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Show is Mass of Friday Dec. 6th

Knights of Columbus (Lawrence, Ma) - [anterrabae][bury_your_dead][cannae][chagrin][deadwater_drowning][lucas][nientara][nora][on_broken_wings][sloppy_balls][terminally_your_aborted_ghost][the_acacia_strain][the_automata][the_red_chord][xTUFFx]
[Nov 30,2002 12:02am - PortuThug  ""]
"Destoy The North Shore Fest"
December 6th: Doors @ 3PM: $12
Knights of Columbus, Lawrence, MA: 1 Market Street

Nora (yuck)
The Red Chord (shoulda stayed ictus haha)
Cannae (great fucking band outta boston)
Bury Your Dead (eh.....nuff said))
Nientara (just go to return to the pit's pictures of them to show you how good they are live, people had tons of fun i swear)
On Broken Wings (pink bandanas are cool, oh wait nope)
The Acacia Strain (not too shabby)
The Automata (LAST SHOW EVER)
Anterrabae (no clue)
Above This Fire (hrm...)
Held Hostage (i dunno what ta tell ya)
Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost (ex-automata members...circus slam-core)
Deadwater Drowning (what the...?!)

go and show support for the last automata show ever... people are going to die that's all there is to it
info: http://www.actionattack.net
[Dec 1,2002 1:55pm - the_reverend ""]
I'll definitely be there.
though I've seen all but 1 or 2 of these bands.
[Dec 1,2002 2:35pm - ninjagrind ""]
i had no clue the automata was breaking up ... ?
[Dec 1,2002 3:22pm - bloodykisses ""]
[Dec 2,2002 2:52am - the_reverend ""]
from what I gather, the drummer, scott, is leaving to focus more on his other project (terminally, your aborted ghost).
however, from what I understand, they are trying out another drummer.
I hope they don't call it quits.
I like the CD alot and they are great live (even though some piece of their gear always fails in the first song)
[Dec 6,2002 12:24pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm leaving in like 3 hours.
this should be fun.
too bad succubus isn't going to be there to take pictures
[Dec 6,2002 12:39pm - succubus ""]
SIGH...love me for my camera...no worries though I will be waiting for you when you are done...with my camera in hand hah!
[Dec 7,2002 1:28am - the_reverend ""]
I just got home.
I'm working on the pictures now.
though I'm covered with a white powder...
[Dec 7,2002 2:10am - the_reverend ""]
the pictures are uploading now.
I'll post a link to them in a minute.
[Dec 7,2002 2:37am - the_reverend ""]
there are the pictures from anterrabae, bury your dead, cannae, chagrin, deadwater dreaming, lucas, nientara, nora, on broken wings, sloppy balls, terminally your aborted ghost, the acacia strain, the automata, the red chord and xTUFFx at the K of C in Lawrence.
lots of bands, lots of music, lots of mosh, and a lot of broken ceiling tiles.
what did you think?
[Dec 7,2002 8:57am - Rj KSDC  ""]
good bands, good people, i got a broken nose so i didnt leave unfulfilled.
[Dec 7,2002 5:09pm - xmikex ""]
here's my review of the show:
dead water drowning: only saw 1 song, good drummer.
terminally your aborted ghost: had some guitar troubles but still definently one of the better bands of the night.
anterrabae: pretty stupid, didn't like it.
the automata: awsome set, but no way is that their last show.
the acatia strain: if all you need to do to be a band these days is ripoff unearth then i've been going about it allllll wrong. if you find that one riff that you really really like why not keep playing it over and over again in every song....why not. Zzzzzzzzz
neintara: thanks for another good nap. judjudjudjudjudZzzzzzzz
on broken wings: fun to dance to i guess....especially if you're bored....which i was.

sorry to all the bands i missed after that, i was bored and in lawrence, not a good combo.:middlefinger:
[Dec 7,2002 8:17pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Guess im glad I couldnt find a ride. also i see these pictures of the wall completely destroyed. Wow thats cool. Its sad to see how much of a lack of respect kids have. Its funny, I guess there wont be many shows at lawerence anymore. I just think its odd how kids say they cant find places to play shows any more. Well let me think. Because the hall recieves 300 dollars worth of damage. The most unfortunate thing about this is that the kid who booked the show has to pay for it all. The same kid who finds the bands finds the hall, just so everyone can have a good time and spread music. Dont blame the bands, Dont blame the size of the hall. Blame yourselves, Because its cool to " fuck shit up"
[Dec 7,2002 10:35pm - blackandblue ""]
i'm glad i went. i'm glad stuff got fucked up. lawrence knights is horrible. the floor is too slippery to dance. it's near impossible. i had an amazing time last night. i don't blame the bands, or the hall. i don't blame anyone. the kids setting up the show should've known better. i'm not saying their to blame, but they had too many bands, and the bands they had shouldn't hjave played such a small hall. bury your dead in that small of a hall is going to lead to disaster. oh well though. just another night.....
[Dec 8,2002 12:22am - RustedAngel ""]
paul, i agree completly, all these bitches complain about nowhere to play, yet they complain about a venue being too small or too big and still destroy the place. You also wonder why certain clubs are more strict, or don't hold hardcore shows at all.

way too ruin your own scene. you all deserve it if you got people with a mentality like 'black and blue' in it.

[Dec 8,2002 12:36am - XdiesX  ""]
show=good times.
poor A:A paying for all the assholes who broke the celing. Scott has a great birthday.:bartnormal:
[Dec 8,2002 4:33am - iamdrone  ""]
ok for real i am literaly sick of this "scene" kids have no respect for one another, for anyones shit and mostly them selves. i think this show proves that point. some rad doods(who i dont know, just so you dont think i am kissing ass) sett up a show for people to have a good time at. and look what happpens. they gett fucked and all you little scene idiots laugh. seriously how the fuck is it there fault/ you are a fuckin asshole if you say that. i have been suporting the scen for 9 yrs, and this is what it comes down to? you kids suck, all your bands are clones of other second rate metal bands. and all you dramma and fighting and scene points are lame. fuck every last one of you for ruining what hardcore is sapose to be. two bad all of you are on the 2 year plan. fuck you
clones every were i look. fuck you fuck you fuck you
[Dec 8,2002 12:50pm - blackandblue ""]
haha. look at everyone bitching and moaning about what happened. honestly, who cares if you've given up on the scene? worthless post. and people deserve it if they've got people with my mentality in it? hahahahaha. we didn't ruin our own scene. nothing is ruined. a place got trashed, so what? it happens. move on.
[Dec 8,2002 1:43pm - xmikex ""]
i gotta agree with blackandblue here. nothing is ruined but a ceiling. i really don't care about anything or anyone, let alone an inanimate ceiling at a club I already hate. the kid setting up the show is a friend of a friend so i didn't break any tiles out of that respect. but other then that why bother complaining, it's not gonna bring back the ceiling and if everyone is so upset about it then why didn't you cough up some money to pay for it. ya know "support the scene" or whatever. I'm sure they could find the money to pay for it no problem with the TWELVE FUCKING DOLLARS everyone had to pay at the door.....prices like that even make Gene Simmons laugh.
[Dec 8,2002 6:50pm - the CZA  ""]
ya so who knows the name/info on the short girl with the black spiked hair who was dancing during obw and cannae...she was with the girl in the golds gym jacket i believe and i think she was the one who hit bill during automata...that girl was hot and i want her to know it hah
[Dec 8,2002 8:16pm - RustedAngel ""]
well if the people that run that american legion decide to not let anymore shows go on there (even if it only costs $12 for a ceiling tile) that would be one less place out of the barley no other places to hold shows like that.

ceiling tiles shouldn't be getting broken anyways, maybe your noses, and wrists since you like to punch eachother.

you guys were probably hanging off the ceiling pretending to be american glaidiators weren't you? hahah

[Dec 8,2002 9:44pm - Rj KSDC  ""]
she already knows shes hott
[Dec 8,2002 10:20pm - xmikex ""]
XamericangladiatiorsmoshX you called it tom. i was nitro and i was cleaning up and then i got decked with a foam rubber baton by ratt mowe. the rev would have gotten pictures of it but he was like drunk or something.

all true.
[Dec 8,2002 11:03pm - the CZA  ""]
that pic didnt come up, whatever it was...glad to know she knows thou...ya good deal
[Dec 9,2002 1:40am - your mama  ""]
Damn, why is it that every post I read CZA is trying to get down some girls pants?:bartmoon::tightiewhities::nuke:
[Dec 9,2002 2:09am - ratt mowe  ""]
i agree. it was true. i am a faom rubber baton assailant. why must you all patronize me for my ways???

:thescream: <-- what i do when you patronize me.. and my ways.
[Dec 11,2002 3:13am - the CZA  ""]
hah you must have me a portuthug bill confused haha
[Dec 16,2002 4:48pm - x_liar_x  ""]
ha ha ha who is CZA...?? that girl is me... ha ha i find this halrious! thanxs for saying i am hot Rj... your such a nice boi... but umm yea... fuckin


x.seven.eight.one.x recrods sin.city.hardcore.:point:
[Dec 16,2002 6:58pm - xmikex ""]
damn, and nobody commented on how hot i looked at the show....
four hours in the beauty parlor......wasted.
[Dec 18,2002 8:57pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
mike your still hot ,trust me. oh yeah!!
[Dec 18,2002 10:41pm - xmikex ""]
[Dec 19,2002 3:40pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
[Jan 3,2003 3:32pm - ratt_mowe ""]
and how bout that band for which mike got all sexy for? arent they sexy as well??

i know they make me go :thescream:
[Jun 3,2004 2:45pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't know why I'm bumping this... but look at tyag go!
[Jun 3,2004 6:54pm - nick ""]
[Jun 3,2004 6:56pm - the_reverend ""]
man, my old camera sucked.
didn't that shot of xmikex get photoshoped.
[Mar 25,2006 7:38pm - anonymous  ""]
i'm bumping this four year old thread just to say that this was the new england metal fest of the future.
[Jan 29,2011 5:14pm - Pires ""]
this show looked like it ruled.... so many great bands.
[Jan 29,2011 5:18pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
"Show is Mass of Friday Dec. 6th"

[Jan 29,2011 8:12pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
thread title = /thread
[Jan 29,2011 11:22pm - blue ""]
I remember this show. This was the infamous 'ceiling torn down during BYD'
[Sep 4,2014 12:51am - BUMP  ""]

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