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[Mar 6,2004 7:24pm - Assuck ""]
http://www.abhorred.cjb.net And go to the sounds page. Let us know what you think either in this thread or on our guestbook.
[Mar 6,2004 7:26pm - Phantos ""]
very good shit. can't wait til you do more.
the demo I got has been in my CD player for a while now.
[Mar 6,2004 7:34pm - Futuristic_Puke ""]
sounds like metal, good vokillz. why only song clips?
[Mar 6,2004 7:40pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
sites down. try posting them here.
[Mar 6,2004 11:21pm - Assuck ""]
oh sorry. the site should be up now.
[Mar 7,2004 2:14am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
cool, the clips sound good. what was it recorded on? i'll be at the show this monday. looking forward to the set.
[Mar 7,2004 9:46am - Assuck ""]
it was recorded on our drummer's 10 track digital something or other. i'm not big on these thing. and thank you .
[Mar 7,2004 12:11pm - pessimist ""]
we only have clips so that you are forced to either come to our show and get a free copy of our demo, or buy one from us for $4. Its all about marketing...HAHAHAHA
[Mar 7,2004 12:42pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Mar 7,2004 12:43pm - Terence ""]
Abhorred are awesome. :D
[Mar 7,2004 4:49pm - Assuck ""]
i'm enjoying this positive response thing...somebody's bound to fuck it up.
[Mar 7,2004 10:55pm - Assuck ""]
somebody say we suck, dammit.
[Mar 8,2004 3:14pm - Assuck ""]
[Mar 9,2004 4:59pm - Assuck ""]
bump in the name of self promotion
[Mar 9,2004 5:30pm - SmallBrownRatFuck ""]
I should've picked up a demo yesterday. The cover of War Ensemble was awesome.

Get a bassist. :satancross:
[Mar 9,2004 6:03pm - Assuck ""]
you didnt get a demo? we thought we got everyone that was there. our bad. there's always next time.

and we're working on the bassist thing.
[Mar 11,2004 5:17pm - Assuck ""]

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