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Happy Valentine day... 2009

[Feb 14,2009 1:01am - the_reverend ""]
my house smells like dog poop cause the dog pooped on the carpet.
I did my best to clean it up, but now it's airborne.
[Feb 14,2009 1:02am - dftg  ""]
that's very romantic.
[Feb 14,2009 1:02am - Dave_Maggot ""]
wheres my present??
[Feb 14,2009 1:05am - the_reverend ""]
it's liquefied in the carpet cleaner.
[Feb 14,2009 1:06am - Dave_Maggot ""]
[Feb 14,2009 1:15am - the_reverend ""]
it's like korean poop soup cause of the dog.
[Feb 14,2009 1:19am - Seth  ""]

the_reverend said:it's like korean poop soup cause of the dog.
dude you have to treat the dog with tough love and beat the crap out of it, so it knows to not shit in the house...
[Feb 14,2009 1:33am - the_reverend ""]
carina came and took him. he got out of his crate and was running in the house all day.
[Feb 14,2009 1:35am - goatcatalyst ""]
You crate your dog? Asshole.
[Feb 14,2009 1:57am - tinygiantclothing ""]
grab some "natures miracle" from the pet store its a odor neutralizer and has enzymes in it that actually eat the crap.. then you just soak it up after a while of sitting and vacuum it
[Feb 14,2009 3:31am - BSV  ""]
[Feb 14,2009 8:40am - succubus ""]

tinygiantclothing said:grab some "natures miracle" from the pet store its a odor neutralizer and has enzymes in it that actually eat the crap.. then you just soak it up after a while of sitting and vacuum it

yep we have that..i guess aaron didn't spray it.

[Feb 14,2009 8:41am - the_reverend ""]

goatcatalyst said:You crate your dog? Asshole.
he was, but the little bugger got out. this is the second time he's gotten out. I don't like putting him in the other crate cause he can barely stand in it.
[Feb 14,2009 9:36am - TheBloodening ""]
i'm going out tonight with girls (non date style) to allston and we are going to make fun of all the faggets out on dates...and get drunk.
[Feb 14,2009 9:43am - pam ""]
Jon's going to make me pancakes. Jon FTW. Maybe later we'll go pick up a baby gate. Awwwww.
[Feb 14,2009 9:46am - pam ""]

goatcatalyst said:You crate your dog? Asshole.

After 5 years of refusing to crate, we crate ours for bedtime. When your dog sneaks out of bed EVERY NIGHT to piss on your furniture for five fucking years, suddenly putting him to bed in a nice roomy crate doesn't seem so wrong.

He goes right in and goes to sleep and we let him out in the morning, make sure he pees on his wee pad and now we have nice furniture and clean carpets.

So if I'm an asshole, I'm an asshole who doesn't have a dog piss smelling apartment anymore. I'm fine with that.
[Feb 14,2009 9:51am - the_reverend ""]
you know instead of a piss pad, you could just not be lazy and take the dog to wizz outside.
[Feb 14,2009 10:22am - Lamp nli  ""]
Piss pads rule.
[Feb 14,2009 10:24am - reimroc ""]
This is also my 1 year anniversary of getting off probation.

[Feb 14,2009 11:07am - the_reverend ""]
this sucks cause all I can smell is the new dog's piss. no clue where the hell he pissed.
[Feb 14,2009 11:09am - pam ""]

the_reverend said:you know instead of a piss pad, you could just not be lazy and take the dog to wizz outside.

We live on the fourth floor of a huge condo complex and my dog tries to bite every passerby he sees. Fuck that.

Plus we tried that, the little shit still pissed in the house...at least now he pisses in one, reasonably easy to clean spot.
[Feb 14,2009 11:09am - pam ""]

the_reverend said:this sucks cause all I can smell is the new dog's piss. no clue where the hell he pissed.

If you used a piss pad you would, schmuck.
[Feb 14,2009 11:09am - reimroc ""]
be thankful its not a kitten. they have that strong ammonia stench to their urine.

[Feb 14,2009 11:13am - Lamp nli  ""]
In the short time I did carpet cleaning for a job, I remember the guy I was working with cleaning a particularly gnarly cat piss stain... I mean, this was the kind of stench that just makes your eyes water wafting up from the grains. Gross as shit.
[Feb 14,2009 11:13am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I am so happy I trained my dog to piss and shit outside. You all have uncivilized canines. Psssshhaaawww.
[Feb 14,2009 11:15am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i celebrated last nights festivities by blacking out after 7 or 8 cocktails, puking in the sink and apparently breaking a kitchen window for some reason
[Feb 14,2009 11:16am - reimroc ""]
awww snap MFR just pwned you
[Feb 14,2009 11:17am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Damn straight. No one got shit on my dog training skillz.
[Feb 14,2009 11:17am - reimroc ""]
hell naww
[Feb 14,2009 12:32pm - the_reverend ""]
I misread goat's post obviously.

if I got a pisspad the guy would piss somewhere else. he got loose in the house during the day and crapped/pissed places.
[Feb 14,2009 1:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yeah, lemme be ig'nant for a minute. "Piss pads"? Was ist?
[Feb 14,2009 1:08pm - the_reverend ""]
it's like a spread out diaper that dogs piss on. I turned my back for one minute abd the new dog pissed all over the place that I spent so long cleaning last night.
[Feb 14,2009 1:11pm - pam ""]
You're in for it rev, sounds like he's going to be a real fuckface.
[Feb 14,2009 1:30pm - Seth  ""]
So it looks like you are not the alpha male!.... Sorry you lost!
[Feb 14,2009 1:51pm - josh_hates_you ""]
strip club on valentines day?

it's more likely than you think.
[Feb 14,2009 1:58pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i prefer strip clubs on Father's Day. women are so much hotter when they're thinking about suicide.
[Feb 14,2009 2:27pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Feb 14,2009 2:37pm - W3 nli  ""]


let's do this shit
[Feb 14,2009 5:27pm - Conservationist ""]

pam said:
goatcatalyst said:You crate your dog? Asshole.

After 5 years of refusing to crate, we crate ours for bedtime.

I've raped so many dogs -- oh wait, crate. Sorry.
[Feb 19,2009 5:51am - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]

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