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Patriots day

[Apr 19,2009 11:56pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
Smoke weed every day, especially patriots day.

that is all
[Apr 20,2009 12:50am - the_reverend ""]
is it patriots day today?
[Apr 20,2009 1:34am - Eli_hhcb ""]
i guess it was yesterday!
[Apr 20,2009 1:39am - i_am_not_me ""]
Hitler was a patriot? So were the Columbine kids?
[Apr 20,2009 4:08am - Blue ""]
i have the day off! how fitting!
[Apr 20,2009 7:43am - Yeti ""]
Parasitic Day
[Apr 20,2009 7:58am - SkinSandwich ""]
any mail today? damn it?

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