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Darken the Sky seeks new drummer

[Mar 17,2004 12:10am - marshall ""]
Darken the Sky has recently parted ways with our drummer and are looking for a talented musician to take over for him. We don't care what your influences are as long as you are willing/able to play a wide range of styles with an emphasis towards hardcore/metal. We need someone who has a car, their own drum set, and a good attitude. We practice in Manchester NH two to three times a week as well. If you are interested, contact Dan at dan@darkenthesky.com or check out www.darkenthesky.com.

[Mar 18,2004 10:15am - Cody ""]
[Mar 18,2004 11:03am - the_reverend ""]
heh, I posted in the bmh thread...
sucks... your drummer was great.
and drummers are the hardest thing to find.

though bass-players seem be the hardest thing lately.

I guess this means you guys can't come play RTTP in june.. damn it...
[Mar 18,2004 6:56pm - Cody ""]
where are all the br00tal drummers?
[Mar 18,2004 7:01pm - morkul ""]
I am right here. Ready and willing to play brutal extreme death/grind, whenever and whereever.
[Mar 19,2004 12:09am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i would have tried out but then you mispelled brutal
[Mar 19,2004 6:54am - Cody ""]
br00tal is an inside joke to make fun of internet slang....duh. i think you need to update your scene manual.
[Mar 19,2004 6:59am - Cody ""]
contact information is on www.darkenthesky.com ........dont pass up the chance to tryout for a serious well established band.
[Mar 19,2004 7:45am - the_reverend ""]
morkul, they are in NH and you are in AZ.

I've have a darken the sky song stuck in my head since I woke up this morning.
[Mar 19,2004 9:10am - morkul ""]
the_reverend said:morkul, they are in NH and you are in AZ.

I've have a darken the sky song stuck in my head since I woke up this morning.

I know.
[Mar 19,2004 9:14am - the_reverend ""]
how do you know?
are you saying you can read my thoughts.
[Mar 19,2004 11:06am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i am going to kill whoever invented scene points. it was prabably that kid over their with the same trucker hat, studded belt, bed head haircut and obscure band shirt that doesnt fit as the rest of the scenesters. what a bunch of fucking retards.
[Mar 19,2004 12:08pm - morkul ""]
the_reverend said:how do you know?
are you saying you can read my thoughts.

There is a slight chance that at this particular moment and time you are thinking about sex? Just a guess but I think I am right?
[Mar 19,2004 2:25pm - the_reverend ""]
nope, I'm thinking about coding.

and josh, you loose 10 pts.
[Mar 19,2004 3:02pm - morkul ""]
Ok, now you are thinking about sex.
[Mar 19,2004 3:06pm - mycradleofnails ""]
DTS seriously needs a drummer, if they don't get one im gonna be sad. No joke
[Mar 19,2004 5:32pm - Cody ""]
yeah it kinda sucks how scenester make themselves jokes.......although no one will ever admit they are a scenester, but everyone is.(i shouldnt talk, i have a nintendo belt buckle)

"no guys seriously wait until you see my camo nikes, everyone at the bane show will shower me with their envy"

so yeah we need a fuckin drummer so email us, call, send a post card, message in a bottle, or one of those hawks that deliver shit in harry potter. we want to play shows asap. were sittign on alot of br00tal material thats just waiting for the most bonecrunching drumbeat on earth to fill it. there must be someone out there.........
[Mar 19,2004 5:39pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
Cody said:yeah it kinda sucks how scenester make themselves jokes.......although no one will ever admit they are a scenester, but everyone is.(i shouldnt talk, i have a nintendo belt buckle)

nintendo belt buckles are for fags.

[Mar 19,2004 6:00pm - morkul ""]
No shit!
[Mar 20,2004 4:18am - the_reverend ""]
wait.. morkul... urkel? holy shit.. morkul is urkel!
[Mar 20,2004 5:07pm - anonymous  ""]
[Mar 21,2004 1:59am - thenicaearoom ""]
I know a kid who's a fabulous drummer...a very quick learner, and very dedicated...the only problem is he doesn't have a car. He lives in Hudson, NH though....email me if you might be interested still.. thenicaearoom@aol.com

also..check out my band The Nicaea Room


[Mar 22,2004 6:54am - Cody ""]
[Mar 25,2004 7:34pm - anonymous  ""]
[Mar 25,2004 8:52pm - anonymous  ""]
yo Im a hardcore drummer of 10 years, i live in Manch
My email is forevertrue03@hotmail.com

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