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DARKWOR posts new track from upcoming album "Foederati"

[Jun 27,2009 1:26pm - darkwor ""]
Destroying the old gods.

This is Renaissance Apocalypse.

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QGLCA9OA (320k mp3)

[Jun 27,2009 1:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
wow really good stuff!
[Jun 27,2009 1:32pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
DLing now, can't wait to hear it.
[Jun 27,2009 1:39pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Good shit, man

Looking forward to seeing you play with CFE
[Jun 27,2009 1:42pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
fucking awesome John.
[Jun 27,2009 1:42pm - darkwor ""]
thanks guys, and strep, we gotta play some shows real soon.
[Jun 27,2009 1:56pm - boblovesmusic@thecoolidge  ""]
damn, I'm at work. Will hear this when I get home!
[Jun 27,2009 2:58pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Listening to the mixed version for the first time, now. LOL
[Jun 27,2009 3:03pm - narkybark ""]
just listening to this my alignment slipped to Neutral Evil
[Jun 27,2009 5:47pm - darkwor ""]

narkybark said:just listening to this my alignment slipped to Neutral Evil

See what happens?? Listen you fuckers!
[Jun 28,2009 9:52am - inject-now ""]
this stuff is great. can't wait to hear more.
[Jun 28,2009 9:57am - dreadkill ""]
well done, the drumming kicks ass
[Jun 28,2009 5:04pm - goatcatalyst ""]
i like this alot.
[Jul 12,2009 12:01am - darkwornli  ""]
bump for Thursday.
[Jan 29,2010 8:58pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Recording the final vox as I type. We may actually pull this off before the release show. Just need to get the special guest yellin' down and then mix.
[Jan 30,2010 1:35am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
LOL @ accidental party spontaneously erupting whilst recording. Guess we finish tomorrow. *headdesk*
[Jan 30,2010 4:47am - josh_hates_you ""]
darkwor is awesome. black metal is still gay. i need a shirt.
[Jan 30,2010 10:16am - Slag ""]
[Jan 30,2010 10:17am - goatcatalyst ""]
Fuad Ramses, Egyptian caterer
[Jan 30,2010 10:40am - reimroc ""]
still awesome
[Jan 31,2010 1:51am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
i'm hard as a rock over the mastering samples. Psyched for this to be done.
[Jan 31,2010 4:01am - the_reverend ""]
ur myspace just scared my cat.
[Jan 31,2010 12:07pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
That's what we do best.
[Feb 1,2010 12:20am - MetalThursday ""]
Just under 6 weeks away: Darkwor's CD Release Show @ Ralph's Diner
[Feb 1,2010 10:06am - C.dEad  ""]
Shit sounds awesome. Really want to check out the cd/demo.
[Feb 1,2010 10:13am - reimroc ""]
[Feb 1,2010 10:38am - arktouros ""]
Our full-length is done recording, finally. Guest vocals, sweat, depressants, blood, and a whole lot of blackouts and simian howling. Adding final touches, mixing, mastering... and we will have real actual CDs at the March 13th show. Self-released and we're damn proud to put our marks on it.
[Feb 1,2010 10:50am - Darkbor  ""]
oh hi we are another generic sounding new England band. buy our shit!!!
[Feb 1,2010 10:51am - Slag rag  ""]
We're about as generic as your mother howling at the top of her lungs as she achieves her 5th orgasm at my expense.
[Feb 1,2010 10:57am - arilliusbm ""]
I just want a tiny Jew case. nothing fancy plz.
[Feb 1,2010 12:40pm - Yeti ""]
hahahaha Darkbor
[Feb 1,2010 1:30pm - reimroc ""]

Darkbor said:oh hi we are another generic sounding new England band. buy our shit!!!

bad troll
[Feb 1,2010 1:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
reimroc likes blackmetal now?
[Feb 1,2010 1:43pm - reimroc ""]
i've always like black metal. its not my scene(as in i don't attend as many shows as i do other genres) and i'm certainly not into it as much as other posters but i do enjoy some BM.
[Feb 1,2010 1:44pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Little-known fact: the cd will be black print on an unbleached paper background, and say "black metal album" in lower-case sans serif font on the front. It will be available at Wal-Mart, Target, and by the case at BJ's. (We couldn't work out a deal with Costco.)
[Feb 17,2010 3:45pm - arktouros ""]
new song posted from the album.

[Feb 17,2010 3:49pm - Slag equipment brokers  ""]
[Feb 17,2010 3:50pm - Slag equipment brokers  ""]
[Feb 17,2010 3:54pm - goatcatalyst ""]
that first track on the CD that Steve played for me was fucking TRIUMPHANT! i'm VERY stoked for you guys. can't wait to hear more.
[Feb 17,2010 4:00pm - Slag Studios  ""]
Shameless self plug:

I am opening a recording studio for heavier styles of music. I can also master your music. More reasonable than reasonably possible. If you are interested, get ahold of me here:

[Feb 17,2010 4:04pm - arktouros ""]
get out of my thread slaggot
[Feb 17,2010 4:06pm - arktouros ""]

goatcatalyst said:that first track on the CD that Steve played for me was fucking TRIUMPHANT! i'm VERY stoked for you guys. can't wait to hear more.

thanks man, i was psyched you enjoyed it. we're slow as hell in everything we do (see when this thread was posted?) but....at least we have a drummer......:bartmoon:
[Feb 17,2010 4:23pm - goatcatalyst ""]
i will cut you like a puerto rican in the night!!!
[Feb 17,2010 7:04pm - Slag ""]

arktouros said:new song posted from the album.


[Feb 17,2010 7:31pm - ArilliusBM ""]

arilliusbm said:wow really good stuff!
[Feb 18,2010 8:47am - arktouros ""]

goatcatalyst said:i will cut you like a puerto rican in the night!!!
[Feb 18,2010 9:12am - RichHorror ""]
moar plz
[Feb 18,2010 10:02am - arilliusbm ""]
I heard a major old school emperor influence. Good song and production.. Not really my cup o tea for black metal but definitely excellent stuff brahs
[Feb 18,2010 10:44am - goatcatalyst ""]
The vocals are utterly miserable. Top shelf all around!
[Feb 21,2010 10:20am - arktouros ""]
[Jul 6,2018 5:56pm - susurrate ""]
8 years late but this has an In The Nightside Eclipse feel to some of it - basically echoing what aril said I guess.
[Jul 7,2018 2:49pm - ark  ""]

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