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Anal Cunt tour dates

[Jul 22,2009 4:48pm - Josh_Martin ""]
If anyone gives a fuck, Anal Cunt 2009 tour:

7/29 Buffalo, NY Club Diablo
7/30 Pittsburgh, PA 31st Street Pub
7/31 Toledo, OH Frankies
8/1 Urbana, IL Central Illinois Metalfest
8/2 Cleveland, OH Grog Shop

9/5 Kansas City, MO Riot Room
9/6 Chicago, IL Metal Shaker
9/7 St. Louis, MO
9/8 tba
9/9 Des Moines, IA
9/10 Lansing, MI Mac's

more Sept. dates to come
Europe in Oct.

[Jul 22,2009 4:51pm - jvv  ""]
no providence dates? come on i missed them last time
[Jul 22,2009 4:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
got any local stuff between 8/2 and 9/5?
[Jul 22,2009 5:09pm - Bradness nli  ""]
hmm, maybe KC, that's the night before my berfday
[Jul 22,2009 5:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
you live in southern IL? ouch
[Jul 22,2009 5:20pm - Bradness nli  ""]
not really, kind of in the middle on the western coast, 72 runs thru town. 5 hours from KC, 2 from ST Louis, 4-6 from Chicago. yeah, middle of NOWHERE. i dig it though
[Jul 22,2009 5:23pm - Josh_Martin ""]

Bradness%20nli said:hmm, maybe KC, that's the night before my berfday

Dude, the Riot Room is like the best club in the country. Seriously, that place fucknig rules in every way possible. If you're gonna catch a show, that would be the one.
[Jul 22,2009 5:26pm - Bradness nli  ""]
haha, fucknig. i'll do my best, i'm rather poor at the moment
[Jul 22,2009 7:15pm - Hoser ""]
Man...Anal Cunt has and always will be absolutely terrible.
[Jul 22,2009 7:37pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Hoser said:Man...Anal Cunt has and always will be absolutely terrible.

[Aug 7,2009 10:06pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
AC in KC for ME, and Joe Chick(doesn't post here) and Tim26, or is it Tim28, he posts here sometimes. CAN'T WAIT!

hellbent, hellbent for hitler!!
[Aug 7,2009 11:03pm - Hoser ""]
Wah Wah WAAAAhhhhhh!!!!

Who cares? They just mash on their instruments...noise=1 Talent=0.
[Aug 8,2009 1:29am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Hoser said:Wah Wah WAAAAhhhhhh!!!!

Who cares? They just mash on their instruments...noise=1 Talent=0.

wrong. I'd like to hear a song that you wrote that's as catchy and awesome as Radio Hit,I'm hitler or shut up Mike pt2.

let's here it.
[Aug 8,2009 8:56am - Lamp ""]
If there's one thing I will definitely give Anal Cunt credit for is that when they started, I'm sure there were plenty of bands that didn't take themselves too seriously and made fun of stuff, but they took it to the next level and made fun of music as a whole. I support that way more than most music.
[Aug 8,2009 9:15am - SkinSandwich ""]
anal cunt
[Aug 27,2009 1:40pm - Josh Cunt on vacation  ""]
Sept. 3rd Detroit
Sept. 4th tba
Sept. 5th Kansas City, MO Riot Room
Sept. 6th Chicago, IL Metal Shaker
Sept. 7th St. Louis
Sept. 8th Milwaukee
Sept. 9th Des Moines, IA Vaudville Mews
Sept. 10th Lansing, MI Mac's
Sept. 12th Worcester, MA

Sept. 28th - Oct. 20th EUROPE

Oct. 25th Middle East down w/EyeHateGod
Nov. 7th O'Briens

[Aug 27,2009 1:41pm - Josh Cunt on vacation  ""]
First new album in 8 years being recorded next week.
[Aug 27,2009 1:43pm - W3 nli  ""]

Josh%20Cunt%20on%20vacation said:Oct. 25th Middle East down w/EyeHateGod
Nov. 7th O'Briens

wow whats up with that OBs show

[Aug 27,2009 2:01pm - Sacreligion ""]
Diablo's a pretty sweet club. Interesting atmosphere. Terrible bathroom.
[Aug 27,2009 2:10pm - W3 nli  ""]

Sacreligion said:Diablo's a pretty sweet club. Interesting atmosphere. Terrible bathroom.

you gots the contacts
[Aug 27,2009 2:14pm - Sacreligion ""]
Then why is my vision still terrible?
[Aug 27,2009 2:44pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Aug 27,2009 3:30pm - grizlochisnli  ""]
lol at the metal shaker's owner being pissed about the graffiti on the wall from the last time ac was there and then booking you there again
[Aug 28,2009 3:08pm - Tim28  ""]
Totally psyched for the KC show!!!
[Aug 29,2009 12:48am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Aug 29,2009 2:35am - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]

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