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Looking for a 5150 EVH

[Feb 9,2009 12:40pm - eli_hhcb ""]
I'm looking for a Peavey 5150 EVH head. Not the 5150 2 etc. Older one.

Anyone have any ideas/leads on where to find one. I've been watching ebay, but was wondering if anyone more local has any ideas.

[Feb 9,2009 1:29pm - Blue ""]
This just in: there is no difference between an old 5150, newer 5150 or 6505. They are all the same, only difference is what the stock tubes were, which should have been changed out long ago. Or you could just buy an old block letter 5150 for more cus it 'sounds better.'
[Feb 9,2009 1:32pm - brian_dc ""]
[Feb 9,2009 1:33pm - brian_dc ""]
[Feb 9,2009 2:04pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I have 2 block letter EVH's .... ;)

I'd sell the one I don't use for $600
[Feb 9,2009 2:09pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
if i had 600bucks i still wouldnt buy it.
[Feb 9,2009 10:18pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
5150 4 M3taL or GTFO
[Feb 9,2009 10:51pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
Andrew, my Email is woodward_virus@hotmail.com soot me a line, i'd like to talk about that.

So blue, the only difference is just the tubes they came with? good to know...
[Feb 9,2009 10:52pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
I just almost posted my phone number...then I remembered, THE INTERNET IS SHADY
[Feb 10,2009 1:21pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
anyone know who this andrew is or how I could contact them?
[Feb 10,2009 1:25pm - aril  ""]
yes and yes
[Feb 11,2009 2:36am - Eli_hhcb ""]
could someone tell me how?
[Feb 11,2009 9:18am - AndrewBastard  ""]
I'm here...

what's your email?
[Feb 11,2009 8:46pm - Eli_hhcb ""]

Eli_hhcb said:Andrew, my Email is woodward_virus@hotmail.com

[Feb 12,2009 11:07pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Jun 20,2009 12:01pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
I just picked up a 5150 EVH last night that looked like it had been played 3 times and never touched again. It could pretty much be mistaken for brand new. Swapped out the 6L6's for some EL34's. I came when I turned it on. It's beyond powerful at 3.
[Jun 20,2009 12:08pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
I was going to trade one for 4 Randall XL cabs, but instead bought two, and am tricking out a sick little marshall.
[Jun 20,2009 12:23pm - blue ""]
You just swapped the 6L6s out and put the EL34s iin your 5150. Might wanna get that that biased properly.
[Jun 20,2009 12:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
The other guitar player from Wreckoning can rebuild 5150s in his sleep and didn't seem to think I should do that. We also put 12AX7s in the preamp section. What are the possible consequences?
[Jun 20,2009 12:35pm - blue ""]
Preamp tubes do not matters. EL34s draw diff current than 6L6s. The end result can be shitty sound, tubes dying quickly and possible tranny damage.
[Jun 20,2009 12:38pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
True. He said that it's already biased pretty hot, but I have no clue what this means as of yet. This is my first tube amp so I'm trying to soak up all the knowledge I can about maintenance and customizing.
[Jun 20,2009 1:25pm - goatcatalyst ""]
That's a sensual acquisition, Sac - what did you pay for it?

I was _this close to picking up a 5150 II then my Mesa rig magically reappeared. The 5150 had that Jewish prophet crushing filthy steamroller tone, but my Mesa...


Straight butta, baby!
[Jun 20,2009 1:44pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
I paid $700 at GC. Considering the condition and the fact they had just got it in a couple days before I figured I would grab it before anyone else could. I was looking to get one since I had joined the new band and it was the best I had seen, and not even that terrible of a price. Especially for that place.

I checked out one the day before that was $450 but was all fucked up. He had it cranked and I didn't really have to strain to talk over it. The one I got is that loud at like 1. I just came again.
[Jun 20,2009 2:10pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
Hot has to down kinda with how aggressive the tubes are running kinda. I don't really know technically.

But I know when I had my Marshall set up, the guy said he didn't bias them totally hot because the tubes wouldn't last "much more than a year"

You should really have the power tubes adjusted...I'm pretty sure it's important.
[Jun 20,2009 2:12pm - DrewBloodMobile  ""]
Blue I have to disagree. Maybe its just my ears but the 5150 II sounds a bit brighter than the 5150 I and the 6505 (both sound identical).
[Jun 20,2009 2:13pm - Eli_hhcb ""]

My_Dying_Bride said:5150 4 M3taL or GTFO

lols old thread
[Jun 20,2009 2:24pm - blue ""]
I dunno what you're talking about drew, I agree with you, the IIs are brighter sounding. No clue where I said otherwise. Got mine mint for 600.

5150s and 6505s sound identical cus they are identical.
[Jun 20,2009 2:32pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
What is this business I've been hearing about modded tubescreamers? I kinda want to keep the amp's tone more natural but am open to suggestions.
[Jun 20,2009 2:49pm - blue ""]
That's what the modding is for (to me). I get mine modded for max transparency so they're great for boosting.
[Jun 20,2009 2:51pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
holy grail

[Jun 20,2009 3:02pm - blue ""]
Heh I want onez
[Jun 20,2009 3:03pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
I'll give you the name and number of the guy that built it...it was $200, and I never use/needed the "rangefinder" so it would be way cheaper, at least $50 less.
[Jun 20,2009 3:04pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
I mean "treble boost". All JJ tubes made my head treble-y as fuck, luckily the Randalls have a "dark" switch on the back.
[Jun 20,2009 3:18pm - blue ""]
I don't need to be spending over 150 for a boost, considering I just bought a new one today and that brings my boost count up to 4 haha.
[Jun 20,2009 3:24pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
haha chain of boost death xtreme
[Jun 20,2009 3:35pm - blue ""]
I should start chaining them together, shouldn't I?
[Jun 20,2009 4:40pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Or play with 4 completely different rigs.
[Jun 20,2009 4:58pm - blue ""]
I've only got an ABY pedal, I could upgrade to the morely tripler. Do they have a 4 way selector pedal?
[Jun 20,2009 8:14pm - Martins ""]
I just built a pretty sick overdrive and modded a TS-5 I bought. Both sound sick as FUCK.
[Jun 20,2009 8:18pm - goatcatalystnli  ""]
i want to fuck around with a modded hm-2
[Jun 20,2009 8:22pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
blue, my buddy Brett is selling an octo-switch. (I think that's what it's called) Where you can have eight combos of 8 things on and off.

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