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these forums tricked me

[Mar 14,2009 1:29am - dertoxia ""]
I went to get another drink and somehow accidentally hit f11 on my keyboard so the main page of the forums took up the whole screen. then when i got back i glanced at my computer and thought windows BSOD'ed. Scared me cause i had some shit open that i didnt save.

me fail
[Mar 14,2009 1:38am - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
[Mar 14,2009 1:50am - dertoxia ""]
lol u got me
[Mar 14,2009 2:00am - the_reverend ""]
blue screen of fail!
[Mar 14,2009 3:32am - sacreligion ""]

the_reverend said:blue screen of fail!

has that been added to the many slogans in the title bar?

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