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Emmure - Thursday Feb 19th @ Rocko's in Manchester NH

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Feb 16,2009 7:03am - thirsty ""]
Emmure , The Breathing Method , Aislin , Machine Language , Conforza , Destined To Drown and The Holwell Account.
Show is all ages and starts at 6pm.
Rocko's is at 253 Wilson St Manchester NH 03103
myspace.com/imthirstyentertainment for more info
[Feb 16,2009 8:53am - aaron_michael ""]
Machine Language is awesome
[Feb 16,2009 9:42am - sever ""]
Conforza isn't bad either.
[Feb 16,2009 9:43am - archaeon ""]
Emmure on the other hand...
[Feb 16,2009 10:23am - aaron_michael ""]
Emmure, boo-urns
[Feb 16,2009 10:46am - Pires ""]
is the breathing process now the breathing method? Or just two different bands with similarily horrible names?
[Feb 16,2009 11:27am - SteveOTB ""]

Pires said:is the breathing process now the breathing method? Or just two different bands with similarily horrible names?

2 different bands.
[Feb 16,2009 11:32am - goatcatalyst ""]
Lulz @ both for sucking
[Feb 16,2009 1:24pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
The Breathing Process is a decent band but they have such a shitty name. The same can be said about The Breathing Method minus the decency in the music. I haven't been to Rocko's in ages because the amount of shitty local "bands" playing. Any venue that books Brokencyde gets the wagging finger.
[Feb 16,2009 1:26pm - thirsty ""]
Any venue that books "Brokencyde" haha..ur funny Brandon....Cya saturday!
[Feb 16,2009 1:30pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Hell yea. We should have a brodown Dave.
[Feb 16,2009 2:07pm - The Great Spaldino NLI  ""]
if i wanted to see a bunch of chugging, i would go to a kegger.
[Feb 16,2009 3:27pm - Yeti ""]
[Feb 16,2009 4:45pm - machinelanguage  ""]
yeah man fuckin emmure right?
[Feb 16,2009 5:43pm - i_am_not_me ""]

The%20Great%20Spaldino%20NLI said:if i wanted to see a bunch of chugging, i would go to a kegger.

[Feb 16,2009 6:24pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
fat guys in camo shorts and hoodies
[Feb 16,2009 6:44pm - Kevord ""]

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