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Cult of Luna: Fire Was Born DVD Appreciation

[May 13,2009 12:40am - Murph ""]
Watched it last weekend at our space, got mine in the mail late last week, and after several views...one of my favorite releases ever.

The set-list is absolutely awesome:

Following Betulas
Ghost Trail
Leave Me Here
Eternal Kingdom
Dark City, Dead Man

Soundwise, it is very impressive, and they are super tight live (all 8 guys...which includes 3 guitars, 2 drummers, bassist, keyboard/synth/samples/horn/etc, and second vocals).

Anyone who is a fan of this band, it is a really awesome purchase, still hoping I might get to see them in Sweden, but we'll see.

This band has one of the best sounds I've ever heard, the bass tone (and guitar tones) is fucking crushing, and the two drummers play sweet kits really well together. They really make me want to someday blay either guitar or bass, because the stuff just sounds so heavy and awesome.

[May 13,2009 1:31pm - darkwor ""]
I saw this band open for Mastodon upstairs at the Palladium, I think back when they were a 5 piece. Everyone around me looked bored as hell, I thought they were one of the heaviest bands I'd ever seen. I had never really listened to sludge like that before. I was hooked instantly.
[May 13,2009 5:00pm - Murph ""]
Here's a clip from the DVD, of the track "Adrift." Two drummers = WIN.

[May 13,2009 5:08pm - dreadkill ""]
i enjoy these guys. very much like neurosis but they've carved out enough of their own sound where it's not a ripoff. eternal kingdom is my favorite because it sounds less like neurosis to me. i hope they retain the neurosis influence but progress further from the neurosis sound in the future.
[May 13,2009 5:08pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
That's a great set-list. I must have this!
[May 13,2009 7:04pm - brian_dc ""]
yeah, I've watched this every other day since I got it.
[May 13,2009 7:48pm - moenli  ""]
i dont know...but i dont think they need that many dudes to be as boring as they are

to each his own, though
[May 13,2009 8:37pm - Murph ""]

dreadkill said:i enjoy these guys. very much like neurosis but they've carved out enough of their own sound where it's not a ripoff. eternal kingdom is my favorite because it sounds less like neurosis to me. i hope they retain the neurosis influence but progress further from the neurosis sound in the future.

The main problem I've had when people compare these guys to Neurosis is that to me, Neurosis really has a grit to their sound, as well as using really dark soundscapes at times.

I mean, I get that there are little similarities between the two, but if you play either band for me, any track, of pretty much any album, I can you which one is which. Plus, CoL has always been much more rhythmic and straightforward to me than Neurosis.

I do love Neurosis, by the way.
[May 13,2009 9:58pm - dreadkill ""]
I agree with you. I think col is more straightforward and riff driven than neurosis. I can definitely tell them apart but I think col bears more than a passing resemblance to neurosis. Both are good bands, and while I like neurosis a lot more, I'm glad col is around. I want to check out this DVD

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