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bass player looking for black metal band

[Jul 19,2009 2:39am - pestilence ""]
bass player looking to join/form black metal band. 26 years old. have pro gear and have been playing for a long time. looking for more of a pro. recording/touring oriented band. ages 24-30ish in or around nashua nh/ lowell mass. area.

transportation of some kind
good working gear
a place to practice would be great

some influences include: darkthrone, mayhem, emperor, wolves in the throne room, burzum, hellhammer, shining, venom, carpathian forest, naer mataron, immortal, skitliv, dodsferd, aura noir, ect....the list could go on and on.

[Jul 19,2009 10:38am - Strep_Cunt ""]

Contact them, they're desperate for a bassist. They are in the Sudbury area, I don't know how close that is to you but the influences you mention have a place in their sound.
[Jul 19,2009 1:38pm - Seth  ""]
Sorry we are located in the boston area. (herugrim).:ROLLEYES:
[Aug 4,2010 8:04am - SteveSummoned ""]
If you give up on the black metal search The Summoned is looking for a bassist still. We're based out of Lowell and have our own space.

[Aug 4,2010 8:09am - oscarct ""]
if you dont care about the style, these dudes are looking for a new bassist

[Aug 4,2010 10:39am - nekronautnli  ""]

oscarct said:if you dont care about the style, these dudes are looking for a new bassist

[Aug 4,2010 1:59pm - Aegathis ""]

pestilence said:looking for more of a pro. recording/touring oriented band.

Are Black metal bands still touring?
[Aug 4,2010 2:13pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
just what the world needs. ANOTHER black metal band.
[Aug 4,2010 2:44pm - narkybark ""]
do a ritual about it
[Aug 4,2010 5:04pm - SteveSummoned ""]

oscarct said:if you dont care about the style, these dudes are looking for a new bassist

This actually made me laugh out loud.
[Aug 4,2010 5:16pm - the_reverend ""]

nekronautnli said:
oscarct said:if you dont care about the style, these dudes are looking for a new bassist


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