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[May 19,2009 8:45am - HxCbass ""]
:bartmoon:come to sick shit fest! or your life will be incomplete! lol. come see my band as well playing also at sick shit fest. we are called eternal vengeance. we should also be handing out our demo by the time sick shit fest rolls around.
[May 19,2009 9:09am - the_reverend ""]
it will be an awesome show.
[May 19,2009 9:14am - boblovesmusic ""]
I'll be in Bennington earlier that day! Perfect timing!
[May 19,2009 12:52pm - The_Rooster ""]

the_reverend said:it will be an awesome show.

Are you gonna be in town for that Rev?

Be good to see you, and have a beer.
[May 19,2009 10:54pm - HxCbass ""]
awesome as hell! if u need help getting there let me know. i live in pittstown and we would be more than happy to let u follow us out to there.

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