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Thrashy Hardcore band seeks bassist

[Jul 20,2009 10:37am - ZJD ""]
BEAR HUG is looking for a bassist. We are good people. We like to eat food. Applicants would preferably be vegan and punk as fuck and sick at bass and posi and want to hang out a lot with three dudes and ride bikes and play sick shows with youth crew jumps and thoughtful lyrics and mosh and blah.
[Jul 20,2009 11:01am - arilliusbm ""]
eggs are excellent food and taste great
[Jul 20,2009 11:02am - ZJD ""]
thanks dude.
[Jul 20,2009 11:02am - arilliusbm ""]
no problem
[Jul 20,2009 11:12am - xgodzillax ""]
i play bass. but im not vegan, punk, or posi. but i like bikes
[Jul 20,2009 11:15am - ZJD ""]
most of these things are strong wants that sit next to just being a solid dude/tte but this would probably not work. sorry, dude.
[Jul 20,2009 11:18am - xgodzillax ""]
sick. judgement from a message board is sick.
[Jul 20,2009 11:21am - ZJD ""]

posting about this band on rttp is mostly for the 2 or 3 people who might see it and actually make sense. it's nothing personal, but KILL, RAPE, PILLAGE, HATEfagfagfag is not a good mix for us.
[Jul 20,2009 11:22am - Pires ""]
Ha! Vegan. What a sham.
[Jul 20,2009 11:24am - arilliusbm ""]
no offense, but you are right. there's probably one 2 people here that would see this and fit what you're looking for.
for the most part, people here eat meat, listen to metal, beat women and do drugs. good luck though.
[Jul 20,2009 11:34am - thuringwethil ""]
get in on this! I tell you the songs are fun to play on bass!
[Jul 20,2009 12:34pm - Czarnobóg ""]
I am a rabid carnivore and total drunk, don't listen to much punk these days, hate bikes, thrive on negativity, and would probably throw my back out if I tried a youth crew jump... but I'll back these guys as stand-up people and the songs I've heard on their MySpace are real good. Almost like a bizarro Rampant Decay, haha. If any bass players are into blistering hardcore and the posi youth crew thing this is the band for you.
[Jul 20,2009 12:51pm - thuringwethil ""]
[Jul 20,2009 12:54pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, I forgot my band was a nazi band and we're not allowed in the Boston PC Police "punk" scene.
[Jul 20,2009 1:01pm - Czarnobóg ""]

RichHorror said:Yeah, I forgot my band was a nazi band

Who said that?
[Jul 20,2009 5:10pm - RichHorror ""]
They are standup people and are therefor a bizarro Rampant Decay.

Also, punk friends I have being questioned as to why they are friends with me and/or support my band.

So to answer your question, plenty. Just none of them to my face.
[Jul 20,2009 5:14pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Jul 20,2009 8:45pm - xgodzillax ""]

ZJD said:KILL, RAPE, PILLAGE, HATE is not a good mix for us.

its the only way of life.

this is like dealing with the san francisco PC punk scene, all over again.

the 'PC' scene died 7 years ago, wake up
[Jul 20,2009 10:29pm - yummy ""]
I died 7 years ago, can't wake up.
[Jul 20,2009 11:31pm - W3 nli  ""]

yummy said:I died 7 years ago, can't wake up.

hey aaron can i buy that cab back from you champ
[Jul 21,2009 12:35am - xgodzillax ""]

yummy said:I died 7 years ago, can't wake up.

i died in 1997. true story. skateboards, hills, cars and drugs dont mix..
[Jul 21,2009 12:48am - RichHorror ""]
Before I was born, I was a whore for the enlisted men. Sometimes I would be raped by more than twenty men a day. At times I was too weak to wipe their spit from my face. They would always spit on me and call me names when they were done. They told me the story of my life. "You are subhuman. What street corner were you pulled from? I want to see you in action. How much did you charge to suck dick? Maybe you paid them. I can see you on the street, crawling on your knees, pulling on men's pants as they walk home from work.They can't believe what they hear coming out of your scarred mouth, 'Please gimmie, gimmie, please.' The bums never run from you though. They like you because you do it for free. The only thing to do is to annihilate you and rid the planet of your blood." They called me the "eternal whore" and said that I would never die as long as pestilence walked the earth. I tried to tell them that before I was taken to the camp, I was a computer operator and a loving husband. They laughed and handed me my wife's head. They fed me the flesh of my children. Then I was destroyed and reborn. Here I am.
[Jul 21,2009 1:12am - revvers  ""]
horny thrasher seaks basic position.
[Jul 22,2009 1:18am - ZJD ""]
last top
[Jul 24,2009 7:36pm - yummy ""]

W3%20nli said:
yummy said:I died 7 years ago, can't wake up.

hey aaron can i buy that cab back from you champ

No, but you can buy your guitar back underdog.
[Jul 24,2009 7:56pm - W3 nli  ""]
but i want the cab, what about apackage deal.
[Jul 24,2009 8:09pm - yummy ""]
thats thee best cab I've paid money for tho.
[Jul 24,2009 9:10pm - W3 nli  ""]
yeah yeah yeah, hook it up ill even give you 400 for it.

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