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Quark or Indesign?

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[Feb 26,2009 6:41pm - thuringwethil ""]
which and why for publishing?
[Feb 26,2009 6:53pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Feb 26,2009 7:33pm - narkybark ""]
Quark used to be the best, but not anymore- it just lacks some real obvious features (such as Update All) and we've come across some strange bugs with it, such as causing grayscale images to separate to every color plate. Indesign is more complete nowadays (such as having a booklet maker in the program by default) and integrates easy with other Adobe products. 7 years ago I'd have picked Quark, but now I'd pick Indesign.
[Feb 26,2009 8:36pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I used both for newspaper pagination(3 years using Quark, 1 using ID) and found InDesign more stable than Quark, more user friendly and much easier to teach to new copy-editors (this was for a university newspaper, so in many cases new staff had no prior experience with publishing programs).
[Feb 26,2009 9:57pm - dreadkill ""]
i learned quark back when there was no indesign but indesign's better compatibility with other adobe products seems to make it more relevant than quark now.
[Feb 27,2009 12:14am - SteveSummoned ""]
I'm a giant fan of Quark, still am actually but now everyone is going InDesign so in order for me to still have a job as a typesetter/layout designer I need to be ahead of the curve and just use InDesign from now on...damn you Adobe for controlling the world.
[Feb 27,2009 12:17am - DrewBlood ""]

boblovesmusic said:[img]
[Feb 27,2009 8:53am - timtirpation  ""]

SteveSummoned said:I'm a giant fan of Quark, still am actually but now everyone is going InDesign so in order for me to still have a job as a typesetter/layout designer I need to be ahead of the curve and just use InDesign from now on...damn you Adobe for controlling the world.

you won't be ahead of the curve by switching to InDesign, you'll just be catching slugger.
[Feb 27,2009 9:04am - largefreakatzero ""]
I work for a medium-large commercial printer. 10 years ago Quark was preferred, but I believe most designers are using InDesign now. Not sure what you are working on, but most of the work we do here is 4 color process with spot colors added from time to time.
[Feb 27,2009 1:16pm - thuringwethil ""]
well, I still freelance with Quark. But we just got Indesign at my day job and wanna noodle with it more. When I used Indesign last year for a newsletter I didn't like it very much, but this is a newer version.
[Feb 27,2009 1:41pm - narkybark ""]
The newest Indesign seems less intuitive to me than the previous one. I still prefer CS3.
[Feb 27,2009 3:04pm - timtirpation  ""]

narkybark said:The newest Indesign seems less intuitive to me than the previous one. I still prefer CS3.

I have yet to rock CS4, I've heard a lot of good things about it though, especially with IND. Not so much with new tools and features, but more back door stuff and integration with other adobe products. But I do love CS3, by far the best I have worked with.

I used to be the same with Quark, I loved it and though IND sucked the first couple times I used. That was 3 years ago, I couldn't imagine going back to quark, I don't think you could pay me to work with that program now.
[Feb 27,2009 3:18pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
And after shitting on Quark in this thread I'm applying for a job where I'd be using it. I'm desperate enough for work that you could pay me to work with that program.
[Feb 27,2009 4:37pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
i still use Quark...
[Feb 27,2009 4:48pm - narkybark ""]
Quark isn't bad; I was just saying that InD was better. I still mainly use Quark at work since that's what clients supply the most, but you can see InD files becoming more and more common.
[Feb 27,2009 10:13pm - timtirpation  ""]
That's strange, because the last shop I worked in IND files were the most common. I was always under the impression at that time (especially) and now that the industry as a whole was going the way of IND and Quark was pretty much a dinosaur at the point, and definitely now. I would say 90% of the jobs I have been applying for requires proficient knowledge in IND and mention nothing about Quark.

I don't know why I can't let this go.......I guess now I'm a huge QXD hater. Make the switch doodz, IND is the way of the matrix, give in now.
[Jun 8,2009 12:18pm - thuringwethil ""]
working in Indesign for a project now. It's ok, I don't like the runaround / wrap features very much.
[Jun 8,2009 12:24pm - arilliusbm ""]
I hate both of those programs and hated every class I took with them. good luck.

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