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smokin' resin

[May 7,2009 1:03am - dertoxia ""]
fuck my life
[May 7,2009 1:36am - .........  ""]
fuck it. better than nothing.

[May 7,2009 1:59am - PHOOD  ""]
yEAH UR Life pretty much sucks ass. Have you considered suicide? I hear it's really awesome this time of year.
[May 7,2009 7:59am - ouchdrummer ""]
^^^best post ever^^^
[May 7,2009 8:11am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Friends don't let friends smoke resin.

Get a grinder and build up some kief for reserves.
[May 7,2009 8:12am - corpus_colostomy ""]
waste not, want not, I and I..
[May 7,2009 8:23am - ouchdrummer ""]
"[May 7,2009 8:11am - MikeofdecrepitudE]
Friends don't let friends smoke resin.

Get a grinder and build up some kief for reserves."

well then do friends let friends NOT get high? Cause all i got right now is resin too.
[May 7,2009 8:37am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

ouchdrummer said:well then do friends let friends NOT get high? Cause all i got right now is resin too.

MikeofdecrepitudE said:
Get a grinder and build up some kief for reserves.

Friends don't determine friends abilities or choices to get high. I'm not much for utilitarianism.
[May 7,2009 8:45am - C.dEaD  ""]
Resin is okay if you really just want to be stoned halfassedly. It feels more like being burnt out than being nicely high. I try to always have weed on hand and it usually isn't a problem because I smoke mostly every day yet not that much, so a 20 bag will last me almost a week.
[May 7,2009 9:00am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

C.dEaD said:I try to always have weed on hand and it usually isn't a problem because I smoke mostly every day yet not that much, so a 20 bag will last me almost a week.

Same here, I usually only smoke in the night time. I'll grab an 8th of headies and I can conserve it for a couple of weeks even.
[May 7,2009 9:31am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
resin is the marijuana savings account.
[May 7,2009 9:32am - largefreakatzero ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:
C.dEaD said:I try to always have weed on hand and it usually isn't a problem because I smoke mostly every day yet not that much, so a 20 bag will last me almost a week.

Same here, I usually only smoke in the night time. I'll grab an 8th of headies and I can conserve it for a couple of weeks even.

My M.O. as well. Except I horde -- I'll grab a half and it will last 3-4 weeks.
[May 7,2009 9:35am - darkwor ""]
Same with me. But I never touch resin, even when I'm most desperate - not only is it a lame high, but it's fucking terrible for you unless you like carcinogens...not worth it.
[May 7,2009 9:35am - BSV  ""]
rainy day weed. i like resin after 10 pm, shit knocks me out.
[May 7,2009 9:38am - arilliusbm ""]
I don't know what resin is anymore.

The Volcano is my saviour, what's yours?
[May 7,2009 9:38am - darkwor ""]
Fun fact - don't ask me how, but I know a cat that ate multiple grams of resin when he was a kitten. That cat is STUPID.
[May 7,2009 9:41am - darkwor ""]
Jim, does The Volcano burn through weed around the same rate as a bong (compared to a small bowl)? Either way I want one, just curious.
[May 7,2009 9:41am - arilliusbm ""]
PS: anyone is welcome to test the 'cano out. it makes crap stuff last about 2-3 hours. it makes good stuff last the same, but more intense.
[May 7,2009 9:43am - arilliusbm ""]
It doesn't "burn" through the weed. It essentially blows hot air through a chamber, which in turn releases the THC molecules. The THC vapor is captured by a brialliantly designed plastic bag, which easily captures everything you need. Barely any smell, feels like you're breathing in air, excellent device. Not bad for 550 bucks.
[May 7,2009 9:46am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
I used a Volcano once and got sufficiently high. I know other people claim to get nothing out of them.
[May 7,2009 9:47am - arilliusbm ""]
It's almost a pure (97-99%) THC hit. It's impossible to get nothing out of it.
One thing that sounds strange but works wonders, is if you do a bag and then smoke a bowl. The combination is ridiculous.
[May 7,2009 9:47am - darkwor ""]
Right, I guess what I mean is, is it easy to go through an 8th in a day with it, and then wonder where that 8th went?

It's also awesome to walk around outside sucking vapor out of a plastic bag.
[May 7,2009 9:49am - arilliusbm ""]
Not at all.. generally speaking, because the vapor is more concentrated, you need less of it.
[May 7,2009 9:50am - arilliusbm ""]
But then again, don't take my word for it.. I'm sXe.
[May 7,2009 9:54am - darkwor ""]
Of course.
[May 7,2009 9:54am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
This is making me wish I was high right now.
[May 7,2009 10:23am - ouchdrummer ""]
"[May 7,2009 9:35am - darkwor]
Same with me. But I never touch resin, even when I'm most desperate - not only is it a lame high, but it's fucking terrible for you unless you like carcinogens...not worth it."

I hate to call you out buddy, but there aren't any carcinogens in weed smoke. Which also means that there aren't any in the resin... as the resin is just residue of the smoke. I dunno if you remember, but i posted all sorts of studies and findings by Harvard and other big name institutions that say that not only does smoking large amounts of weed regularly and over a long period of time have no connection to cancer (no carcinogens) but also that it LOWERS your chances of getting lung cancer.

And I'll say again what i said then, I KNOW a lot of you won't buy that, because you assume that if it's smoke, it HAS to cause cancer. But it's just not true. Emphysema maybe, but that danger is present with weed or resin.
[May 7,2009 10:46am - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:PS: anyone is welcome to test the 'cano out. it makes crap stuff last about 2-3 hours. it makes good stuff last the same, but more intense.

i am very interested. is it portable? you should come up to my house in Worcester sometime if it is.

i don't do resin, it feels like my lungs are on fire if i smoke it. it barely does anything but make me feel like shit. plus it tastes horrendous and smells just as bad.
[May 7,2009 11:01am - darkwor ""]
I buy that Jim, either way, I don't need science to know that I want to smoke the green stuff or not at all haha...and if resin is the residue of the smoke, there can't be much THC in it, because it would mostly vaporize and get inhaled or wasted, so it's mostly burned plant. mmmmm.

All this talk about smoking. Can't wait to get home tonight.
[May 7,2009 11:02am - the_rooster ""]
You should start keeping your herb in a mason jar. Over time, the inside will get coated with keef.

Then, when you're hard up, you can scrape out the inside of the jar and smoke that shit. Waaaaayyyyy better than resin.

Also, resin ain't so bad, assuming you smoke the kind, and not the flat brown hay that some people try to pass off as good smoke.
[May 7,2009 11:31am - ouchdrummer ""]
well mr. rooster, i keep mine in a jar, and when i scrape my slide to get resin chunks, i usually roll em around inside the jar to collect the keef. It works good.
[May 7,2009 12:31pm - the_rooster ""]

ouchdrummer said:well mr. rooster, i keep mine in a jar, and when i scrape my slide to get resin chunks, i usually roll em around inside the jar to collect the keef. It works good.

Please sir, no need for formalities. ;)

That is a wonderful technique. Combining the best of both worlds.
[May 7,2009 1:30pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
I'm way, way too cool to smoke resin.
[May 7,2009 1:43pm - mOe ""]
A mutual friend in the city has a volcano, and I must say ....goddamn
[May 7,2009 1:48pm - Sacreligion ""]
snow dog ;)
[May 7,2009 1:56pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

C.dEaD said:Resin is okay if you really just want to be stoned halfassedly. It feels more like being burnt out than being nicely high. I try to always have weed on hand and it usually isn't a problem because I smoke mostly every day yet not that much, so a 20 bag will last me almost a week.

that's how i rolled when i was a stoner
[May 7,2009 2:24pm - goatcatalyst ""]
No resin for me thanks. I got this friend who has a sweet jenkum hookup.
[May 7,2009 2:59pm - C.dEaD  ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
C.dEaD said:Resin is okay if you really just want to be stoned halfassedly. It feels more like being burnt out than being nicely high. I try to always have weed on hand and it usually isn't a problem because I smoke mostly every day yet not that much, so a 20 bag will last me almost a week.

that's how i rolled when i was a stoner

You no longer toke huh? I would give up everything else before the sweet leaf.
[May 9,2009 6:33pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

C.dEaD said:
IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
C.dEaD said:Resin is okay if you really just want to be stoned halfassedly. It feels more like being burnt out than being nicely high. I try to always have weed on hand and it usually isn't a problem because I smoke mostly every day yet not that much, so a 20 bag will last me almost a week.

that's how i rolled when i was a stoner

You no longer toke huh? I would give up everything else before the sweet leaf.

i can't find any heads around here I trust. Plus it would be a gateway for me and I need that gate to stay closed
[May 10,2009 8:12pm - Lamp ""]
Getting paid Tuesday at midnight and getting a hold of my connection very shortly after... can't wait. I haven't had any bud to call my own in almost two months.
[Sep 14,2009 10:58am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Bump for no reason in particular. Honest.
[Sep 14,2009 11:06am - SkinSandwich ""]
Snort adivan
[Sep 14,2009 12:49pm - Yeti ""]
its getting to the point where i may have to say goodbye to the sweet leaf for good. i have so many lung problems whenever i smoke, i took a break for a few weeks hoping it would help and i felt great the whole time. last week i smoked about 4 days in a row and my bronchial tubes are still swollen. i don't want to have to dump her but she just won't stop tearing apart my lungs.
[Sep 14,2009 12:52pm - IvoryandSteel ""]
here is what I do to make sure I always have green to smoke:
each time I buy a bag, no matter what size, I take a little bit out and put it someplace out of sight. after buying several bags, you should have a decent sized stash to smoke while you wait to buy your next bag, and so on and so forth. it's fool proof!
[Sep 14,2009 12:53pm - sever nli  ""]
make edibles. firecrackers are easy to make and can be done in 25 minutes, and youll be baked ALL day long.
[Sep 14,2009 12:54pm - Yeti ""]
that is the best way to consume THC in my opinion anyways. what is a firecracker and how does one make them?
[Sep 14,2009 12:58pm - aril  ""]
Yeti don't quit because you haven't got a cheap vape yet!
[Sep 14,2009 1:06pm - blue ""]
Don't get resin, but I've been rocking some nice hash as a topping for my bowls for the past week. Very nice.
[Sep 14,2009 2:05pm - secthammer  ""]
I don't mind resin too much, it makes a good makeshift burnable "screen" if you have a bong and are trying to save weed by not having it pull through right away (bongs have a bad habit of doing that if you pull too hard)
[Sep 14,2009 2:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

IvoryandSteel said:here is what I do to make sure I always have green to smoke:
each time I buy a bag, no matter what size, I take a little bit out and put it someplace out of sight. after buying several bags, you should have a decent sized stash to smoke while you wait to buy your next bag, and so on and so forth. it's fool proof!

marijuana savings account for the win. i try to do this too but it is very difficult.
[Sep 14,2009 2:12pm - sever nli  ""]

Yeti said:that is the best way to consume THC in my opinion anyways. what is a firecracker and how does one make them?

you get some sort of edible platter - saltines work but I prefer graham crackers, and you get natural peanut butter. Natural is the key word here as processed peanut butter doesn't contain the right kind of fat to absorb any significant amount of THC. Nutella works well too.

Anyway, you spread the peanut butter/nutella on the cracker and sprinkle finely ground buds (powdered works best as it exposes the most surface area for absorption) onto the cracker. Generally .4-.5 of dank is enough to get you flyin' high for 5 or 6 hours. You then wrap them in tin foil and throw them into an oven pre-heated to 225 degrees Fahrenheit and let them cook for roughly 20-25 minutes.

They taste like shit if you just use peanut butter and saltines, but if you experiment with graham crackers and nutella it actually can come out tasty.
[Sep 14,2009 2:56pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
I wish someone had hash around me. that would rock steady
[Sep 14,2009 3:04pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Resin sucks. It gets you slightly high then gives you a headache. Get a 2 chambered metal grinder and hit up the kief during hard times. I have every apparatus available except a gas mask. Vapes is the tits though.
[Sep 14,2009 3:20pm - Yeti ""]

sever%20nli said:
Yeti said:that is the best way to consume THC in my opinion anyways. what is a firecracker and how does one make them?

you get some sort of edible platter - saltines work but I prefer graham crackers, and you get natural peanut butter. Natural is the key word here as processed peanut butter doesn't contain the right kind of fat to absorb any significant amount of THC. Nutella works well too.

Anyway, you spread the peanut butter/nutella on the cracker and sprinkle finely ground buds (powdered works best as it exposes the most surface area for absorption) onto the cracker. Generally .4-.5 of dank is enough to get you flyin' high for 5 or 6 hours. You then wrap them in tin foil and throw them into an oven pre-heated to 225 degrees Fahrenheit and let them cook for roughly 20-25 minutes.

They taste like shit if you just use peanut butter and saltines, but if you experiment with graham crackers and nutella it actually can come out tasty.

i am definitely going to try this.
[Sep 14,2009 3:20pm - IvoryandSteel ""]
I'd love to go from bowl to vaporizer, but I dunno.....I like the taste of weed and every time i use a vaporizer i just taste.....air. taste is part of the fun. someone find me a vaporizer that doesn't mask the taste and i'm THERE.
[Sep 14,2009 3:23pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Tastes like popcorn when it's cashed.
[Sep 14,2009 3:50pm - arktouros ""]
I get a nice aroma from my vape, it has to be in the right temp range, but the taste is always a more pronounced version of it's natural aroma. With the dank stuff that you can smell from across the room, it's even better.

Obviously it depends on the vaporizer, I have seen some extremely shitty ones out there that heat a metal coil and that's what you breathe in...but I get nothing but pure green essence out of my Vaporbrothers vape. I think I gave it a marketing hand-job in another thread.

And the popcorn weed is great in bongs and joints. I use the vaporized weed for my reserves.
[Sep 14,2009 3:59pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Silver Surfer vaporizers are fucking killer.
[Sep 15,2009 2:19pm - dontlivefastjustdienli  ""]
gravity bongs ftw
[Sep 15,2009 3:16pm - THE FUCKING COPS  ""]
[Sep 15,2009 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
[Sep 15,2009 3:56pm - Hashbean420  ""]
Check out my smoking videos yah? http://www.youtube.com/user/hashbean420
[Sep 15,2009 4:10pm - sever ""]
where the fuck did hashbean come from?!

I remember seeing this one video where you kill a gram and a half in a single rip. Legendary.
[Sep 15,2009 4:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
resin cured my temporary insanity...temporarily

urge to kill......rising
[Sep 15,2009 6:10pm - blue ""]

goatcatalyst said:Silver Surfer vaporizers are fucking killer.

Cephalic Carnage dudes had me hitting one all NEDF weekend. I'm hooked now. I need to get me one of them things bad.
[Sep 15,2009 6:22pm - cav nli  ""]
from the SSV website. hahaha...

The SSV is also recommended by Leonard of the hardcore heavy metal band, Cephalic Carnage. Leonard uses his voice to the max! He uses the SSV and he loves it! If it's good enough for a man that wrenches his voice the way he does, then think what it can do for you! The SSV even inspired Leonard to write the song Vaporized on their newest album!

[Sep 15,2009 7:53pm - pam ""]
I really hate the term "keef". I don't know why but it makes me angry.

It's shake people. SHAKE.

It's almost bong'o'clock over here!
[Sep 15,2009 7:56pm - ArilliusBM ""]
keef always reminds me of queef.

smoking queef ftw?
[Sep 15,2009 11:16pm - cav nli  ""]
shake = ground up bud
kief = the crystals from the bud. pretty much pure THC
[Sep 18,2009 12:09pm - iamnotkennyg ""]
kief err sutherland
[Sep 18,2009 1:28pm - pam @ work  ""]

cav%20nli said:shake = ground up bud
kief = the crystals from the bud. pretty much pure THC

I did not know that. Where's the fucking rainbow?
[Sep 18,2009 1:34pm - aril  ""]
On a bumper sticker on the back of rev's car.
[Sep 18,2009 3:10pm - sever ""]

pam said:I really hate the term "keef". I don't know why but it makes me angry.

It's shake people. SHAKE.

It's almost bong'o'clock over here!

shake and kief are two completely different things.
[Sep 18,2009 3:20pm - Where is my stimulus check?  ""]
Shake = dried remnants of bud in the bottom of the bag.

Kif = pure tricomes, muddafucka, the best shit ever and wish I could inject it.

Just kidding. Allahu ackbar!
[Sep 18,2009 3:20pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
i'm about to take a snap out of my Double perc beaker tube, with sweet little 14mm ash catch.

wish me luck!
[Sep 18,2009 3:25pm - aril  ""]
alright, is it
or Queef?

[Sep 18,2009 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
[Sep 18,2009 3:26pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
whatever the fuck you want it to be...

I also think that real weed nerds would say that Grinder kief isn't really even kief, it's a lot of plant matter. A kief box/screen is different.
[Sep 18,2009 5:44pm - cav nli  ""]

interesting caption below the photo...
Kief and marijuana in an overloaded waterpipe bowl-- user may suck too hard, raising burning temperature and destroying unvaporized cannabinoids.

really?!?! i hate people that suck too hard cus they always pull bud into the pipe but i had no idea that it actually lowers the amount of actual THC you consume. is this for kief or regular bowl packs as well?! will be lighting pipes very lightly from now on if thats the truth.
[Sep 18,2009 5:48pm - sever ""]

cav%20nli said:KIEF

interesting caption below the photo...
Kief and marijuana in an overloaded waterpipe bowl-- user may suck too hard, raising burning temperature and destroying unvaporized cannabinoids.

really?!?! i hate people that suck too hard cus they always pull bud into the pipe but i had no idea that it actually lowers the amount of actual THC you consume. is this for kief or regular bowl packs as well?! will be lighting pipes very lightly from now on if thats the truth.

THC vaporizes at a much lower temperature than most lighting devices burn. When you "torch" a bowl, it destroys any THC that the flame touches. The way I've had it explained to me is that as you smoke it, plant material burns and the heat vaporizes THC in surrounding areas which is then delivered to you via the smoke. Anything that actually catches fire gets the majority of it destroyed, both buds and kief.
[Sep 18,2009 5:54pm - cav nli  ""]

sever said:
cav%20nli said:KIEF

interesting caption below the photo...
Kief and marijuana in an overloaded waterpipe bowl-- user may suck too hard, raising burning temperature and destroying unvaporized cannabinoids.

really?!?! i hate people that suck too hard cus they always pull bud into the pipe but i had no idea that it actually lowers the amount of actual THC you consume. is this for kief or regular bowl packs as well?! will be lighting pipes very lightly from now on if thats the truth.

THC vaporizes at a much lower temperature than most lighting devices burn. When you "torch" a bowl, it destroys any THC that the flame touches. The way I've had it explained to me is that as you smoke it, plant material burns and the heat vaporizes THC in surrounding areas which is then delivered to you via the smoke. Anything that actually catches fire gets the majority of it destroyed, both buds and kief.

so this is the reason why people prefer vaporizers im assuming. i never really thought about that. this bowl im about to smoke is gonna blow my mind haha.
[Sep 18,2009 6:24pm - sever ""]
yeah, vaporizers heat up to around the ideal temperature that THC vapes at. the buds just get crispy and you get a good majority of its THC - and very little of the associated chemicals such as CBD. this is why when you vape mids, the high is much "cleaner" than if you were to smoke it as mids are usually very heavy on the CBD to THC ratio.
[Dec 10,2009 11:58am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Move along, nothin' to see here...
[Dec 10,2009 12:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ugh resin smoking for a couple days now. hope to rectify that tonight
[Dec 10,2009 12:03pm - arktouros ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Bump for no reason in particular. Honest.

i see what's going on here. you're arrested
[Dec 10,2009 12:03pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Dec 10,2009 12:04pm - aril  ""]
Typical Woostah kids snokin resin, ordering chicken wings and prostitutes and playing xbox
[Dec 10,2009 12:06pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
u forgot Coney Island Hot Dogs
[Dec 10,2009 12:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

aril said:Typical Woostah kids snokin resin, ordering chicken wings and prostitutes and playing xbox

are you saying theres something wrong with that?

[Dec 10,2009 12:11pm - aril  ""]
Nope. Jealous.
[Dec 10,2009 12:11pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I wish I had some chicken wings and prossitutes right now.
[Dec 10,2009 12:15pm - aril  ""]
Chicken prostitutes?

Wait, do they know about that time you fucked that chicken? LOL
[Dec 10,2009 12:18pm - blue ""]
This thread = lulz
[Dec 10,2009 12:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
we have a small pond on the Clark U. Campus affectionally named as the DHP, which stands for "Dead Hooker Pond". I guess some of the cross country team members found a floater a couple years ago. love this city.

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