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I can not stop sneezing/blowing my nose

[Mar 2,2009 10:12pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't feel sick at all, just drippy.
[Mar 2,2009 10:27pm - AndrewBastard  ""]


My boogers are just like clear water but I have to blow my nose like every 2 mins or else it literally drips out of my nose!
[Mar 2,2009 10:28pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I sneeze like every 15 mins but they are huge sneezes.
[Mar 2,2009 10:44pm - the_reverend ""]
yes, what is up with that?
[Mar 2,2009 11:19pm - boblovesmusicatthefilmplace  ""]
whenever I blow my nose, my boogers look all bloody and such...
[Mar 2,2009 11:38pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
That happens to me after a night of cocaine use but I haven't done blow in like a week.

I have some sort of cold/flu thing.
[Mar 3,2009 12:14am - asdih  ""]
sell me that 5150 for blow
[Mar 3,2009 12:26am - ernie  ""]
dont use nasal spray. it only works for a few hours and next thing you know you feel like selling your 5150 for blow
[Mar 3,2009 12:37am - deadlikemurf ""]
[Mar 3,2009 12:38am - AndrewBastard  ""]
I don't buy blow...if you catch my drift.

[Mar 3,2009 12:39am - deadlikemurf ""]
[Mar 3,2009 5:28am - CassieLynn ""]
I just got over my bronchitis a week and half ago. God that shit was brutal.
[Mar 3,2009 6:51am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

the_reverend said:I don't feel sick at all, just drippy.

Same here. It's been about 4 or 5 days. Although now I have an intermittent headache and a bit of a sore throat.
[Mar 3,2009 7:14am - corpus_columbine  ""]

the_reverend said:I don't feel sick at all, just drippy.

everyone i see at work has these symptoms...its the precurser to something bad if'n ya don take care of it.



also people dont really understand how good vitamin c is because its a household name--it's still amazing stuff that really is ahead of its time.
when i get a drip or something akin, i bang out 6 grams of C for a few days. linus pauling used to do 10-20 grams!! make sure its buffered or ya tummy will hurt...if you can get em wit da bioflavinoids thats mo' bettah too.
[Mar 3,2009 7:16am - corpus_columbine  ""]

AndrewBastard said:That happens to me after a night of cocaine use

at least you know the shit your getting is cut twice over ya steak head.

[Mar 3,2009 7:48am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yeah, Rev, take care of that shit - that's how my week of hell started (with the brown water and the hibbin and the Jello pudding pops). Don't spend your big vaycay sick if you can help it.
[Mar 3,2009 8:44am - C.dEaD  ""]
Same shit is happening to me. With or without snortelydooes. I woke up today sneezing and still am. Clear wet boogies all over my face!
[Mar 3,2009 9:02am - ouchdrummer ""]
I been sneezing about 20 times a day, but that's the only symptom i have. Half my band got the death plague after the studio, but i seem to be fighting still. Quitting smoking butts FTW.
[Mar 3,2009 12:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i have a feeling that because of the ventilation system at work i am going to get sick a 3rd time this year
[Mar 3,2009 1:07pm - orgymf@work  ""]
i think you guys are all gonna get sick....my dad was complaining about shit like this two weeks ago, and then last week, he ended up with the worst flu he has ever had in his life
[Mar 3,2009 1:08pm - orgymf@work  ""]

ouchdrummer said:I been sneezing about 20 times a day, but that's the only symptom i have. Half my band got the death plague after the studio, but i seem to be fighting still. Quitting smoking butts FTW.

god i wish i could quit and stay off....i had quit for almost nine months before i went back
[Mar 3,2009 1:09pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
This. Fight it now, 'cause mine got hella super mega wicked worse when I ignored it, and I've got the immune system of a horse.
[Mar 3,2009 1:13pm - orgymf@work  ""]
if any of you get a new flu-medication that warns not to drink when on it, listen to that warning.
my dad ignored it, and he went into a psychotic episode, ended beating the shit out of one of his best friends, throwing a t.v., ripping doors off of hinges etc. etc. etc.

scary shit.

luckily enough, the people who were around all understood it was a reactiong to the meds and no one called the cops, but he spent the whole next day apologizing to people, fixing walls and doors, and he had to buy his buddy a new t.v.
[Mar 3,2009 1:23pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I took nyquil last night and actually just now work up feeling somewhat better...

I can't risk this getting any worse...
[Mar 4,2009 3:44am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Being sick is an excellent excuse to abuse NyQuil, plateau sigma here I come!

Eat a dick hacking cough and phlegm, I'm putting on my Abruptum records and going into a coma.
[Mar 4,2009 4:56am - the_reverend ""]
the best thing about nyquil is that once you take it, it's like the curtains going down on you mind.

the worst thing about nyquil is that if you don't go to sleep right away, once the peudo-efed kicks in, you can't sleep.
[Mar 4,2009 7:57am - girlygirl  ""]
Nyquil stopped using that shit, any meds that still have it have to be pulled from behind the counter by a clerk and you have to show ID and sign a waiver. At least thats how it is in Mass.
[Mar 4,2009 8:02am - Yeti ""]

CassieLynn said:I just got over my bronchitis a week and half ago. God that shit was brutal.

i had the same thing, it was fast moving though. i was down and out for a few days, but it cleared up pretty fast.
[Mar 4,2009 1:08pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I love Nyquil. I take it everytime I have trouble sleeping, sick or not.
[Mar 4,2009 6:10pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Sup /r/

Ran out of NyQuil, now onto Delsym.

Is this win, y/n?

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