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[Mar 15,2004 8:08pm - Hoser ""]
Nothing will be going on that I know of. I just wanted to piss you all off with yet ANOTHER ad for a show in the DISCUSSION forum, because GOD FOR'FUCKING'BID anyone list shows in the UPCOMING SHOWS section, instead of the GENERAL DISCUSSION forum where as of lately there is NOTHING good to read about because you assholes CLOG the DISCUSSION FORUM up with ads for shows that people are probably looking for in the UPCOMING SHOWS section, because anyone looking for UPCOMING SHOWS just might be stupid and look in the UPCOMING SHOWS section for all UPCOMING SHOWS, instead of the GENERAL DISCUSSION section where ads for shows don't fucking belong unless OPETH or CANNIBAL CORPSE or DEICIDE are playing somewhere and it is BIG NEWS.

By the time I get home from work and log on to the site, all of the good DISCUSSION threads have been pushed 6 fucking pages back because ASSHOLES list 10,000 shows in the DISCUSSION section. Therefore I have to search the last 20 fucking pages for any truly interesting threads.

Are we getting my point yet, assholes???

If you list shows that don't consist of OPETH, CANNIBAL CORPSE, or DEICIDE in the DISCUSSION forum.......:middlefinger::middlefinger::middlefinger::middlefinger::middlefinger:
[Mar 15,2004 8:53pm - BornSoVile ""]
I don't get it, this is the spot where cool kids get to "post bitches, comments on shows, whatever" all these threads tie into that pretty well. There isn't even a show on March 30. I'm wicked confused, maybe my head is up my asshole or something.
[Mar 15,2004 9:44pm - Hoser ""]
I was just venting BornSoVile.....it's all good...there is no show on the 30th.
[Mar 15,2004 10:22pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
deal with it. i gotta deal with hearing about
shows when i live in a place where i'm lucky
if i get to go to a show once or twice a year.
[Mar 15,2004 11:48pm - Terence ""]
Im pretty sure if your band had a show, you would post it here.
[Mar 16,2004 12:02am - Hoser ""]
Ya we would probably post it here.....except it would be us Co-Headlining a US tour with Opeth upon the release of our multi-platinum selling underground album. So in response to your comment Terry, yes...we would post it here.
[Mar 16,2004 12:18am - Terence ""]
[Mar 16,2004 1:34am - JonahBloodbath ""]
maybe i'll book a show on the 30th.
[Mar 16,2004 8:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You are an idiot, we post shows here to people can discuss them, post the flyers and network with each other. You can't do that in the events section. If you don't like then leave, or deal with it
[Mar 16,2004 7:48pm - Hoser ""]

Be quiet. If I had wanted to get a response from you, I would have titled the post "All poser fag record label wanna be's look here!!"
I prefer not to discuss the details of any of your shows. I'd rather get my kicks from jerking off to a JCrew catalogue. And please don't call me an idiot. That really hurts my feelings. I might just have to curl up on the couch in my faggity Abercrombie outfit and cry. Please, take it easy on me.

Getting my drift, fuckface? Zip dem faggity lips!!
[Mar 16,2004 11:57pm - Jaytheundergroundscenetoolazytologin  ""]
March 30th is As I Lay Dying and more in Providence and stuff...
[Mar 17,2004 8:41am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Wow, you are really witty too, how many times did you edit your insult? If this was the best you could come up with then you should consider going back to school for your GED.
[Mar 17,2004 8:59am - RustedAngel ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Wow, you are really witty too, how many times did you edit your insult? If this was the best you could come up with then you should consider going back to school for your GED.

you've been overusing the word 'witty', is that the best you can do?
[Mar 17,2004 9:01am - davyp ""]
Hoser boy and Joey are gonna fight after school 4:30 at the far corner of the play ground. Pass it on..... Pass it on....
[Mar 17,2004 9:07am - SmallBrownRatFuck ""]
Personally, I wouldn't fuck with the Not Common crew. Joe and his crew are a bunch of big boys. Bunch of nut-jobs and bruisers. Gotta love 'em.
[Mar 17,2004 9:10am - RustedAngel ""]
hoser is even bigger.
[Mar 17,2004 9:21am - davyp ""]
The fight is going to be so awesome, i cant wait to see blood.
[Mar 17,2004 10:19am - Woodsicus ""]
Hoser, I got your back bro
[Mar 17,2004 10:44am - davyp ""]
ill just watch and laugh while two grown men fight over a stupid board battle
[Mar 17,2004 10:47am - Woodsicus ""]
but that's what it's all about here. Didn't you know that? It's people who are too afraid to represent at shows so they talk shit here. Like going to see Chimaira and not wanting people to hit you....give me a break. People who fight on this aint got the balls for the real deal
[Mar 17,2004 10:51am - davyp ""]
Its all good,fightings stupid anyway verbal warfare is more fun cause noone gets hurt... I Barely know anyone anyway. All though I like most of the Mutha F'ers on this board..... So i hope no one gets hurt and good luke to Joey and Hoser, i hope thay can work things out, hug each other and then settle down for a nice night of spooning
[Mar 17,2004 10:54am - RustedAngel ""]
Chimaira Licks Balls.
[Mar 17,2004 3:45pm - retzam ""]
davyp said:Hoser boy and Joey are gonna fight after school 4:30 at the far corner of the play ground. Pass it on..... Pass it on....

[Mar 17,2004 3:54pm - davyp ""]
Retzam, thank you for you kind HaHa's
[Mar 17,2004 8:33pm - Hoser ""]
Well....I assure you that I am not afraid of anyone and their "crew." Secondly....talking shit is fun...even if you really mean it like I do. Tooling on dorks like Joe is a blast. Especially when you can rest assured that you could brush your teeth with his skinny ass. I have to act e-tuff because that seems to be the trend.

And I was already a Marine while fags like Joseph here were still popping zits on their high school faces. So no.....I will remain a menacing asshole for as long as I can. Or until everyone finds out what a fucking goofball that I am and concedes to their stupidity. Either way, I win.

Now Joseph....say you're sorry....you really did hurt my wee feelings with the GED and the idiot comment.
[Mar 17,2004 11:18pm - Terence ""]
I am a navy SEAL
[Mar 18,2004 1:36am - Hoser ""]
Sweet Terence....

I worked with SEAL teams 5 and 6 on numerous operations....we'll have to get together for a beer.

What team are / were you in and what JTF ops have you participated in.....I miss the good ole' days...

email me.......
[Mar 18,2004 1:39am - succubus ""]
aaron told me that about you hoser, cool
[Mar 18,2004 9:35am - the_reverend ""]
um... what did I tell you about? seing as you've met hoser before....

and terence isn't a SEAL, he's a gypsy.
watch out, he'll start tossing babies and have his other kids steal your pention.
[Mar 18,2004 9:45am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yeah Hoser you are pretty menacing, trying to make points that are not valid in anyway.
You can fight me if you want, but you would lose.
In the meantime I need to go bump some show threads.
[Mar 18,2004 9:47am - succubus ""]
yep i've met him before AND you told me about his military background

for a guy who remembers everything..you sure forget a lot (old man)
[Mar 18,2004 9:51am - the_reverend ""]
he's posted about his miliatry background on this board.
[Mar 18,2004 9:52am - succubus ""]
i heard it from you first...
[Mar 18,2004 9:55am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you two can fight instead
[Mar 18,2004 9:56am - RustedAngel ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:
You can fight me if you want, but you would lose.

hoser would use you as a friggen Q-Tip to clean out his dickhole.

[Mar 18,2004 9:56am - Sinistas ""]
I'll echo Joe's sentiment: If you don't like the posts, don't fucking read them. Simple as that. There's plenty of metal sites out there to check out.
[Mar 18,2004 9:58am - succubus ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:you two can fight instead

who? aaron and i?

no thanks...

we end up wrestling which is fine...but then he cheats and starts licking my face and i get pissed off because i DO NOT LIKE MY FACE TO BE LICKED..and he drools like there's no tomorrow


so no thanks....

[Mar 18,2004 10:05am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
RustedAngel said:Joe/NotCommon said:
You can fight me if you want, but you would lose.

hoser would use you as a friggen Q-Tip to clean out his dickhole.

Yeah I have heard that before some other group of metalcore fags.
Are you his transvestite cheerleader?
I don't really care who likes the bands on my label or who doesn't. Hoser can threaten me all he wants, but nothing will ever happen. He listens to Chimaira and not the bands I do. I doubt we will ever be at the same place at the same time. And if that does ever happen, and he fights me, he will lose regardless of what you think.

[Mar 19,2004 1:58pm - bendable_banana_slugs  ""]
I do vocals in a band with Hoser and he would not be able to fight anyone because he is just a "computer processing information"
[Mar 19,2004 4:28pm - BornSoVile ""]
I'm a computer.

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