) to swedish Metal. +Metal points... He saves his thrashing for Vader which will come on in about 10 minutes.
[Mar 25,2004 9:38pm - the_reverend ""]
/me whips out dazing+40lbs.
"eat it suckahs"
[Mar 25,2004 10:02pm - honor4death  ""]
Wheres the mountain dew!
[Mar 25,2004 10:09pm - retzam ""]
Drink mountain dew and you'll discover... like no other...
[Mar 25,2004 10:58pm - the_reverend ""]
"if there are girls out there I want to dooooooo them"
"you can't your getting drunk"
[Mar 25,2004 11:02pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
even joking about this is gayer than actually participating in text-based rpgs
[Mar 25,2004 11:02pm - succubus ""]
i don't know what rpg means
[Mar 25,2004 11:03pm - succubus ""]
wait! role playing game?
[Mar 25,2004 11:04pm - succubus ""]
it sounded like everyone write a line contributing to a story...not really a game
oh well
[Mar 25,2004 11:04pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[Mar 25,2004 11:11pm - Kalopsia ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:indubitably

is that a real word or do people just use it to sound funny?
[Mar 25,2004 11:31pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, it's a real word.. trust me...

[Mar 25,2004 11:42pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
**MyDeadDoll comes in a whips everyone
in the face with her enormous boobies**
[Mar 26,2004 12:06am - Josh_hates_you ""]
you bunch of assholes forgot to roll the 12 sided die
[Mar 26,2004 12:08am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to put a ton of 4 sided die on your floor.
that's wicked painful..
[Mar 26,2004 12:12am - MyDeadDoll ""]
**rolls the fucking 12 sided die like a loser
and then whips out a lolipop**
[Mar 26,2004 12:15am - Josh_hates_you ""]
lollipops and boobies huh my dead doll......looks like somebody wants be be titty fucked
[Mar 26,2004 12:16am - MyDeadDoll ""]
nah, i am just obsessed with my boobs for some reason...
[Mar 26,2004 12:16am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
the_reverend said:oh, it's a real word.. trust me...


HOLY FUCK!!! i remember those!
[Mar 26,2004 12:17am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i don't
[Mar 26,2004 12:24am - Abbath ""]
ahhh i love breast they make me feel good
[Mar 26,2004 12:26am - MyDeadDoll ""]
they make me feel good too.
[Mar 26,2004 12:28am - Abbath ""]
ha! i bet!!! if i was a woman i would be jealous of ya! hehehehe
[Mar 26,2004 12:29am - MyDeadDoll ""]
but if you were a woman, you'd have your own
[Mar 26,2004 12:32am - Abbath ""]
but probably not as awesome
[Mar 26,2004 12:52am - MyDeadDoll ""]
depends... if you're on the pill your boobs get bigger...
so you'd have to be a woman on the pill... but you'd
get a big ass too
[Mar 26,2004 12:55am - swamplorddvm ""]
Swamplord smiles after getting smaked with two big boobs. +50 boob play points...
[Mar 26,2004 12:56am - MyDeadDoll ""]
+1000000 boob points for smacking
everyone with mah boobies
[Mar 26,2004 12:58am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Spaldino casts Giant Growth of the Buttocks and takes a massive shit on the entire thread.
[Mar 26,2004 12:59am - MyDeadDoll ""]
thanks for crapping on another thread....
[Mar 26,2004 1:08am - swamplorddvm ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:Spaldino casts Giant Growth of the Buttocks and takes a massive shit on the entire thread.

-15 humor points
[Mar 26,2004 1:08am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i only use my trusty anus on threads that truly deserve my fecal "approval"
[Mar 26,2004 1:16am - MyDeadDoll ""]
fecal approval...that's a new one
[Mar 26,2004 1:28am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
swamplorddvm said:
-15 humor points

-20 heterosexuality points!!!! LOLOLOZL!!!111111111

it wasnt meant to be humorous, i was using the theme of the thread to insult itself.
[Mar 26,2004 1:33am - swamplorddvm ""]
Searches for MydeadDoll's boobs to regain heterosexuality points...
[Mar 26,2004 3:55am - succubus ""]
that was a funny read

the_rev is obsessed with my boobs and i know who's b00bs the greatspaldino is obsessed with too...
[Mar 26,2004 4:42am - phantos ""]
this reminds me of our new tee design...
[Mar 26,2004 4:46am - succubus ""]
ooohhhh best post in this thread!!!
[Mar 26,2004 9:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
casts a level 10 summon Disengaged spell and has them shoot people
[Mar 26,2004 4:36pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
**hides boobs**
no more boobies for you!

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