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Lamb of God-Wrath

[Feb 25,2009 9:20am - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
I know alot of people on this page are not fans of these guys. I just listened to their new album "Wrath" on their myspace and I must say that this is a pretty brutal album. The only thing I dont like is that Randy Blythe tries to sing in a couple of songs in this album, but overall this is a pretty bad ass record!
[Feb 25,2009 9:21am - W3 @ work  ""]
in b4 epicness shit thread.
[Feb 25,2009 9:44am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'll prob end up pickin it up. will attempt to pirate first
[Feb 25,2009 9:46am - RustyPS ""]

AnotherMetalDrummer said:Randy Blythe tries to sing in a couple of songs in this album

please tell me you're kidding....I haven't heard it yet
[Feb 25,2009 9:49am - RustyPS ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i'll prob end up pickin it up. will attempt to pirate first
[Feb 25,2009 9:49am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh nice
[Feb 25,2009 9:53am - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
Its not that he tries to sing like these faggot ass bands but he does get high in pitch
[Feb 25,2009 10:00am - RustyPS ""]
I actually really like Randy's vocals, but if he tries to sing,........... I don't know
[Feb 25,2009 10:07am - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
His vocals kick ass, dont get me wrong, he does some kick ass vocals on this record. Its just that on a couple of songs he sings some melody parts for like 10 seconds. Its very weird to hear but I guess its something that I will just get used to listening...
[Feb 25,2009 10:07am - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
They are streaming the whole album on their myspace...check it out.....

[Feb 25,2009 10:20am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 25,2009 10:21am - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
Really? Sorry....
[Feb 25,2009 10:32am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I was lucky enough to hear this last night. Still sounds like Pantera heard an ATG record. F+
[Feb 25,2009 10:37am - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
I think the cd kicks ass
[Feb 25,2009 10:46am - darkwor ""]
so many better original metal bands. all i can picture is dudes in tribals punching children.

kindergarten metal. F+ indeed
[Feb 25,2009 10:50am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
See, now I like it better.
[Feb 25,2009 11:05am - metal_church101 ""]

AnotherMetalDrummer said:Its not that he tries to sing like these faggot ass bands but he does get high in pitch

Wonder who was grabbing his balls when his vocals were recorded doing this.

I saw this at CD at the store yesterday, but passed. Will prob save my money and grab the new Cannibal Corpse CD.
[Feb 25,2009 11:20am - largefreakatzero ""]
This band was gay in the other thread and is still gay in this thread.
[Feb 25,2009 11:22am - metal_church101 ""]
Could you narrow that down? :-)
[Feb 25,2009 12:29pm - secthammer  ""]
a band doesn't have to be super groundbreaking or original to be good.

And if you heard a lamb of god song, would you confuse it for any other band (other than testament)? (and don't say at the gates either, most of the bands people claim to be ATG rip offs barely sound anything like the fucking band at all.)

its basically regular good ol' thrash riffs with intermittent breakdowns.
[Feb 25,2009 12:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
It sounds like Pantera. Only without the excuse of actually being Pantera.
[Feb 25,2009 1:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 25,2009 1:10pm - metal_church101 ""]
Does it sound like Exhorder as well? :-)
[Feb 25,2009 1:14pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 25,2009 1:16pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Feb 25,2009 1:17pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
I like Pantera
[Feb 25,2009 1:31pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 25,2009 1:39pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
mmmm Pantera Bread...(Drool)
[Feb 25,2009 1:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Texas Toast!
[Feb 26,2009 7:30am - Yeti ""]
i'm very skeptical about this. i hope they toned down the ultra-polished production, Ashes of the Wake is enjoyable but really, it doesn't need to be so perfect sounding. the best part about As the Palaces Burn is the production, Randy sounds human instead of processed.
[Feb 26,2009 9:25am - metal_church101 ""]
I heard some of this at band practice. Don't which 2 songs I heard. It was ok. Nothing that reached out and grabbed me.

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