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Stupid Black Cunt Calls 911 3 Times Over Chicken Nuggets!!!!!

[Mar 4,2009 9:48pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]


This just shows you how stupid black people can be! This bitch sounds like a fucking uneducated, welfare supporting, dick sucking, horrible mother of 7, 7 different "baby daddies", cunt bitch who came out of her mothers ass! This story just fucking disgusts me!:gun:
[Mar 4,2009 9:53pm - moenli  ""]
the fact that she's black has nothing to do with this...there are white bitches just as dumb
[Mar 4,2009 9:57pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
Mayor McCheese and the cop hamburger guy shouldve come out and regulated.
[Mar 4,2009 10:04pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
"Unruly customer? UNLEASH THE GRIMMACE!" the hamburglar pushes a button, and the grimmace comes out like the rancor.
[Mar 4,2009 10:30pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
[Mar 4,2009 10:37pm - Lamp ""]
If this is what I think it is, it's older than dirt.
[Mar 4,2009 10:38pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

Lamp said:If this is what I think it is, it's older than dirt.

I just saw this on Hollywood Access tonight, so I can't imagine it's that old.
[Mar 4,2009 10:42pm - Lamp ""]
Oh... the video wasn't loading the first time I clicked on this thread. I must be confusing this with the other lady calling 911 over fast food story that happened a while back.
[Mar 4,2009 10:43pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Apparently this happens more often than is thought.

The little YouTube info section says that some dude called about Burger King not too long prior.

WTF is wrong with people? Do they think 911 is a complaint line?
[Mar 4,2009 10:46pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
She's 10 days my senior. There but for the grace of God go I.
[Mar 4,2009 10:48pm - zyklon ""]

moenli said:the fact that she's black has nothing to do with this...there are white bitches just as dumb

She's just a ghetto hoe with no brains. Anyone can be as stupid as she is
[Mar 4,2009 11:09pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
[Mar 5,2009 2:33am - MillenialKingdom ""]
It's black people like her who give black people a bad name. Also the wannabe ghetto rappers give black people a bad name. There's more I'm sure.
[Mar 5,2009 2:34am - Martins ""]
White people give black people a bad name.
[Mar 5,2009 2:43am - deadlikemurf ""]
this happens every single night in the city of boston.
[Mar 5,2009 2:44am - DJ DEATH  ""]
No black people in the world= bliss.
[Mar 5,2009 7:45am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 5,2009 7:50am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

MillenialKingdom said:It's black people like her who give black people a bad name. Also the wannabe ghetto rappers give black people a bad name. There's more I'm sure.

Ah, the wisdom of Bon Jovi.
[Mar 5,2009 7:51am - Yeti ""]
that's just the way it iiis....some things'll never change....that's just the way it iiiis....ah but don't you believe it
[Mar 5,2009 8:10am - rotivore ""]
why is this story a surprise? we are talking fried chicken here
[Mar 5,2009 8:43am - Conservationist ""]

moenli said:the fact that she's black has nothing to do with this...there are white bitches just as dumb

True, but fewer of them. White IQ average is 100-107, depending on how you measure; black is 89.
[Mar 5,2009 9:07am - the_reverend ""]
yes, this just happened.
[Mar 5,2009 9:38am - metal_church101 ""]

rotivore said:why is this story a surprise? we are talking fried chicken here

[Mar 5,2009 9:51am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 5,2009 12:07pm - Conservationist ""]
We are all equal. To that end, I'm going to McDonald's to call 911 now.
[Mar 5,2009 1:37pm - metal_church101 ""]
She definitely has a ghetto first name.
[Mar 5,2009 5:24pm - moenli  ""]

DJ%20DEATH said:No black people in the world= bliss.

then who are you gonna talk shit about drums with @ random Worcester parties?
[Mar 5,2009 5:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 5,2009 6:36pm - Conservationist ""]

DJ%20DEATH said:No black people in the world= bliss.

What about Africa?

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