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ATTN: Bruins, Celtics

[May 9,2009 11:08am - sinistas ""]
[May 9,2009 11:20am - neverpurified ""]

No truer words have been spoken
[May 9,2009 11:55am - ouchdrummer ""]
yep, game 4 is gonna be intense. (celts)
[May 9,2009 12:09pm - dreadkill ""]
the bruins are actually more of a lost cause than the celtics now. i shaved the playoff beard off today in hopes that it might change their fortunes. hockey is a very superstitious sport.
[May 9,2009 12:09pm - dreadkill ""]
if zdeno chara was an iraqi soccer player, he'd be dead right now.
[May 9,2009 12:11pm - dreadkill ""]
the celts at least have an excuse, with KG out. the only bruin who shouldn't feel ashamed of himself after last night is tim thomas. he should demand a trade to a team that actually plays defense and doesn't leave him high and dry every game. the bruins looked like they were from providence last night.
[May 9,2009 12:29pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Dreadkill said:
"If zdeno chara was an iraqi soccer player, he'd be dead right now."

[May 9,2009 1:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

dreadkill said:the bruins are actually more of a lost cause than the celtics now. i shaved the playoff beard off today in hopes that it might change their fortunes. hockey is a very superstitious sport.

i think i'll follow suit.
[May 10,2009 11:27pm - dreadkill ""]
thanks, scott. your thread woke both teams up and propelled them to victory.
[May 10,2009 11:30pm - sinistas ""]
Well, they better fucking keep it up.
[May 11,2009 3:03am - Phil Kessel  ""]
Thanks for the wakeup call RTTP, really helped me put in a ballsy performance last night.
[May 11,2009 8:27am - Dankill  ""]
Last night, the Bruins learned to hate the 'Canes. Remembering why they hate them could help them win this damn thing.
[May 11,2009 8:31am - RustyPS ""]
am I the only one that thinks the punch Aaron Ward took wasn't a cheap shot? I need to look at it again, but it looks like Ward was looking right at him when he got punched
[May 11,2009 9:22am - dreadkill ""]

Phil%20Kessel said:Thanks for the wakeup call RTTP, really helped me put in a ballsy performance last night.
don't you mean a ball-y performance, kess?
[May 11,2009 9:23am - RustyPS ""]

dreadkill said:
Phil%20Kessel said:Thanks for the wakeup call RTTP, really helped me put in a ballsy performance last night.
don't you mean a ball-y performance, kess?

[May 11,2009 9:32am - cav ""]
anyone see big baby pushing a 10 year old out of his way after he hit the game winner? fuckin hilarious!
[May 11,2009 9:35am - dreadkill ""]
that 10 year old had it coming. little fag. don't fuck with baby.
[May 11,2009 9:48am - RustyPS ""]
Baby should've picked the kid up and threw him into the crowd....that would've be epic
[May 11,2009 9:50am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

cav said:anyone see big baby pushing a 10 year old out of his way after he hit the game winner? fuckin hilarious!

hhaha i've been refering to him as "BabyKiller" Davis since seeing that
[May 11,2009 9:59am - ouchdrummer ""]
let me just say, god.... damn.... right.... we have home court advantage again.
[May 11,2009 10:05am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[May 11,2009 10:20am - ouchdrummer ""]
fucking A.
[May 11,2009 10:20am - dreadkill ""]
fucking B (ruins)
fucking C (eltics)
[May 11,2009 10:22am - ouchdrummer ""]
haha, wow.
[May 11,2009 10:52am - darkwor ""]
[May 11,2009 11:04am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i think this is a direct result of KG's coaching
[May 11,2009 11:07am - RustyPS ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i think this is a direct result of KG's coaching
I actually agree...KG has def had an effect on Baby's game...he didn't have that range before

I think Perk is starting to pick that up too...he hit a couple long jumpers last night
[May 11,2009 11:40am - cav ""]
haha, im glad you guys saw it, i mentioned how he palmed that kids head and threw him out of his way to my 2 leads at work and they looked at me funny. it was fuckin funny. fuck them.
[May 11,2009 11:56am - metal_church101 ""]
I noticed it as well.

Would have been better if he pie faced the kid.

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