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FuckIsMySignature is a fagot

[Apr 10,2009 10:56am - I DESTROYED THIS SITE  ""]
FuckIsMySignature is a fagot. Look at his profile pic. He is pathetic. Everyone try it. It is fun. Just troll his posts, threads and bombard him with stupidity. He is literally a worthless piece of shit. I hope he has some kind of operation scheduled in the near future and I hope he dies on the operating table. Then I can troll your obituary and your funeral.
[Apr 10,2009 11:05am - largefreakatzero ""]
Is "fagot" like a French faggot?
[Apr 10,2009 11:12am - dreadkill ""]
[Apr 10,2009 11:12am - ScumFuck ""]
ghey troll is ghey
[Apr 10,2009 11:12am - BlackoutRick ""]
Dude, you're obviously a pitiful little punk. Grow some balls and stop posting anonymously. Bitch.
[Apr 10,2009 11:22am - pam ""]
Wow, epic trollfail.
[Apr 10,2009 11:28am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

I%20DESTROYED%20THIS%20SITE said:FuckIsMySignature is a fagot. Look at his profile pic. He is pathetic. Everyone try it. It is fun. Just troll his posts, threads and bombard him with stupidity. He is literally a worthless piece of shit. I hope he has some kind of operation scheduled in the near future and I hope he dies on the operating table. Then I can troll your obituary and your funeral.

we can make sexy time now?
[Apr 10,2009 11:57am - xmikex ""]
boring troll is uninteresting.
[Apr 10,2009 11:58am - dreadkill ""]
arnold was collecting new teaching techniques for kindergarten cop 2
[Apr 10,2009 12:42pm - Yeti ""]
[Apr 10,2009 12:49pm - thedeathdealer ""]
[Apr 10,2009 1:13pm - the_reverend ""]
FISM sucked my dick, but he did it in a 100% absolutely straight way.
[Apr 10,2009 1:15pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Apr 10,2009 1:23pm - Yeti ""]
[Apr 10,2009 1:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

the_reverend said:FISM sucked my dick, but he did it in a 100% absolutely straight way.

next time whipe the shit off your dick... at least have some common courtesy.
[Apr 10,2009 4:24pm - SkinSandwich ""]
He can't be that much of a fagot seeing one "G" is missing in faggot, faggot.
[Apr 10,2009 4:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
half faggot or... hagot
[Apr 10,2009 4:59pm - immortal13 ""]

pam said:Wow, epic trollfail.
[Apr 10,2009 5:11pm - RichHorror ""]
FIMS gives substandard head, at best. What a hetero.
[Apr 10,2009 5:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i aim to disappoint
[Apr 10,2009 6:38pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
If FuckIsMySignature is gay, I don't want to be straight.
[Apr 10,2009 7:28pm - dertoxia ""]

xmikex said:boring troll is uninteresting.

what about the kitten on shaw drive?!?! it has rectum something! what is it!!? i wanna know!
[Apr 10,2009 7:28pm - dertoxia ""]
wont anyone think of the kittens?!?!

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