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Anyone need a venue or want to promote your own show?

[Jun 24,2009 1:09pm - Rocko's  ""]
Rocko's in Manchester NH. has some nights available this summer.
We are booking for Late July and Aug. Some Saturday nights are available in Aug.
Currently looking for someone to rent out Saturday July 18th 2009. If your interested in booking your own show or becoming a "promoter " . Here is your chance.

[Jun 24,2009 1:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
being a promoter is a pain in the ass
[Jun 24,2009 1:11pm - Rocko‘s  ""]
[Jun 24,2009 1:14pm - RustyPS ""]
is Dave Thirsty out?
[Jun 24,2009 1:16pm - Rocko‘s  ""]
No. This is Dave Thirsty
[Jun 24,2009 1:18pm - RustyPS ""]
oh i see
[Jun 24,2009 1:55pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
[Jun 24,2009 8:21pm - immortal13 ""]
Good luck july 18. Everyone will be at summer slaughter.
[Jun 24,2009 8:54pm - tinygiantclothing ""]
whats the room fee?
[Jun 24,2009 8:57pm - archaeon ""]

immortal13 said:Good luck july 18. Everyone will be at summer slaughter.

yeah and shai hulud is the same day at anchors up.
[Jun 24,2009 9:56pm - keynotecompany nli  ""]

archaeon said:
immortal13 said:Good luck july 18. Everyone will be at summer slaughter.

yeah and shai hulud is the same day at anchors up.

Also Unearth is in Providence @ Club Hell.
[Jun 24,2009 10:03pm - archaeon ""]
shit son
[Jun 24,2009 10:55pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

immortal13 said:Good luck july 18. Everyone will be at summer slaughter.

[Jun 24,2009 11:15pm - RustyPS ""]

keynotecompany%20nli said:
archaeon said:
immortal13 said:Good luck july 18. Everyone will be at summer slaughter.

yeah and shai hulud is the same day at anchors up.

Also Unearth is in Providence @ Club Hell.

....and we're playing at AS220 with I Destroyer
[Jun 25,2009 5:02pm - immortal13 ""]

archaeon said:
immortal13 said:Good luck july 18. Everyone will be at summer slaughter.

yeah and shai hulud is the same day at anchors up.

So now I have to choose between that? Shai hulud doesn't come around much. Way to piss me off grant.
[Jun 25,2009 5:10pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
?? I haven't listened to Shai Hulude since their cd that had the teeth on it, (98?) but i always seem to see them listed on shows.
[Jun 25,2009 5:19pm - archaeon ""]

immortal13 said:
archaeon said:
immortal13 said:Good luck july 18. Everyone will be at summer slaughter.

yeah and shai hulud is the same day at anchors up.

So now I have to choose between that? Shai hulud doesn't come around much. Way to piss me off grant.

reign supreme and the carrier are playing too.
[Jun 25,2009 5:23pm - immortal13 ""]
Don't know those two.
[Jun 25,2009 5:26pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Jun 25,2009 6:06pm - RustyPS ""]

[Jun 25,2009 10:28pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]

archaeon said:
immortal13 said:
archaeon said:
immortal13 said:Good luck july 18. Everyone will be at summer slaughter.

yeah and shai hulud is the same day at anchors up.

So now I have to choose between that? Shai hulud doesn't come around much. Way to piss me off grant.

reign supreme and the carrier are playing too.

oh my god. just have a kareoke night at rocko's and cut your losses. this is a perfect storm of show booking.

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