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What is the most expensive thing you have ever fully paid for?

[Feb 20,2009 11:15am - the_reverend ""]
So the Auto industry says that your car is the second most expensive thing you will buy. Excluding primary mortgages.

for me, it was my college which I sent all the money I made working for over a year and a half so I could get rid of it.

Second would be my second mortgage which I sent all my money to for 4 years. Money that was split between that and my...

Third, my car which with the 2nd mortgage, I sent all my money to for 3 years to pay it off quickly.

I really really really hate using credit cards or loans and hate owing anyone or anything money. I always work hard and send in extra money. If I had credit card debt, I would be the kind of person to live off ramen until the thing is gone.

after those things and my old saturn, my newest camera was my most expensive item.
[Feb 20,2009 11:17am - scumfuck ""]
my lunch off the dollar menu at the finest irish restaurant in all the land.... McDonalds
[Feb 20,2009 11:20am - largefreakatzero ""]
1. House down payment
2. Garage construction
3. Truck

I hear you on the credit cards -- we pay those off every month.
[Feb 20,2009 11:20am - reimroc ""]
my car or my PC.
[Feb 20,2009 11:21am - AndrewBastard  ""]
my truck: I paid it off a few years ago and now I just get to keep putting money into it! yay.

College too but I paid that semester by semester so I didn't owe anything at the end.

and 8+ years of renting an apt.
[Feb 20,2009 11:22am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 20,2009 11:24am - arilliusbm ""]
Having a child.
[Feb 20,2009 11:24am - xmikex ""]
A child's laughter - priceless.
[Feb 20,2009 11:28am - arilliusbm ""]
'tis priceless, as well as being a father; but from a money aspect, it can be expensive when you're younger.
[Feb 20,2009 11:28am - the_reverend ""]

largefreakatzero said:I hear you on the credit cards -- we pay those off every month.
I didn't even have a credit card until 27. I used a debt card before that and it was a PITA cause the limit was $1000 and I wanted to buy a $2000 camera. I ended up being able to raise the limit $500 a day temporarily
[Feb 20,2009 11:43am - ouchdrummer ""]
Credit cards have costs me over 10large from interest alone. Was it worth it putting that many cash advances in my nose? No, but it was fun. Me and my wifeys' car was almost 13. That's the biggest i guess. Grand Cherokee.
[Feb 20,2009 12:58pm - Yeti ""]
probably a tv i bought for 200 bucks on a Best Buy card that i didn't pay for in like 03, and then going to court and having to pay 1000 for it.
[Feb 20,2009 1:00pm - Lamp ""]
I'm still in the process of paying for my car, a good 9 grand.

Before that it was to fix the axle on my old car after I backed into a wooden fence alongside someone's driveway, about 4800 or so. I was lucky enough to actually have a lot more than that saved up at the time, I wish my bank account was like that now.
[Feb 20,2009 1:00pm - ouchdrummer ""]
yeti, that statement reminds me of my entire life.
[Feb 20,2009 1:04pm - Yeti ""]
haha yeah i keep having to pay now for mistakes of my past. sumamabitch.
[Feb 20,2009 1:07pm - ouchdrummer ""]
yup yup. Some of the things I blatantly ignored back then are seriously kicking my financial ass now. I owe a little over 25 now, and i don't have any school/car loans.
[Feb 20,2009 1:39pm - pam ""]
It will be my education, until I buy a house...if that ever happens. Which it probably will not.
[Feb 20,2009 9:49pm - demondave ""]

Not a single Hooker joke. I am so disappointed in /r/

[Feb 20,2009 10:06pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I paid $16K for my van after I inherited $30K.
[Feb 20,2009 11:32pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
[Feb 20,2009 11:46pm - Hater  ""]
I paid 10 grand for a pack of nigger kids that do my lawn/watchdogs.
[Feb 21,2009 1:07am - Nobody_Cares ""]
New gay troll? I even hate the name, hater. It would be my car but I have a lot to go on that so sadly I'd say my 37" Toshiba LCD tv. Just shy of a grand. If you added up my cds it would definitely be more than that but that's a lifelong purchase.
[Feb 21,2009 1:12am - DomesticTerror ""]
my crimes
[Feb 21,2009 3:49am - DJ DEATH  ""]
30K on a school bill. And a wall of marshall amps....
[Feb 21,2009 7:06am - Joshtruction ""]
The most in one payment ever was probably a 1 time thing in my life. 35k into a car. Dumb but what ever. Now I have shit haha. Biggest bill I ever made was 55k I financed on my audi.
[Feb 21,2009 8:18am - reimroc ""]

Joshtruction said:The most in one payment ever was probably a 1 time thing in my life. 35k into a car. Dumb but what ever. Now I have shit haha. Biggest bill I ever made was 55k I financed on my audi.

audi is a nice fucking car
[Feb 21,2009 8:23am - ouchdrummer ""]
agreed. audis are my personal favorites.
[Feb 21,2009 11:47am - Eli_hhcb ""]
Guitar gear. Not even that much.
way more than my car.
[Feb 21,2009 3:55pm - tinygiantclothing ""]
my macbook pro $2700 (after discount)

i had an online paintball business that i sold and had cash to pay off some bills and get a couple toys.. i knew it would be a long time until i had a large sum of cash like that again.. so i bought the best mac i could get my hands on

i also paid off about 4k worth of credit cards and bought some other summer toys that i sold soon after .. i miss the atvs :( someday i hope to have enough to get some again.. they were fun
[Feb 21,2009 4:11pm - immortal13 ""]
My truck.
[Feb 21,2009 4:15pm - SkinSandwich ""]
A pack of gum, $1.99!!!!!!!!
[Feb 23,2009 5:03am - Joshtruction ""]
The audi was nice. I miss spinning 4 tires through 3 gears. To me nothing beats american muscle though. Next time I drop serious cash on a car, it will be on a c5 or c6 vette, and by the looks of it, thats not happening for a LONG time.

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