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Witchblood Demo Now Available

[Feb 25,2009 3:27pm - paganmegan ""]
3 tracks straight out of the mouth of hell for your aural discovery

To order, email: pagan666leo@yahoo.com

[Feb 25,2009 3:28pm - deathchick ""]
I want
[Feb 25,2009 3:29pm - paganmegan ""]
Mallika, your name is on a copy
[Feb 25,2009 3:45pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I also want!
[Feb 25,2009 3:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Curious to hear. [/IN B4 EPIC THREAD]
[Feb 25,2009 4:54pm - dreadkill ""]
for some reason, i feel like i see a new band with witch in their name every day. anyone else notice this or am i just imagining things?

regardless, i'll have to give it a listen, puh-gahn muh-gahn.
[Feb 25,2009 5:16pm - reimroc ""]
I'm going to start a black metal band called Rainbows and Kittens whos in?
[Feb 25,2009 5:18pm - boblovesmusic ""]

reimroc said:I'm going to start a black metal band called Rainbows and Kittens whos in?

Ron and Bobby Jarzombek of Spastic Ink had a band called Happy Kitties at one point.

In any case, I'm in!
[Feb 25,2009 5:24pm - reimroc ""]
[Feb 25,2009 6:04pm - paganmegan ""]
Get your fucking "happy kitties" out of my thread or I will drown you all in the blood of a million döner kebaps- I mean witches/bitches etc

And don't fuck with bands with the word "witch" in the name or I will shove a pentagram the size of texas up your asshole for your insolence


I hope you all are doing well in frosty, grim New England. Love, Megan
[Feb 25,2009 6:06pm - paganmegan ""]
So email the above address if you would like a copy : particularly if you have a zine or radio show
ehh speaking of which, Reverend Aaron, may I have your address please?
[Feb 25,2009 6:12pm - reimroc ""]

paganmegan said:Get your fucking "happy kitties" out of my thread or I will drown you all in the blood of a million döner kebaps- I mean witches/bitches etc

And don't fuck with bands with the word "witch" in the name or I will shove a pentagram the size of texas up your asshole for your insolence


I hope you all are doing well in frosty, grim New England. Love, Megan

rlx bozo it was a joke
[Feb 25,2009 6:18pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Feb 25,2009 6:40pm - paganmegan ""]

reimroc said:
paganmegan said:Get your fucking "happy kitties" out of my thread or I will drown you all in the blood of a million döner kebaps- I mean witches/bitches etc

And don't fuck with bands with the word "witch" in the name or I will shove a pentagram the size of texas up your asshole for your insolence


I hope you all are doing well in frosty, grim New England. Love, Megan

rlx bozo it was a joke

hahahahaha you took that seriously
[Feb 25,2009 6:40pm - paganmegan ""]
Mickey is a fucking queer
[Feb 25,2009 6:46pm - reimroc ""]
yup now i'm the loosah
[Feb 25,2009 6:47pm - paganmegan ""]
ganz genau
[Feb 25,2009 6:49pm - reimroc ""]
[Feb 25,2009 9:27pm - aegathis ""]

paganmegan said:Get your fucking "happy kitties" out of my thread or I will drown you all in the blood of a million döner kebaps- I mean witches/bitches etc

You mean I can has DONER KEBAPS?!?!!?!?!?

[Feb 26,2009 12:02am - xmikex ""]
Put up a myspace page or get the fuck out of music.
[Feb 26,2009 12:06am - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 26,2009 4:55am - paganmegan ""]
the myspace is here, you freckes stück

Those asshole cats shall receive no döner kebap on my watch, only Fränkische Karpfen or maybe some Wiener Schnitzel if they are lucky
[Feb 26,2009 4:56am - paganmegan ""]
Anthony: I bet you stank like Turk your entire time in Europe you Döner eater you
[Feb 26,2009 4:57am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
band logo has boobs +1
[Feb 26,2009 9:05am - xmikex ""]

paganmegan said:freckes stück asshole cats döner kebap Fränkische Karpfen Wiener Schnitzel

woozle wuzzle.
[Feb 26,2009 9:12am - W3 @ work  ""]
why has no demanded tits in this thread, motherfuckers

[Feb 26,2009 12:57pm - aegathis ""]

paganmegan said:Anthony: I bet you stank like Turk your entire time in Europe you Döner eater you

Thank you, Im getting a tremendous Döner Böner thinking about how i good I smelt after eating those things of beauty. I wouldnt be surprised if Turkish Gold ciggarettes were discontinued so they could eventually get away with refering to kabops as Turkish Golds. >:]>:]
Everyone in Nile seemed pretty upset about not being able to enjoy them back home as well.
[Feb 26,2009 1:07pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
W3 is barking up the wrong tree. LULZ
[Feb 26,2009 1:09pm - W3 @ work  ""]
wait there's trees here
[Feb 26,2009 1:15pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Well now you've peaked MY interest.
[Feb 26,2009 1:22pm - W3 @ work  ""]
[Oct 8,2009 2:06pm - boblovesmusic ""]
been listening to this demo a lot lately, it's great stuff! Just wanted to say!

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