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[Mar 10,2004 5:33pm - morkul ""]
well rumor has it that nile will be entering the studio in june to record their follow up to in their darkened shrines, with a release possibly in september. remember these are just rumors, but come from reliabe nile sources.:NEWHORNS: you can check it out on their site to see for yourself.:doublehorns:
[Mar 10,2004 6:59pm - JellyFish ""]
It should rule. Nile's one of those bands that just gets better and better with time. Too bad most bands arent like that.
[Mar 10,2004 7:09pm - BornSoVile ""]
Karl better get his ass to the libary.
[Mar 12,2004 7:37pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
nile makes me happy
[Mar 12,2004 10:34pm - eddie ""]
[Mar 12,2004 10:55pm - Terence ""]
Nothing will ever come close to the intensity of Catacombs. That album embodies hatred.
[Mar 12,2004 11:05pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Looking forward to another bad ass tour.

NILE!!! \m/
[Mar 12,2004 11:12pm - Dissector ""]
I think Black Seeds is their best. Looking forawrd to this though.
[Mar 12,2004 11:34pm - Abbath ""]
i think all their albums are the best, you can't really pick one without thinking about the others, they're one of the only bands who continune to make great music. it's sad that most bands are not like this
[Mar 12,2004 11:48pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
yes you can... catacombs is the best. its the heaviest one and is the best produced one. that whole album is crushing. black seeds' production was a little too thin for me and the material doesnt really do much... darkened shrines was ok... kinda boring though.
[Mar 12,2004 11:50pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i like it all. it all makes me happy
[Mar 13,2004 1:22am - Kalopsia ""]
Nile rules
[Mar 13,2004 1:53pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Every album is more and more of a drum fill. Catacombs is beyond excellent. Black Seeds is good overall, has some great parts. Darkened Shrines... is a drum fill. I hope they go back to writing songs for the next album.
[Mar 15,2004 11:24am - morkul ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:Every album is more and more of a drum fill. Catacombs is beyond excellent. Black Seeds is good overall, has some great parts. Darkened Shrines... is a drum fill. I hope they go back to writing songs for the next album.

catacombs is great without a doubt, and maybe it could be their greatest acheivment, but itds is just off the hook not only in growth but song structure, organization, i mean this list could go on and on. yeah it is a drum fill, but so is south of heaven, and being how dave lombardo is one of his greatest influences i think he was not only paying omage to him but also proving he could play with nile, and make it better.:NEWHORNS:
fuck it NILE RULES PERIOD.:bow:
[Mar 15,2004 11:52am - litacore ""]
Black Seeds is my favorite.

I love Nile too. I thought they were gonna take a long-ass break. But maybe not. God, I hope for more soon!
[Mar 15,2004 12:19pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i heard they were gonna take a long ass
break too. but, i'd rather have more nile.
boo to long ass breaks.
[Mar 15,2004 5:44pm - succubus ""]
and the band members all rule but Karl rules the mostest (yeah i said mostest)..he actually remembers us =) and got me in to one show when for whatever reason my name wasn't on the guest list..and then the time i saw him after in NJ he was posing and hamming it up for pics i was taking before they played because he remembered me =)
[Mar 15,2004 5:51pm - morkul ""]
succubus said:<3Nile<3
and the band members all rule but Karl rules the mostest (yeah i said mostest)..he actually remembers us =) and got me in to one show when for whatever reason my name wasn't on the guest list..and then the time i saw him after in NJ he was posing and hamming it up for pics i was taking before they played because he remembered me =)

Yeah i've met tony several times including a show we played with Angel Corpse, and he remembers me each time I talk with him, so that is killer when a band remembers it's fan base . That was right before they broke up in 1999, like two days before. It was a cool show we played anyway.:krusty:

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