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Can someone explain to me.....

[Feb 23,2009 11:44pm - Ryan_M ""]
...what these genres "post metal" "post punk" "post hardcore" and most confusing of all "post rock" mean? Does this mean the music is rock after rock? Rock, metal, hardcore and punk all still exist, so why the prefix "post"? These genre names strike me as being pretentious and meaningless.
[Feb 23,2009 11:46pm - Martins ""]
Pretty sure it just means they're more atmospheric. Dunno. I suck dick.
[Feb 23,2009 11:47pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Haha, pretty much that.
[Feb 23,2009 11:48pm - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
[Feb 23,2009 11:50pm - Ryan_M ""]
I've noticed that a lot of bands that call themselves Post-whatever usually have a more atmospheric/experimental quality to the music, which is perfectly fine, but why not just call it "atmospheric rock" or "exprimental hardcore"? I don't get this "post" business.
[Feb 23,2009 11:50pm - alexc ""]
ill preface this by saying that i hate the use of "POST" anything in a bands description, but I believe that the post pre-fix refers to music being derivative of whatever genre it precedes but lacks all of the criteria necessary to be considered purely that genre. its the quote "next phase" in the evolution of that genre.
[Feb 24,2009 1:06am - CassieLynn ""]
It's pretty much the same thing with "core". I just don't get labels these days.
[Feb 24,2009 1:16am - the_reverend ""]
post aaroncore
[Feb 24,2009 7:34am - Yeti ""]

CassieLynn said:It's pretty much the same thing with "core". I just don't get labels these days.

seriously. i've come to correlate the term "core" with "watered down, unoriginal ripoff".
[Feb 24,2009 8:11am - the_reverend ""]
I will tell napalm death about your dissent. this isn't over.
[Feb 24,2009 8:25am - Yeti ""]
Mecha-Barney Greenway has been unleashed.
[Feb 24,2009 8:51am - largefreakatzero ""]
This terminology is most likely used by fags with white belts and girl pants, or by some douchey record label trying to promote some shit band.
[Feb 24,2009 11:01am - Beorht-Dana ""]
I think the "post-" prefix is one that was started with good intentions but is now just totally abused. I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure punk was the first genre it was affixed to with the implication that "real" punk was dead. Bands calling themselves "post-punk" were influenced by the original punk scene but were trying to move in a direction that shared some of the aesthetics but was also new and fresh at the time.

That could be bullshit though. I'm just basing that on observations.
[Feb 24,2009 11:13am - AndrewBastard  ""]
It's a pretentious way of saying "we play and ironic artsy fag style of said genre"
[Feb 24,2009 11:19am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm with you, man.. there's so many "post-" bands now it's not even funny.
It's almost as they want to label themselves that just to prove that they're "advancing" the progress of said genre.
[Feb 24,2009 11:29am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
post medio-core
[Feb 24,2009 11:34am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
People label GY!BE "post-rock" and Neurosis as "post-metal". I think the term "post" is thrown out there by people trying desperately to classify unclassifiable music. Coming up with "post (enter genre here)" hardly provides these bands with any justice, it's just stupid.
[Feb 24,2009 11:40am - dreadkill ""]
post office metal
[Feb 24,2009 11:43am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:People label GY!BE "post-rock" and Neurosis as "post-metal". I think the term "post" is thrown out there by people trying desperately to classify unclassifiable music. Coming up with "post (enter genre here)" hardly provides these bands with any justice, it's just stupid.

I love Godspeed
[Feb 24,2009 11:53am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
You guys are way behind. Music is so 20th century - I'm into post-music.
[Feb 24,2009 11:55am - dreadkill ""]
i don't even have ears. i have post-ears.they look like dicks coming out of the sides of my head and they take in post-music quite well. then they emit a sticky post-substance.
[Feb 24,2009 12:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 24,2009 12:23pm - darkwor ""]
[Feb 24,2009 12:40pm - Yeti ""]
post bore-core
[Feb 24,2009 3:22pm - CassieLynn ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:post medio-core

lol nice
[Feb 24,2009 4:21pm - Typical Liberal Douchebag  ""]

Ryan_M said:...what these genres "post metal" "post punk" "post hardcore" and most confusing of all "post rock" mean? Does this mean the music is rock after rock? Rock, metal, hardcore and punk all still exist, so why the prefix "post"? These genre names strike me as being pretentious and meaningless.

It means that in our new enlightened world, we can admit access to our emotions without being threatened as men. This means we not only tolerate but embrace female domination, diversity, metrosexuality and fiber.
[Feb 24,2009 4:33pm - metal_church101 ""]
Post Metal-Core
[Feb 25,2009 12:29am - Lamp ""]
One of my friends said it best... "post means you killed it"
[Feb 25,2009 12:43am - DrewBlood ""]
i always assumed that post music was what you are supposed to listen after a show on your ride home. thats why its always slower, softer, and more melodic than the non-prefixed genre.
[Feb 25,2009 2:06am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

DrewBlood said:i always assumed that post music was what you are supposed to listen after a show on your ride home. thats why its always slower, softer, and more melodic than the non-prefixed genre.

This is simultaneously the most retarded and brilliant analysis of post-music in it's literalness
[Feb 25,2009 2:33am - Lamp ""]
Post music means you used to be into playing rock or hardcore or whatever but then you turned into a huge pussy and now can only handle the soft versions of said genre.
[Feb 25,2009 12:23pm - Typical Liberal Emobag  ""]
The crass sexism... it chokes my heart.

Post-core means you are Progressive and have evolved past being an angry Neanderthal who affirms the importance of things like war, marriage, racial purity, heterosexuality and social order.
[Feb 25,2009 12:26pm - SkinSandwich ""]

CassieLynn said:It's pretty much the same thing with "core". I just don't get labels these days.

I didn't get labels 10 years ago!
[Feb 25,2009 12:35pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Feb 25,2009 6:16pm - Beorht-Dana ""]

According to Maddox, attaching "post-" to any genre just means it's fun anymore.

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