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Celebrity death predictions

[Jun 30,2009 1:23am - MillenialKingdom ""]
So, in light of all the celebrity deaths this year, here are some of my predictions for the rest of the year:

Patrick Swayze (He has pancreatic cancer)
John Madden
Brett Favre (He'll play for the Vikings and after he gets sacked the first time, his spine will sever)

Have fun.
[Jun 30,2009 1:27am - RichHorror ""]
LOS ANGELES – Impressionist Fred Travalena, a headliner in Vegas showrooms and a regular on late-night talk shows with his takes on presidents, crooners and screen stars, has died in Los Angeles. He was 66.

Publicist Roger Neal says Travalena died Sunday at his home in the Encino area after a recurrence of the non-Hodgkin's lymphoma that first surfaced in 2002.

Travalena was known for the sheer volume of celebrities he imitated, leading to the nicknames "The Man of a Thousand Voices" and "Mr. Everybody."

His act included presidents from Kennedy to Obama, musicians from Frank Sinatra to Bruce Springsteen and actors from Marlon Brando to Tom Cruise.

The Bronx native started his career in Las Vegas in 1971.
[Jun 30,2009 2:23am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Dick Clarke

Betty White
[Jun 30,2009 5:55am - the_reverend ""]
dick clarke and mj in the same year is biblical.
[Jun 30,2009 9:27am - dreadkill ""]
does it count if you name a celebrity and then kill them?
[Jun 30,2009 9:43am - metal_church101 ""]
RTTP Dead Pool :-)

Dick Clark
John Madden
Joe Namoth
[Jun 30,2009 10:04am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Joe Jackson


[Jun 30,2009 10:08am - arilliusbm ""]
Knowing how things usually turn out in this country - Mr. Obama
[Jun 30,2009 10:19am - dreadkill ""]
ha, michael jackson's father is a piece of shit. good to see he got left out of the will.
[Jun 30,2009 12:41pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
carson daly
[Jun 30,2009 12:51pm - PatMeebles ""]
abe vigoda
[Jun 30,2009 12:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

PatMeebles said:abe vigoda

abe vigoda is stronger than death... or he is death. not sure which
[Jun 30,2009 2:30pm - BSV  ""]
Nick Nolte
Ted Kennedy
Johnny Pesky
[Jun 30,2009 2:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
Johnny Pesky, lol good one. Him and Bob Cousy are ancient.
[Jun 30,2009 2:36pm - dreadkill ""]
ted kennedy and johnny pesky are good ones
[Jun 30,2009 2:37pm - dreadkill ""]
bill russell
[Jun 30,2009 2:37pm - dreadkill ""]
andy dick
[Jun 30,2009 2:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
haha, i was just going to say that.
that would be horrible.

john smotlz is another. he's really 92, not 42.
[Jun 30,2009 2:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

dreadkill said:bill russell

[Jun 30,2009 2:44pm - dreadkill ""]
mel brooks (that would suck)
[Jun 30,2009 2:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
and you are all wrong by the way - the correct answer is....

Fred Travalena - "The man of a thousand Faces"

[Jun 30,2009 2:49pm - dreadkill ""]
see second post, tom.
[Jun 30,2009 2:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Jun 30,2009 2:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
the reverend should probably die this month due to extreme back pains.
[Jun 30,2009 2:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
My neck! My back! ... My neck and my back!!
[Jun 30,2009 4:14pm - archaeon ""]
Rich Bova
[Jun 30,2009 4:42pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jun 30,2009 4:55pm - sigh  ""]
"Rosie O Donnell: What triggered new weight gain"

...being Rosie O Donnell?
[Jun 30,2009 6:02pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Hugh Hefner
Clint Eastwood

Paris Hilton will be the first person in history to die of a Valtrex overdose.
[Jun 30,2009 6:24pm - nostromo ""]
[Jul 1,2009 12:07pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Celebrity Death Predictions make it to CNN. lolz
[Jul 1,2009 12:24pm - pam ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:
Betty White

[Jul 1,2009 4:27pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Actor Karl Malden dead at 97
[Jul 1,2009 4:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

boblovesmusic said:Actor Karl Malden dead at 97

he looks like he died 20 years ago and never got the memo
[Jul 1,2009 5:50pm - immortal13 ""]

nostromo said:[img]

This pic needs Rodney Dangerfield.
[Jul 1,2009 5:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
is ed mcmahon wearing a simpsons button?
[Sep 14,2009 9:10pm - aril  ""]
Mk was right all along.
[Sep 14,2009 9:16pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 14,2009 9:33pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I should have my own apocalypse themed show on the History Channel now.
[Sep 14,2009 9:52pm - pam ""]
No one could have foreseen the guy with terminal pancreatic cancer dying.
[Sep 14,2009 9:55pm - aril  ""]
No one else said it. And I believe this thread was made before favre signed with mn.
[Sep 15,2009 10:02am - grlice  ""]

pam said:No one could have foreseen the guy with terminal pancreatic cancer dying.
[Sep 15,2009 11:56am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
hah no shit. I couldn't go to the supermarket in the last 6 months without seeing Patrick Swayze on every fucking tablet cover at the register looking like the crypt keeper behind pt.82 Verdana font saying something along the lines of "PATRICK SWAYZE'S GOING TO FUCKING DIE ANY SECOND"
[Sep 15,2009 11:56am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
PS. I'm mad that I can't use this joke anymore:

What are Michael Jackson, Ed McMahon and Billy Mayes getting for Christmas? Patrick Swayze.
[Sep 15,2009 11:59am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you can just say that xmas came early
[Sep 15,2009 12:00pm - xmikex ""]
[Sep 15,2009 12:06pm - dreadkill ""]

xmikex said:[img]
hahahaha, one of my friends hated kurt russell and patrick swayze and was convinced they were actually the same person.
[Sep 15,2009 12:07pm - dreadkill ""]

pam said:No one could have foreseen the guy with terminal pancreatic cancer dying.
[Sep 15,2009 12:08pm - dreadkill ""]
i think a sick/old/drug abusing person is going to die soon. am i nostradamus?
[Sep 17,2009 10:05am - boblovesmusic ""]
Mary Travers, singer of Peter, Paul and Mary, died
[Sep 17,2009 10:06am - dreadkill ""]

dreadkill said:i think a sick/old/drug abusing person is going to die soon. am i nostradamus?
fred cusick died the other night at the age of 90. am i psychic for including "old" as part of my prediction?
[Sep 17,2009 10:11am - aril  ""]
Puff the Magic Draaaagooo--- of shit, I'm dead
[Sep 21,2009 9:54am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

aril said:Puff the Magic Draaaagooo--- of shit, I'm dead

[Sep 21,2009 9:59am - dreadkill ""]
next composted song: puff the magic dragon made of shit
[Sep 21,2009 10:17am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Sep 21,2009 10:18am - aril  ""]
should have been an h there, but of well.
[Sep 21,2009 10:18am - boblovesmusic ""]
Puff The Magic Ragu!
[Sep 21,2009 10:23am - dreadkill ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:No.
Yes. I'm the creative genius/mastermind/wizard behind composted, so it's happening. You just drive the train, Mark, and leave the awesomeness to me.
[Sep 21,2009 10:23am - dreadkill ""]

boblovesmusic said:Puff The Magic Ragu!
puff the magic ravioli
[Sep 21,2009 10:34am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
You're such a cutie, Kenneth.
[Sep 21,2009 10:52am - dreadkill ""]
thanks, marketh. Let's date!

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