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how much $ does the rev. get for the atreyu ad banner?

[Mar 6,2004 7:31pm - Futuristic_Puke ""]
fucking atreyu? come on aaron, gimme a fucking break.

Now Available the new Good Charlotte comp with unreleased pictures of them fucking each other
[Mar 6,2004 8:08pm - succubus ""]
give the poor guy a break
[Mar 7,2004 1:29am - the_reverend ""]
actually, I added it cause it's a scars of tomorrow banner.
if you are going to make fun of me for something,
at least make it the hatebreed banner from a long time ago
[Mar 7,2004 1:42am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Mar 7,2004 1:49am - the_reverend ""]
look, I didn't sell out.
but I'm only shooting for $$ now.
hey, ascendancy, I shot you like 15 times, plus acendancy once... and you had an in studio.
that's going to $80 x 15 and I'll give you the in studio free.
[Mar 7,2004 1:51am - Terence ""]
but we're still waiting for the $1000 for the on air appearance
[Mar 7,2004 1:54am - the_reverend ""]
how bout carina gives me a BJ and we call it even?
[Mar 7,2004 1:55am - Terence ""]
hey, I at least need some snowball action then.
[Mar 7,2004 2:06am - the_reverend ""]
well, you are going to have to ask her for your change.
[Mar 7,2004 2:09am - succubus ""]
w t f are you talking about?
[Mar 7,2004 3:19am - intricateprocess ""]
hahah......this thread should be on the back of the hoodie
[Mar 7,2004 3:33am - succubus ""]
well i'm going to sleep
no bj's here
[Mar 7,2004 12:05pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
BJs in your sleep!
[Mar 7,2004 12:16pm - the_reverend ""]
she lied about that no bj thing.
[Mar 7,2004 12:18pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Lucky bastardnerd.
[Mar 7,2004 4:33pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
so how was BJ's, Revvie? I havent been to that store in years...
[Mar 7,2004 5:10pm - retzam ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:so how was BJ's, Revvie? I havent been to that store in years...


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