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[Mar 9,2009 3:19pm - Seth  ""]
So what jokes can well tell to make us laugh on a line here while at work or just doing shit? Sorry I am not a comedian an suck at that, so go nutS!
[Mar 9,2009 3:29pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Why did the chicken cross the road

To get to the other side BISH!

[Mar 9,2009 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
a guy walks into a church and murders the pastor.

waka waka!
[Mar 9,2009 5:19pm - Seth  ""]

Yeti said:a guy walks into a church and murders the pastor.

waka waka!

His mission is not over...
[Mar 9,2009 5:24pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
what do you get when you mix a black and jew?

i don't know either, but it isn't welcome in my house
[Mar 9,2009 5:25pm - Seth  ""]
What about a jew and columbian?
[Mar 9,2009 5:35pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
ummm, a coffee harvester who controls the media
[Mar 9,2009 7:26pm - Seth  ""]
[Feb 27,2013 1:05pm - Herschel Shmoikel Pinchas Yerucham Krustofski  ""]
A man walks into a bar with a small piano, and a twelve inch
pianist.....wooo hohohooooooo I can't tell that one
[Feb 27,2013 2:39pm - Rabbi Axl Goldbaum Shamanamanamanamakniessky  ""]
Oy, say what you want about us, but you goyims wouldn't know a funny Jew joke if it bit you in the tuchhus! We write the best ones!
[Feb 27,2013 8:35pm - Jew Humor Scholar  ""]
Like the characters on “Family Guy,” McFarlane’s long-running TV cartoon, the stuffed bear’s function is to make others squirm with inappropriate, arguably hateful comments. His focus during the Oscars was on gaining acceptance in Hollywood — so he could attend an orgy after the ceremony — and his strategy was ingratiating himself to the industry’s Jews.

“You know what’s interesting? All those actors I just named are part Jewish,” the bear informed Wahlberg, after naming nominees Joaquin Phoenix, Alan Arkin and Daniel Day-Lewis. (For the record, Arkin is Jewish on both sides of his family, and Phoenix and Day-Lewis have Jewish mothers.)

“Oh, okay,” Wahlberg responded, pretending to be a bit flustered.

“What about you? You’ve got a ‘berg’ on the end of your name. Are you Jewish?” continued the bear, voiced by McFarlane.

When Wahlberg clarified that he’s Catholic, the stuffed animal whispered, “Wrong answer. Try again.”

The segment then shifted into a series of claims by the character that he’s Jewish, including the news that he “was born Theodore Shapiro,” and that “I would like to donate money to Israel and continue to work in Hollywood forever. Thank you.”

The bear also boasted he’d receive a private plane at “the next secret synagogue meeting.”

[Feb 27,2013 10:14pm - punk potenza  ""]
why are there no hot jewish girls???????

cause they havent been in the over since the 40s OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
[Feb 27,2013 10:27pm - punk potenza  ""]
ment over not over. hope the was apparent ya know jews and ovens they go hand and hand. i think we came up with the term oven dweller at SB pratice one time. we were working gg covers for a halloween and dave kept on fuckin up. mike got so mad he called him an oven dwelling piece of shit.
[Feb 27,2013 11:33pm - another troll  ""]
Where do black jews go?

To the back of the oven!!

Why to tigers lick their balls?

To get the taste of nigger out of their mouth!!!

What do you call 40 black guys in a field?

Vintage farm equipment.
[Feb 28,2013 2:10am - Racist Joke Advocate  ""]
A fire breaks out in a school in Beijing. Nobody survived. The students and staff were able to escape the building in record time, but then for some reason sprinted back into the building and proceeded to sit in seats previously not assigned to them.
[Mar 1,2013 12:38am - DukeManjunk ""]
whats the difference between a black girls pussy and a bowling ball??

if a man absolutely had to, he could eat a bowling ball.
[Mar 1,2013 9:32am - Thunderdefecation  ""]


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