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Olivia Newton John is FUCKING AWESOME

[Jul 9,2009 10:24pm - thuringwethil ""]


let the flame(r) wars COMMENCE!:nuke:
[Jul 9,2009 10:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I loved her when she did this

[Jul 9,2009 10:41pm - thuringwethil ""]
hahaha Chris Crocker's 15 minutes was more like 14
[Jul 9,2009 11:22pm - Butt Head  ""]
Uhhhh.... huhuhuhuhuh.... hey Beavis.... uhhhh huhuuhh..... what's in Olivia Newton's John? Uhhh... huhuhuhuhuhuh....

Gomer's Pyle. Uhhhhh.... huhuhuhuhuhuhuh.... uhhhhh huhuhuhuhuhuh....
[Jul 10,2009 1:24am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
yup, i also was in love with O.N.J.
[Jul 10,2009 7:06am - goatcatalyst ""]
I'm gonna have to disagree. "Physical" was inexorably stuck in my head while mowing the lawn a few days ago. Absolutely dreadful.
[Jul 10,2009 8:48am - oscarct ""]

goatcatalyst said:I'm gonna have to disagree. "Physical" was inexorably stuck in my head while mowing the lawn a few days ago. Absolutely dreadful.

every time I go to the gym, without fail, I will start singing that song.

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