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Patriots sign former Bears safety McGowan to two year deal

[May 5,2009 11:35am - SkinSandwich ""]
[May 5,2009 11:49am - RustyPS ""]
probably not for a lot of money....I like it

I think the season will start with Meriweather and Sanders starting at the 2 safeties...Chung eventually taking over for Sanders...and McGowan being a very solid part of the rotation, along with Tank Williams
[May 5,2009 11:56am - reimroc ""]
I like were they're going with the drafts they chose along with all these recent signings.
[May 5,2009 1:04pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Up for xMikex to see later.
[May 5,2009 10:39pm - Dankill  ""]
I thought they were still experimenting with turning Tank into a LB?

Also, I found this interesting this morning:
[May 5,2009 10:47pm - RustyPS ""]

Dankill said:I thought they were still experimenting with turning Tank into a LB?

Also, I found this interesting this morning:

wow.......that's fucking awesome to hear....here's hoping this translates on the playfield
[May 6,2009 9:27am - xmikex ""]
How the hell did I miss the McGowan signing? Can't say I hate it. We need the depth.

I read the Darryl Richards article yesterday. Classic Belichick pickup.

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