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URBAN WASTE (NY) play in Mass for fist time ever !! july 17 at Anchors up! in Haverhill

[show listing]  __________________________________________
[Jun 15,2009 8:45pm - charlieinfection ""]
Legendary hardcore band URBAN WASTE will play in Massachusetts for the first time !! They have been around since the mid 80's and have that killer NY HC sound !! Be there for a great show ..July 17th at Anchors Up ! in Haverhill Mass.. its all ages and doors at 7PM.
also opening this show will be : PSYCHO (Boston thrash) , Sexual Suicide (Punk /HC from NYC) and Killer Hardcore from the Cape area REVILERS !!
[Jul 17,2009 5:36pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm there. like a square

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