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What are some new songs I should jam to?

[Jul 27,2009 3:06pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
I wanna play guitar, but have this really gloomy cloud of being sick of everything I can play.

I need some inspiration.

any suggestions? even scales/modes that are interesting I'd look at.
[Jul 27,2009 3:13pm - arilliusbm ""]
cover some spastic ink songs
[Jul 27,2009 3:17pm - Sacreligion ""]

[Jul 27,2009 3:17pm - Sacreligion ""]
try improvising some scales over that. fairly far off from metal.
[Jul 27,2009 3:20pm - brian_dc ""]
I like Sac's idea.

[Jul 27,2009 3:22pm - Sacreligion ""]
That version is different than the one i was thinkin of. The one I'm familiar with has more drums in the mix. Now it's rhythm training too! Muahahaha!
[Jul 27,2009 3:26pm - Sacreligion ""]


I'm not sure what version of the song I like better, but hot Indian woman is hot.
[Jul 27,2009 3:41pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]

Get the sheet music for one of Allan Holdsworths' songs.
[Jul 27,2009 3:41pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
haha, had to blaze first...

that was the most mellow jam ever. dope.

i'm not used to keeping such slow rhythm, while keeping the flow. that was nice and different!

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