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vader cabinets

[Feb 2,2009 3:38pm - karnivean ""]
whos got one for sale?
[Feb 2,2009 3:41pm - reimroc ""]
[Feb 2,2009 3:42pm - W3 nli  ""]
ok that made me lol
[Feb 2,2009 3:43pm - karnivean ""]
lol dick
[Feb 2,2009 3:44pm - reimroc ""]
[Feb 2,2009 3:44pm - dreadkill ""]
[Feb 2,2009 3:45pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Feb 2,2009 3:46pm - reimroc ""]
[Feb 2,2009 8:49pm - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
[Feb 2,2009 11:26pm - reimroc ""]
i'm sorry but that pic is fucking hilarious
[Feb 2,2009 11:32pm - eli_hhcb ""]
I really want a vader 2x15 cab.
[Feb 2,2009 11:56pm - Aegathis ""]
that is a pretty good one, i find myself telling people to "just check the fucking internet" for just about everything these days. The other day at work one guy i work with was worried about changing his alternator on his own. I told him i bet you could go on youtube and find a video of how to do it, and then he give me this look like i just cured cancer.
What makes you think you want a vader cabinet by the way?
[Feb 3,2009 12:18am - goatcatalyst ""]
Earcandy FTW, amirite Brian?
[Feb 3,2009 9:00am - Martins ""]
Vader is sweet because there's ridiculous amounts of headroom and a nice full tonal spectrum response. If you don't like speaker distortion and like for your amp and rack/pedals to be doing all the EQing, get a Vader. I probably will.
[Feb 3,2009 9:33am - reimroc ""]

Aegathis said:that is a pretty good one, i find myself telling people to "just check the fucking internet" for just about everything these days. The other day at work one guy i work with was worried about changing his alternator on his own. I told him i bet you could go on youtube and find a video of how to do it, and then he give me this look like i just cured cancer.
What makes you think you want a vader cabinet by the way?

[Feb 3,2009 3:06pm - Aegathis ""]

goatcatalyst said:Earcandy FTW, amirite Brian?

More like eyecandy, we backlined vader cabs on the first US tour i did with Belphegor last year, cant say I noticed a huge difference between those and the 200 dollar peavey cab i have back home, atleast not a difference worth the 800 bux or what ever those things go for. Especially if your only going to be playing local shows with them as opposed to being on the road playing in front of 400 people a night that acutally judge you by what gear you use.
Of coarse thats my own professional opinion, personally id use the extra dough to go toward promoting what ever band i am playing for, and when the time comes to go on tour and rely on better equipment, id say it would be in best interest to rent between all the bands involved and backline. Less time screwing around on stage in between sets, not as much to carry on the road, and everyone looks cool with the sick cabs on stage and more money in the wallet to spend on the bitches at the bar >:]
I just did a search for vader cabs on ebay and didnt find anything , anything on craigslist?
[Feb 3,2009 3:54pm - Martins ""]
I think he was referring to Earcandy Cabs and talking to Brian_DC.
[Feb 3,2009 4:00pm - Aegathis ""]
hhaha i havent heard of that one yet, but Im sure ya get where I was gettin.
[Feb 3,2009 4:06pm - Martins ""]
Yeah, but I probably still plan on getting a Vader lol.
[Feb 3,2009 4:08pm - Blue ""]
Mix your speakers ftw
[Feb 3,2009 4:57pm - corpulent colloidal  ""]
ahh vaders....*sigh*

on a side note...

just played on an 'electric' cab over the weekend and....HOT DAMN!
[Feb 3,2009 4:58pm - brian_dc ""]

goatcatalyst said:Earcandy FTW, amirite Brian?

FTW, ftw.

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