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[Jul 22,2009 4:20pm - SinisterMinister ""]
For those of you that hate WoW, fuck all y'all. This movie may be awful, but I will love the shit out of it.
[Jul 22,2009 4:22pm - SinisterMinister ""]
[Jul 22,2009 4:24pm - C.deAd  ""]
I love Warcraft 2. WoW.......not so much. This will be ultimate suck.
[Jul 22,2009 4:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
fuck anyone who plays WoW
[Jul 22,2009 4:37pm - SinisterMinister ""]
No, fuck you. Hater. =)
[Jul 22,2009 4:38pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jul 22,2009 4:39pm - SinisterMinister ""]
Ouch, epic failz.
[Jul 22,2009 4:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
i shouldn't be talking. I played StarWars Galaxies (worst MMORPG ever) for year or so. game sucked
[Jul 22,2009 4:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
ps: starcraft would make a much better movie.. especially if there was a jim raynor/kerrigan sex scene
[Jul 22,2009 4:46pm - oscarct ""]
love raimi but could not care less about this movie
[Jul 22,2009 4:55pm - oscarct ""]
I chose pussy over world of warcraft you cant have both
[Jul 22,2009 4:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
people get so into their mmorpg's, they get married. makes me sick. I disrupted a wedding in star wars galaxies and all hell broke lose. shit's a joke
[Jul 22,2009 5:05pm - SinisterMinister ""]

arilliusbm said:i shouldn't be talking. I played StarWars Galaxies (worst MMORPG ever) for year or so. game sucked

Now that game was a fucking stinker. Did you ever get your character to be a Jedi?
[Jul 22,2009 5:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
hell no. I started playing it when it first came out. I had bone armor (which was one of the better armors at the time) and then took a 2 month break. I came back and everyone was so advanced beyond my character it was ridiculous. I was useless. in fact, some dude felt so bad for me he gave me one of his houses.
that's how MMORPGs get you. you have to play them. a lot.
[Jul 22,2009 7:38pm - No_Redemption ""]
fuck the alliance
[Jul 22,2009 11:46pm - SinisterMinister ""]
fuck the horde. dwarf fo lyfe.
[Jul 22,2009 11:47pm - SinisterMinister ""]
ugh, i wish i rolled horde...
[Jul 23,2009 7:23am - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:EVERQUEST

i know a guy whose parents got divorced over Everquest.
[Jul 23,2009 7:50am - reim nli  ""]

arilliusbm said:EVERQUEST

This man knows. The MMO that WoW copied and copied some more.
[Jul 23,2009 9:45am - spaldino  ""]

oscarct said:I chose pussy over world of warcraft you cant have both

thats not true... i get laid all the time and i have a well geared level 80.
[Jul 23,2009 9:49am - rbss  ""]
I don't care about WoW or know anything about it but Sam Raimi directing a movie with Orcs and Undead dudes and battles and shit sounds kinda awesome.
[Jul 23,2009 9:50am - brian_dc ""]
I'm working on a piece of concept art that will be formed from photographs of WoW gamers. I will up the contrast to highlight the acne and create the Mona Lisa by laying them out and taking a picture from 3,000 ft. above.
[Jul 23,2009 11:22am - SinisterMinister ""]

spaldino said:
i get laid all the time and i have a well geared level 80.

I get laid all the time and I have 2 well-geared 80's.
Fuck your orc hunter, dwarves-4-lyfe.
[Jul 23,2009 11:25am - spaldino  ""]
Alliance is gay. i have 2 80's as well. although my pally is newly 80. she's still wearing t5 gear.
[Jul 23,2009 11:26am - arilliusbm ""]
I was getting laid MORE when I played mmorpgs than I am now.
[Jul 23,2009 11:34am - reimroc ""]

spaldino said:Alliance is gay. i have 2 80's as well. although my pally is newly 80. she's still wearing t5 gear.

alliance pre-bc(when wow was good) was were everyone wanted to be. i had two lvl 60 chars on shattered hand in full tier 3(naxx) and at that time that was an accomplishment and a half. then TBC came out I got to 70 and lost interest in WoW for good.

I'm waiting for SW:ToR to be released.
[Jul 23,2009 11:45am - spaldino  ""]
WoW is so easy now its not even funny.
[Jul 23,2009 11:46am - arilliusbm ""]
you guys need to play age of wonders...
[Jul 23,2009 12:05pm - the_reverend ""]
my answer to that is this
[Jul 23,2009 12:14pm - SinisterMinister ""]

spaldino said:WoW is so easy now its not even funny.

Go do some Ulduar 25man hardmodes and say that again sir.
[Jul 23,2009 12:15pm - the_reverend ""]
or cast magic missle
[Jul 23,2009 12:16pm - SinisterMinister ""]
I got a magic missle right here for ya.
[Jul 23,2009 12:18pm - the_reverend ""]
then cast it on the darkness.
[Jul 23,2009 12:21pm - SinisterMinister ""]
Oh baby, I'm about to critically hit!
[Jul 23,2009 1:32pm - Conservationist ""]
Is this movie called "Lords of Chaos"?

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