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Ascendancy to tour South America

[Mar 7,2004 3:00am - Terence ""]
Well, it looks like things are solid with this tentative tour, we just recieved and signed the contract this past week, and everything looks pretty good. The actual tour is going to take place in Peru and Ecuador from August 13th - Sept 1st. We're pretty psyched about it as it just basically came out of nowhere. The dates and venues should be confirmed within the coming months or so.

Over the years we have gotten so much positive feedback from everyone, and us all in Ascendancy have tried to help out the metal scene the best we could. We greatly appreciate everything we have gotten, be it shows, pictures taken, interviews, etc. Without all that we wouldnt have even been able to go on this tour. If anyone is interested, and also to help us out with our tour expenses, we still have a limited amount of cd's available, it would be a huge help for us if we could sell them. Please get in touch if anyone wants to buy one, we would greatly appreciate it and it would help us a lot while on tour.

On another note, the New England Metal and Hardcore Fest this year makes me want to cry. So Ive decided Im gonna book a metalfest. WITH FUCKING DEATH METAL BANDS. Anyone interested please get in touch, we need more fucking DM shows. Im doing my best with handling tours that come through here, hopefully I can get some more in the future, I cant stand how one man out in Worcester has control of basically everything. I try my hardest to help out Death Metal bands here in NE, and thats not gonna stop, especially after the tour.

Ok folks, thats my piece :D please get in touch if you want to play something that I book in the future, or if you would like to purchase a cd!

AIM: VibTDog
Threats and trash talk are welcome.

[Mar 7,2004 11:59am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Yer like, w1ck3d gh3y @|\||) 5|-|1t.
[Mar 7,2004 12:04pm - succubus ""]
so yer gonna pay for Aaron and my travel expenses to shoot the South American shows?

if you pay us extra, we can also serve as translators
[Mar 7,2004 12:09pm - the_reverend ""]
fastforward a aug 14, a cuatro hombres de mass (usa) obcondio en peru.
Ya, el gobierno de peru hay cuatro rinones mas o menos neuves.
[Mar 7,2004 12:12pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
You can both come, but nothing is free. Even we have to pay for our own plane tickets, so there ya go.
[Mar 7,2004 12:15pm - the_reverend ""]
si, pero hablas espannol?
[Mar 7,2004 12:18pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Only what I remember from high school. You're a nerd.
[Mar 7,2004 12:22pm - Terence ""]
I speak spanish. but not much, enough to get by. It'll be fun. maybe we'll get hijacked!
[Mar 7,2004 12:27pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Hijacking is awesome! \/\/1|\|!!!
[Mar 7,2004 5:10pm - Terence ""]

Saturday, March 20th,
The Chopping Block, 724 huntington Ave, Boston
21+, $5, 8:30pm
Phantom Limb
Continued Without a Finding

now is it Abhorred? or The Abhorred.
Joe what was the title of this small fest again?
[Mar 7,2004 8:27pm - blue ""]
may you guys make tons of bling and sign tons of autographs.
[Mar 7,2004 9:43pm - Terence ""]
hahaha, hopefully...someday...
[Mar 7,2004 10:43pm - Assuck ""]
its Abhorred without the "the"
[Mar 7,2004 10:52pm - BornSoVile ""]
I'm planning on taking a summer course in Spanish at Grass Bay. March 20th is a show fit for kings. IF YOU DON'T OWN THE NEW RAVAGE CD YOU SUCK.
[Mar 8,2004 1:31am - MyDeadDoll ""]
super opportunity for you guys! i hope
everything works out smoothly!
[Mar 8,2004 1:52am - swamplorddvm ""]
South america has some good metal heads.
[Mar 8,2004 2:06am - Terence ""]
thats all south america basically has, haha. that and hijackers.
[Mar 8,2004 2:48am - swamplorddvm ""]
haha ever been??????
[Mar 8,2004 12:33pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
you can bring back an impoverished orphan
to do your evil deeds for you. or to work a
lot and make you guys some money.
[Mar 8,2004 1:28pm - xmikex@home  ""]
good luck you crazy assholes
[Mar 8,2004 3:43pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
wow, good for you guys..

thats really awesome
[Mar 8,2004 3:58pm - abhorred ""]
fucking congrats!!!! keep the brutality going
[Mar 8,2004 6:00pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Don't forget the tour diary Terence!
I want to read up on things in south america that you hate
[Mar 8,2004 6:06pm - extremedeath666 ""]
bout time that you guys get reconized for doin that sick ass thing you do. good for you guys man. I think this is awesome. Do you have any idea on what other bands from down their will be playing as openers?
[Mar 8,2004 6:07pm - extremedeath666 ""]
oh, and this is Alan
[Mar 8,2004 11:20pm - Terence ""]
I have no idea who we're gonna be playing with, he said local openers and whatnot. all metal bands though. I hope everything will be ok.
[Mar 9,2004 8:49am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you guys are definately going to be taken hostage by boy loving communists
[Mar 10,2004 11:05pm - Terence ""]
we just might!
[Mar 10,2004 11:28pm - dyingmuse ""]
thats a serious tour guys...good luck thats bad assed man! kudos to ascendancy!
[Mar 11,2004 12:43pm - Terence ""]
The best part is that we're finally getting the fuck outta here, MA. metal scene is gay, except for all the cool bands that dont talk garbage left and right.
[Mar 11,2004 3:06pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
you're gonna have to find homes in a squatter
community somewhere in south america and
steal electricity from the city so you can practice
and make CD's. then, when you're famous,
you can come back and rub it in everyone's faces
[Mar 13,2004 12:55pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I'll rub something in everyone's faces...
[Mar 15,2004 2:53am - MyDeadDoll ""]
another thread gone down the drain...

there goes your luck. nice way to screw it up
[Mar 15,2004 9:35am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Terence said:The best part is that we're finally getting the fuck outta here, MA. metal scene is gay, except for all the cool bands that dont talk garbage left and right.

those bands don't need to talk garbage, they have me to do it for them.
I am like a crusader against false metal.
[Mar 15,2004 12:25pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
you need to get a shirt made that says that
[Mar 15,2004 5:33pm - BornSoVile ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I am like a crusader against false metal.


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