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[Feb 22,2009 7:21pm - RobinG ""]
From the owner:

To All Concerned Parties-

I'm writing this to quell any rumors that I hear circulating about Church and its future before this gets way out of hand.

Church is not, repeat, NOT closing. And by saying "not closing" I mean this in every sense of the term. There is not even any remote danger of this happening.

Yes, Tuesday night was an absolute embarrassment. I'm embarrassed, my partner is embarrassed and I feel absolutely awful as to what happened to Robin and Ammonia Booking. Unfortunately this was far from our fault and would NEVER stop a show or God forbid try to move it in the middle of the bill. Yes, we have had to move a few of the upcoming "Metal Monday" shows, but this is strictly temporary until we get this situation resolved. In fact, if you look at the dates, Ammonia's shows are still being booked beyond March.

Now, many of you already know that we are dealing with a neighbor that is not being so cooperative. We are addressing this in every way possible and believe me, it WILL be resolved. There's no reason to get into detail with this but rest assured, it IS being addressed.

We only look forward to everyone enjoying the establishment in the way that it was created: For EVERYONE. That's honestly the reason that it's there and I'll be damned if one person will ruin it for the rest of us. We thank ALL of you for your patronage and look forward to many more years of great shows. We couldn't do it without you ALL. Except for our neighbor…

Sail on,

Kristian Deyesso

Church Managing Partner
[Feb 22,2009 8:24pm - Murph ""]
Awesome, I freakin' love this place and the bartenders, Robin, and everyone involved with Church has been awesome to us, and put on sweet and delicious shows.

Go team rock n' roll, and fudge the haterz.
[Feb 22,2009 9:20pm - RustyPS ""]
This is one of the better venues around, so it's good to hear their dealing with their issues.
[Feb 22,2009 9:35pm - Bob Barker  ""]

RobinG said:From the owner:

we are dealing with a neighbor that is not being so cooperative

How is this neighbor "not being cooperative"? Laws are laws, right? Either the music is too loud, being played too late or the neighbor is wrong. And if the neighbor is wrong, tell him to go fuck himself and the show goes on. So I doubt that's the case... sounds like all the neighbors except one is down for bending the law. But I'm reading into it since the only information Church isn't being clear. Wonder what's up?
[Feb 22,2009 9:37pm - RobinG ""]
She is calling the cops during sound checks. And calling up to 7 times a night.
[Feb 22,2009 9:38pm - RobinG ""]
Church has extra staff to make sure we aren't going over the decible sound limit.
[Feb 22,2009 11:27pm - Bob Barker  ""]
So why don't the cops just tell her to get bent and if she calls again they'll arrest her?

If I call the cops on someone 7 times and I'm not in the right, I'm the one who's in trouble not the person I'm harassing.
[Feb 22,2009 11:31pm - the_reverend ""]
the cops didn't know what was going on. they would leave and then get the call again once they left. the cop now seem to know what's what.
[Feb 22,2009 11:50pm - RobinG ""]
Thanks rev. I only graduated high school.
[Feb 23,2009 1:54am - Bob Barker  ""]
[Feb 23,2009 3:13am - deadlikemurf ""]
we played tonight and the sound was fine on stage.. the sound guys are doing the best they can to do whats right here... it was a bit quieter in the back of the club but you couldn't notice it unless you were in the back of the club.. no cops tonight or last night...

i got a chance to speak w/ christian (the guy that wrote that letter) and he was a really down-to-earth gracious guy who is just so bummed out that this shit is going on.. but they are doing the right thing and taking the best approach to deal with it..

bob, the reasons why stuff like this happens are multiple.. boston isn't the sticks so when a person calls 911 there may be 4-5 people that handle the call that have no idea what's going on particularly at church.. including the 911 calltaker, the dispatcher, the patrol officers, and the sergeant on duty.. they usually find out what's going on when they get on scene.. the cops don't really want to be there at all.. a noise complaint about a club that has booked rock shows for about the past 3 decades is not high on the priority list for them, however if a call enters the 911 system, they are required to respond...

also.. fenway as a neighborhood in the city of boston, has a bunch of by-laws/ordinances, that are unique to fenway only because of the ballpark being so close... most of them regarding noise...
[Feb 23,2009 9:53am - aaron_michael ""]
I was really pumped to play here, bummerrrrrr
[Feb 23,2009 10:03am - nerdsahoy  ""]
First time going to a show there I actually thought it was a church. Let me tell you the joke was on me.
[Feb 23,2009 10:06am - ouchdrummer ""]
bummer, i hope you guys get through this.
[Feb 23,2009 11:03am - RustyPS ""]

nerdsahoy said:First time going to a show there I actually thought it was a church. Let me tell you the joke was on me.
lol same here
[Feb 23,2009 11:04am - reimroc ""]
[Feb 23,2009 11:08am - boblovesmusic ""]

RustyPS said:
nerdsahoy said:First time going to a show there I actually thought it was a church. Let me tell you the joke was on me.
lol same here

Yeah me too. Still kinda bummed it's not an actual church. One of my favorite venues still!:tmnt4:
[Feb 23,2009 11:22am - darkwor ""]
great venue, hope this shit gets worked out
[Feb 23,2009 11:25am - brian_dc ""]
It's possible that we can get our hands on some soundproofing materials

I will happily line the throat of the person complaining with soundproofing foam.

problem solved
[Jun 16,2011 11:10am - anonymous  ""]

RobinG said:From the owner:

To All Concerned Parties-

I'm writing this to quell any rumors that I hear circulating about Church and its future before this gets way out of hand.

Church is not, repeat, NOT closing. And by saying "not closing" I mean this in every sense of the term. There is not even any remote danger of this happening.

Yes, Tuesday night was an absolute embarrassment. I'm embarrassed, my partner is embarrassed and I feel absolutely awful as to what happened to Robin and Ammonia Booking. Unfortunately this was far from our fault and would NEVER stop a show or God forbid try to move it in the middle of the bill. Yes, we have had to move a few of the upcoming "Metal Monday" shows, but this is strictly temporary until we get this situation resolved. In fact, if you look at the dates, Ammonia's shows are still being booked beyond March.

Now, many of you already know that we are dealing with a neighbor that is not being so cooperative. We are addressing this in every way possible and believe me, it WILL be resolved. There's no reason to get into detail with this but rest assured, it IS being addressed.

We only look forward to everyone enjoying the establishment in the way that it was created: For EVERYONE. That's honestly the reason that it's there and I'll be damned if one person will ruin it for the rest of us. We thank ALL of you for your patronage and look forward to many more years of great shows. We couldn't do it without you ALL. Except for our neighbor…

Sail on,

Kristian Deyesso

Church Managing Partner

[Jun 16,2011 11:16am - AndrewBastard ""]
what happened on this "tuesday night" that was an embarrassment?
[Jun 16,2011 11:18am - stoneylarsen ""]
I think that might have been the Black Clouds show...soundproofing has been installed long ago now...I mean, cripes, fucking Jucifer played here earlier this year and there were NO problems...

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