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how old were you when you got into metal?

[Mar 15,2004 8:36am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i was 8 years old when my dad brandished me with Megadeth's "So Far, So Good, So What" and i fell in love. hell, here is my 5th grade picture from school, showing off my uber-metalness. (i just turned 9 when this pic was taken).


[Mar 15,2004 8:41am - davyp ""]
10 years old my uncle showed me Metallica.... One was the song that did it for me....
[Mar 15,2004 9:16am - the_reverend ""]
spalding, can you get a copy of the picture with lasers in the background?
at age 7 I got my first quiet riot and def lepard tapes! I had older cousins that were into that.
[Mar 15,2004 9:27am - subjugate ""]
it depends on what you classify as metal

when i was a kid black sabbath, deep purple, hendrix and led zepplin were metal in that day today they are just rock if you say they are metal due to the fact that i'm older than dirt and in that era that is what metal was then i'd say7 or 8 that is when i started borrowing my dads records

@12(1978) i heard KISS at my cousens house in ME.
[Mar 15,2004 9:30am - davyp ""]
subjugate said:

@12(1978) i heard KISS at my cousens house in ME.

wow your almost 40..... yeah thats old....... ha ha just kidding.....
[Mar 15,2004 9:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Jim practically invented metal when he was 64 way back in 1958
[Mar 15,2004 9:31am - the_reverend ""]
he meant 1878 there davy.
[Mar 15,2004 9:33am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I got into metal a few days ago
[Mar 15,2004 9:37am - subjugate ""]
yes i am

sooooo your point is?
[Mar 15,2004 9:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Jim, tell us how you really feel.

HA! Just kidding, feelings are gay.
[Mar 15,2004 9:46am - davyp ""]
so hes 140 years old, wow thats really old..... and you say he created metal, kinda like Al Gore creted the internet durring the Nam
[Mar 15,2004 9:51am - subjugate ""]

[Mar 15,2004 9:54am - davyp ""]
I think my penis just fell off.....
[Mar 15,2004 9:59am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Not only did it fall off, but it ended up in Jim's hands.
He takes other men's penises and puts them under little girls pillows during the night.
[Mar 15,2004 10:00am - subjugate ""]
whoops you were suppoed to grow boobs
[Mar 15,2004 10:05am - davyp ""]
I thinks its because i already have man boobs.... not that big but they're there... thats what happens when your over weight..... MAN TITS RULE
[Mar 15,2004 10:06am - subjugate ""]
[Mar 15,2004 10:24am - Josh_hates_you ""]
davy needs a BRO - remember that episode of seinfeld when kramer invents the bra for men and named it the BRO
[Mar 15,2004 10:46am - litacore ""]
15 years old

my idea of metal had been Motley Crue
Venom "Canadian Assault"
Celtic Frost "Emporor's Return"
and Mercyful Fate "Melissa"

no looking back from there.
[Mar 15,2004 10:48am - davyp ""]
Josh_hates_you said:davy needs a BRO - remember that episode of seinfeld when kramer invents the bra for men and named it the BRO

Not just yet.... Im on a diet no so hopefully i loose the man tits.....:ralphie:
[Mar 15,2004 10:51am - Abbath ""]
you could say that my dad brought me up on the early metals since i was just a child, like Zepplin, the Stones, hendrix, and the beatles
[Mar 15,2004 10:55am - Josh_hates_you ""]
it was just a joke dont go buying a bowflex because of it
[Mar 15,2004 11:38am - davyp ""]
all ready on a diet, no need to buy a bowflex, and i wasn't offended, i know im fat.... so its all good.
[Mar 15,2004 11:42am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Larysa, you should come to the chopping block on march 20th!
[Mar 15,2004 11:45am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
When I was 11 my neighbor gave me a tape with Anthrax I'm the Man on one side and USA for MOD on the other. Its all been down hill from there.
[Mar 15,2004 12:01pm - Falcifer ""]
I really knew I was listening to something special (metal that is) when a friend hooked me up to the just released Powerslave when I was in 6th grade.
[Mar 15,2004 12:17pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm a late bloomer... i think i was like 14 and my
mom was listening to stuff like type O negative
and white zombie... so i naturally thought it was
[Mar 15,2004 12:20pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, as we all know, nothing spells cool to a 14 year old like their parents.
[Mar 15,2004 12:22pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
my parents are cool. hehehe. it's very rare,
but i love 'em. only they would be cool
enough to make penis jokes with me while
watching OZ after friday night dinner.
[Mar 15,2004 12:36pm - davyp ""]
MyDeadDoll are you parents younger, cause my parents are 19 and 20 years older than i am and i have the same relationship with my parents that you do with yours... at my dads, cock jokes are a main attraction at the dinner table when i go there for dinner or what not.... My dad will forever be 18 and his tast in music show it....
[Mar 15,2004 12:38pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
my dad just turned 49 on Saturday and my mom
is 44. Damn, they don't seem that old at all. When
we occasionally go out, my mom gets carded 'cos
they think she's my older sister. it's funny.
[Mar 15,2004 12:47pm - subjugate ""]
i remember getting a letter from you and your friend back in 1995/6 when i was in exceed we put a "short" in metal maniacs for our demo and you 2 responded
[Mar 15,2004 1:19pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i remember that. it was me and my best friend Kelly. i
think i still have that demo somewhere. i'm a pack
rat. i don't get rid of anything. hehehe
[Mar 15,2004 1:21pm - subjugate ""]
haha yep that right i sadly have he demo still also it's gay as fuck compaired to what b.o.e. is doin now

[Mar 15,2004 1:55pm - xmikex@home  ""]
the day i heard guns and roses in the 3rd grade was the end of my life.
[Mar 15,2004 1:59pm - RustedAngel ""]
I was born listening to metal.
[Mar 15,2004 2:07pm - morkul ""]
i was like 8 or 9 and heard def leppards pyromenia, and quiet riots metal health, from there on i was hooked.
[Mar 15,2004 2:36pm - subjugate ""]

morkul said:i was like 8 or 9 and heard def leppards pyromenia, and quiet riots metal health, from there on i was hooked.

[Mar 15,2004 3:55pm - JellyFish ""]
I was probably 9 when i first heard metallica "Master of Puppets", i can still remember my sister playing it. So i guess since then.
[Mar 15,2004 4:25pm - putain ""]
last year thanks to swamplord and jellyfish :NEWHORNS:
[Mar 15,2004 4:42pm - the_reverend ""]
heh, morkul and I are metal mates...
[Mar 15,2004 4:54pm - succubus ""]
i was 4 and thanks to my older brother....
Love Gun from KISS was my first album and then Destroyer
he got me into Black Sabbath, AC DC and a bunch more
[Mar 15,2004 4:56pm - morkul ""]
That is because we are both old farts. Hate to say it but it's true. Remember twisted sister, "were not going to take it", killer video.
[Mar 15,2004 4:59pm - succubus ""]
i hve the video on a VHS tape FULL of videos
that would be funny as hell to have a party and just play old videos in the backgroud
ps: but i'm NOT old
[Mar 15,2004 5:10pm - subjugate ""]

ii saw them back in like 84 or 85 open for dio

morkul said:That is because we are both old farts. Hate to say it but it's true. Remember twisted sister, "were not going to take it", killer video.

[Mar 15,2004 5:11pm - succubus ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:i was 8 years old when my dad brandished me with Megadeth's "So Far, So Good, So What" and i fell in love. hell, here is my 5th grade picture from school, showing off my uber-metalness. (i just turned 9 when this pic was taken).


awww yer so cute!!!
squeezes cheeks!!!
[Mar 15,2004 5:41pm - BornSoVile ""]
13 I guess. I remember watching Metallica in 88. Then in 89 at day care my buddy and I would beat the shit out of kids when Guns N Roses would come on so I was about 6 then but that shit doesn't count. But I didn't go to my first show or buying records until I was 13. Oh I was born in 83.
[Mar 15,2004 5:52pm - Justin ACR  ""]
Megadeth's so far, so good, so whAt did it for me 2, i listented to hair metal bAnds before thaT, the crue, dokken, etc.
[Mar 16,2004 4:19am - swamplorddvm ""]
Hhhhmmmm.... Well, when i was like 5 years old I FUCKING LOVED that bad ass solo in Beat it. Yes Beat it. It's an wasome song! But I was 13 0r so when i started to get in to Metal.
[Mar 16,2004 8:44am - ieatpeople4god ""]
I was six when my uncle brought me to k-mart/ ames / equivalent and bought me a walkman,(props to cool uncles) he said pick out a tape and i grabbed "Iron Maiden - powerslave"! he also took me to the first movie that i got to choose on my own "Breakin' 2 Electric Boogaloo"
another story same uncle-When i was 14 he took me and my friend to the mall -salem-, we did the old " we'll meet you at the foodcourt at blah blah time" because kids can't hang out with adults in the mall it's not "cool" well me and my buddy were in filenes basement - bargain shopping- we were flipping through the Girbaud jeans rack. some of the jeans were marked $35 some were marked $20. i grabbed a pair of the $20 jeans brought them to the counter the lady rang it up and then said wait we need a price check, a few minutes go by then the manager says o.k. I pay then we leave start heading up the stairstowards the food court and my uncle is right there and starts heading towards us. all of a sudden some Dude grabs me and says come with me, he was in plain clothes but he flipped some filene's basement security badge at me and is pulling me forcefully down the stairs. well here's where it gets good - MY UNCLE PUSHES THE GUY GRABS ME , HE THEN STARTS SMACKING HIMSELF AND SCREAMING "THIS GUYS GOT MY WALLET, HELP, HELP, HE'S MUGGING ME, HE'S GOT MY WALLET! AAHHH!" you should have seen the look on all the people in the mall's faces, well after about five seconds of that the guy let me go, but he convinced us to go on our own accord to the back room of filenes basement because he was accusing me of "price switching" a form of shoplifting. so he was like girbaud's we sell for $35 and we have video surveilance of you switching tags. On this video wow, alright first of all I'm not white and neither was my friend, we are both mixed black and white, he looks darker than me though, on this video you can see us walk into the store and then he zooms in on us right away and then follows us throughout the store what a racist prick! we were semi homeyed buying girbaud and all but at that age we were down with metal and comic books along with rap. so he zooms in on me looking at a tag then i put my hand in my pocet and then later i look at another tag. what a fuck! the cops came, i explained that it was bullshit and that the jeans were marked $20. it took my friend brining in 10 pairs of jeans from the rack- 5 marked $20 and 5 marked $35 for them to let me go. they sent me 2 $50 gift certificates in the mail to make things o.k. , but i should have sued the piss out of them for racism based false accusation. later my uncle told me that was his "anti mugging technique", act as crazy as you can and scream as much fucked up shit as you can think of. he lived in manhatten in the 80's. he also cut off his own hand because he figured out a fault in a black and decker saw design, he was a writer-back in early 80's there was pens and typewriters. well he cut it off it fell 16 stories the cops found it on theb roof of a shorter building he got it sewed back on and he sued black and decker for 11 million dollars but his crazy assed wife(not that he wasn't crazy) testified against him that he did it on purpose. so he only got 1.3 mil and half went to the lawyers, the saw got recalled. she divorced him shortly after and took half of his 650 tousand, what? she could have not said a word and taken half of 11 mil! well sorry to give you guys this extra long uncle story on the when did you first get into metal thread but he helped me get into metal so i decided to give you a little background info on him because he was a cool uncle! the same uncle also took me to see dune - before the breakin' 2 movie and we'd rock out to blondie-before i got powerslave, it's to early in the morning for me to type this much
[Mar 16,2004 8:50am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i liked gangster rap when i was 10 then one day i saw ice-t on MTV news talkin about doing a song with slayer for the judgement night soundtrack - i wondered what this "slayer" was all about the next day i was wandering through the grafton flea market at 10 years old and i got my first bootleg copy of reign in blood.

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