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Any one wanna go to Prauge to see Ramming Speed in July?

[Apr 2,2009 6:33am - deadlikemurf ""]

i'm actually seriously thinking about going.. i think it'd be a sweet trip.. get shattered in prauge for a few days.. jump on a train to the middle of nowhere czech republic town.. see like 5 bands i care about slightly and 1 i REALLY wanna see.. (Ratos de Porao) and go back to prague for another day or two and get shattered some more..

the fest is sponsored by the brewery that makes pilsner urquell.. they said a liter of beer will cost about 90 cents US. The hotels are pretty cheap too. I found a few nice ones for about 65-80 a night..
[Apr 2,2009 7:22am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
fuck it let's go
[Apr 2,2009 9:16am - the_reverend ""]
I wish...
[Apr 2,2009 9:18am - reimroc ""]
that is a loaded line-up for a fest.
[Apr 2,2009 9:58am - boblovesmusic ""]
I'd love to go to Prague! Metal or no metal! (ok, mostly for the metal, but definitely would take advantage of seeing the sights and such!)
[Apr 2,2009 10:02am - largefreakatzero ""]
In Czech Republic, beer drinks YOU.
[Apr 2,2009 10:09am - DYA NLI  ""]
Man - I actually have a friend out there that I've been promising to come visit for years. And RdP? Fuck. Too bad there's no way I'll have any money by that point.
[Apr 2,2009 10:13am - the_reverend ""]
they need a band called mexican fausto..
[Apr 2,2009 10:33am - Lamp ""]
Obscene Extreme is even more of a grindfest than MDF. Looks awesome.
[Apr 2,2009 10:35am - Yeti ""]
Belching Beet? am i reading that right?
[Apr 2,2009 11:05am - boblovesmusic ""]
Yes you are reading that correct!
[Apr 2,2009 2:42pm - deadlikemurf ""]

w3, bob i'm like half and half on this as of yet but if you're serious let me know.. the flight round trip to Prague is about 850 on expedia... and there were plenty of hotels available because the fest is actually away from the city.. camping at the fest is free and they are going to shuttle bus from the local train station so getting there would not be much hassle.
[Apr 2,2009 3:16pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I would totally be up for this, then I'll fly to London and fly out to Boston with my cousins.
[Apr 2,2009 3:50pm - boblovesmusic ""]
haha, as much as I'd love to go, not sure my work would let me haha. Already taking off a good amount of time for the MDF and my family's reunion thing. However, if I get fired or quit by then, I'm in!
[Apr 2,2009 4:23pm - Lamp ""]
If you guys are going to camp out at the fest and don't want to eat vegan food the whole time, you should definitely bring your own. OEF only has vegan food vendors.
[Apr 2,2009 4:34pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Wait, Svojšice is nowhere near Pardubice, where is the fest actually being held?
[Apr 3,2009 1:42am - deadlikemurf ""]
apparently there are 3 areas called svojsice and this one is just outside pardubice
[Apr 3,2009 8:33am - RustyPS ""]
there's a band called Joe Pesci? SCORE!
[Apr 3,2009 5:00pm - Jonahintheoffice  ""]
If any of you actually do this I'll buy you a 30 rack
[Apr 3,2009 6:37pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
thats sounds like a challenge
[Apr 3,2009 8:22pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Good to see Lividity is still kicking. What is up w/ them anyway?
[Apr 3,2009 8:23pm - SkinSandwich ""]
BIRDFLESH is the best band on this fest. Suck it trebek!
[Apr 3,2009 8:35pm - Lamp ""]
I dig Blood Duster more than Birdflesh but both bands rule.
[Apr 13,2009 10:58pm - Jonahathome  ""]
just got our plain tickets!
[Apr 13,2009 11:03pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
as opposed to sour cream n' chive tickets?
[May 10,2009 5:36am - deadlikemurf ""]

Jonahintheoffice said:If any of you actually do this I'll buy you a 30 rack

so i'm 75% going to this... i'll let you gents know if you have local support.

are you guys going early at all?
[Jul 6,2009 10:03pm - jonahinaustria  ""]
well be there a day early, this is going to rule
[Jul 6,2009 10:15pm - boblovesmusic@thecoolidge  ""]
SWEET DUDE!!!! I wish I was with you guys!
[Jul 6,2009 10:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I wonder is murf is there.

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