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Taake - Taake

[Mar 24,2009 7:30am - Yeti ""]
awesome album. i've never been that familiar with his stuff, mostly because you can't find it at a store and i don't have internet access at home, but i really couldn't ask for much more in a new black metal album. this has better production than what i'd heard previously, as much as i love the lo-fi sound if i'm going to listen to a higher quality black metal release then this is the way to go. its got some thrashy stuff, droney stuff, and insane vocals. excellent all around.
[Nov 15,2010 4:47pm - Slag ""]
I agree. Listening to this a bunch recently.
[Nov 15,2010 4:49pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
downloading this now. been meaning to check this band out.
[Nov 15,2010 4:54pm - Slag ""]
You gotta check out "Taake - Nattestid Ser Porten Vid" thanks to Ark and BSV for the tip
[Nov 15,2010 4:57pm - nekronaut ""]
You can buy this at Newbury Comics.. I'm pretty sure that's a store
[Nov 15,2010 5:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
Internet repost
[Nov 15,2010 5:13pm - arilliusbm ""]
IMHO (as you may well be aware, only overtly exerting opinions on rttp for the sake of discussion is real) Taake has become weaker with each release. the Thule demo and 1st 2 releases are great; but it seems Taake has turned into the ADHD band of black metal with his newer stuff.
[Nov 15,2010 6:57pm - barbelo  ""]
Huh, I find Hvist's stuff to be strangely consistent. There are songs on each Taake album that I find to be as good as black metal gets, yet no one album is a consistently good listen. Like the rest, this album has 20+ minutes of fantastic black metal coupled with an equal amount of passable filler.

They're great live, btw. I saw 'em at Inferno last year with Nattefrost on guest vox.
[Nov 15,2010 7:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
I can see what you mean. I like everything I have by Taake, but the first album always stood out to me as the best. It progressively got more complex with the melodies and structure, which isn't a bad thing. One thing I always liked about Taake (Hoest) is how creative of a musician/guitar player he is.
[Nov 15,2010 11:07pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
good stuff! probably gonna dl some moar.
[Nov 15,2010 11:32pm - arilliusbm ""]

[Nov 16,2010 1:15am - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Nov 16,2010 10:16am - arktouros ""]
Nattestid is my fav and the most consistent, all his work is awesome but risks sounding like a bm carnival half the time.
[Nov 16,2010 1:44pm - is it cold in here?  ""]
[Nov 16,2010 2:12pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Only Ledney dingaling is real

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