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8/9/2009 10 for $10 featuring VOD Posion the Well and Bane

[show listing]  ______________________________________
[May 20,2009 10:46am - xanonymousx ""]
Vision Of Disorder
Poison The Well
Bane / Terror
War Of Ages / The Ghost Inside
The Mongoloids
Trapped Under Ice
Crime In Stereo / This Is Hell

[May 20,2009 11:03am - reimroc ""]
were you moshing your balls off during watchfire at the fox common show?
[May 20,2009 11:18am - BrianDBB ""]
Who ISN'T moshing their balls off to Watchfire! Such a good band... good dudes too.
[May 20,2009 11:21am - reimroc ""]
You are correct. By the way the next time I see you guys I will pay for that CD you gave me.
[May 20,2009 11:28am - xanonymousx ""]

reimroc said:were you moshing your balls off during watchfire at the fox common show?

i was at work during watchfire at the fox common show, i did not make it there till always and forever which i left till hetfield and hetfield came on.

my friend who is friends with aaron, never saw his band she was in for a surprise.
[May 20,2009 11:30am - alexc ""]
poison the well still exists? damn, that sucks
[May 20,2009 11:35am - reimroc ""]

alexc said:poison the well still exists? damn, that sucks

[May 20,2009 11:36am - reimroc ""]

xanonymousx said:
reimroc said:were you moshing your balls off during watchfire at the fox common show?

i was at work during watchfire at the fox common show, i did not make it there till always and forever which i left till hetfield and hetfield came on.

my friend who is friends with aaron, never saw his band she was in for a surprise.

you left during seeker destroyer? they played a good set.
[Aug 9,2009 8:41pm - CMTAIB ""]
yo we rocked this shit today.
[Aug 9,2009 9:00pm - the_reverend ""]
wished I knew about this. wasn't on the events page.

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