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\m/Noosebomb,Continued w/out a Finding/Abhorred MONDAY!!!!!

[Mar 5,2004 4:48pm - Brad ""]
All Asia Cafe
Central Sq. Cambridge
ALL AGES 6$ 7:30 start


[Mar 5,2004 5:10pm - pessimist ""]
thats right fuckers...GO!
[Mar 5,2004 5:34pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
I'm going. See you der Brad.
[Mar 5,2004 7:15pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
I will be there. Drunk as usual.
[Mar 5,2004 8:56pm - Brad ""]
Ninkaszi187 said:I'm going. See you der Brad.

please don't hurt me, you black metal guys are crazy tuff!
[Mar 5,2004 10:25pm - pessimist ""]
metal on a monday, what else do you have to do? (I know, i know aaron...)
[Mar 6,2004 8:43am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Monztah Monday Guy Kid at all asia cafe, take that Bill's Bar!
[Mar 7,2004 12:31am - Brad ""]
[Mar 7,2004 3:19am - Phantos ""]
Brad and John are the obvious bad-ass players. Tom is the sleeper about to awaken. Witness his kills. It is killer.
[Mar 7,2004 12:56pm - pessimist ""]
Phantos said: Tom is the sleeper about to awaken.

I hope he doesn't sleep through the show...

[Mar 7,2004 6:57pm -  ""]
METAL! cant wait to tear it up you fucks. :skull:
[Mar 7,2004 7:13pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Monztah Monday Guy Kid at all asia cafe, take that Bill's Bar!

All Asia can't even compare to Bill's unforunately...

Bill's = sound system
All Asia = no system

Bill's = an actual stage with more room than the AA
All Asia = corner thingie and like no room at all

Bill's = 18+
All Asia = all ages...

only thing AA has over Bill's is that it is all ages... but since that doesnt effect me... i dont really care. hahaha
[Mar 7,2004 10:45pm - Assuck ""]
yea but all asia's better because Abhorred plays there, and not at bill's bar.
[Mar 8,2004 8:13am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Actually Bill's bar is fucking gay and is always full of retarded bands.
All Asia is not.
Therefore it's the other way around.

I love how Bill's Bar markets itself as Lansdowne's only rock club, but on its main nights does Reggae and rap and other gay fucking nerd music.

Sure the sound system is neat, but who cares? Most their sound people suck anyway, except for the guy from the band Eyes Like Knives, that guy does a great job. I wish I knew his name. But I doubt I will book at Bill's Bar again because it's gay to make my bands play with hardcore or metalcore bands on a monday night and get paid less because Bill's Bar wants to take an exuberant amount of money from the door.

[Mar 8,2004 11:31am - pessimist ""]
tonights the night
[Mar 8,2004 12:25pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
the sound has always been good when i have been there. if people come to the show, then you get paid. if like 20 do, then you still do, but not as much. oh well, its all good.
[Mar 8,2004 12:56pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
hey spaldino, everyone hates you, please steer clear of notcommon threads. thanks.
[Mar 8,2004 1:13pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
*steers clear*
[Mar 8,2004 1:14pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Why would you even read the thread, you can tell from the subject that it's not a show you would go to and nobody wants to hear your bullshit about Bill's Bar, so replying makes even less sense.
[Mar 8,2004 1:18pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
well i have been interested in checking out Noosebomb.
[Mar 8,2004 1:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will be at the club at 7, I suggest the bands come between 7 and 7:30
[Mar 8,2004 1:55pm - Phantos ""]
have a killer show fellas.
get all CWAFfed up for me!
[Mar 8,2004 1:55pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Phantos, I suggest you come around 7:43
[Mar 8,2004 1:59pm - Phantos ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Phantos, I suggest you come around 7:43

noted. I gotta work at 4am up here tomorrow though... so.. um...
nope. I would pull all the ladies gazes away from Brad's package anyhoo.
and we don't want that.
[Mar 8,2004 2:00pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You are such a good friend to Brad, always thinking of his best interests
[Mar 8,2004 2:03pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
What time do the bands start? I have to work until 7:30, and I don't see myself getting there before 8 unfortunately. I'd probably get there at 9, so hold up the show just for me haha.
[Mar 8,2004 2:05pm - pessimist ""]
gotta get there at 8, abhorred goes on at 8
[Mar 8,2004 2:06pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
8 Doors
8:20-8:50 Abhorred
9:10-9:40 CWAF
10:00-10:45 Noosebomb

Give or take a few minutes.
[Mar 8,2004 2:07pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Fucking sucks, I don't think I'm going to catch the set. I will try my best to get there as early as possible. I might make it by 8:30 if I try really hard.
[Mar 8,2004 2:09pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
hopefully you can catch them, i think you would really dig abhorred.
[Mar 8,2004 2:16pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Yeah me too, I liked the sound clips.
[Mar 8,2004 4:50pm - Assuck ""]
a few hours until everyone in cambridge is dead by our hands
[Mar 8,2004 5:55pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Anyone concerned about working tomorow, or having class tomorow, the entire show will be over before 11 pm, giving you plenty of time to be home and in bed to get enough sleep to function properly tomorow morning.

[Mar 8,2004 6:09pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Joe, whats the address to this place?
[Mar 8,2004 6:11pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
334 mass ave, cambridge
its about 1 block from the middle east, on the same side.
if you park in the garage behind the place, the bartender can validate your ticket to make it cheaper.
but i think parking is free at the meters at night
[Mar 8,2004 6:12pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
ok, cool. thanks. see you there.
[Mar 9,2004 12:01am - SmallBrownRatFuck ""]
Fukkin' A, great show. Abhorred played a wicked version of War Ensemble. I loved it. Great set, guys.

Continued Without a Finding was awesome. Great stuff guys.

Noosebomb rocked. Sorta Helmet-ish, but far and away better. Wow, still drunk. OK.

You know, its funny being the only asian in attendance. Funny.

Amazing night of metal. Great show overall.
[Mar 9,2004 12:43am - BornSoVile ""]
anyone have the chicken fingers there? they put sugar on em, fuckin tasty.
[Mar 9,2004 8:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Kevin, you were misled by the name all asia eh?
That place was crawling with guineas.
[Mar 9,2004 8:49am - SmallBrownRatFuck ""]
HAHAHA, I was too drunk to see... although the Chinese hostess is going to try to hook me up with a jobber.

Anyone notice that the place's name could be half of a porn title?
[Mar 9,2004 9:00am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
All Asia Anal Action.
Are you really gonna work at All Asia, normally I would be excited 'yes I can get my foot into the door now!', but I already run that place.
Did anyone else notice how every time I go there Patty just keeps giving me more gig dates?

Here is my review:
Some stupid cunt on guitar who played for 5 minutes longer then she should have. It made me really mad, and I had Abhorred impale her after her set. Then we ate her body.

Abhorred was on second, they played really good, the high vocals were a little weak, but the singer was as sick as me so it was understandable. He shared his Dayquil with me, which helped me get through the show. Since Phantom Limb got a bassist, I have decided every band needs a bassist (just judging on how much better they sound now). Someone who plays should try out for Abhorred.

Continued Without A Finding was on third, and played really good. They are very noisy, which I definately do not mind. By the time it took me to realize they weren't using their singer, he got on stage and started singing. They did a great cover of Zodiac at the end, with the ever lovable Mark Kevorkian (complete with new haircut) on vocals.

Noosebomb headlined and played a great set. I think something was messing up with Randy's bass during their set, I was busy sitting in the corner suffering terribly. Mike from Hirudinea was there and really liked them.
[Mar 9,2004 9:23am - SmallBrownRatFuck ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:All Asia Anal Action.
Are you really gonna work at All Asia, normally I would be excited 'yes I can get my foot into the door now!', but I already run that place.

Aww, hell no man. She works for some financial group out in Braintree and she's gonna try to hook me up with a job. I guess that's what happens when you tip well.

Some stupid cunt on guitar who played for 5 minutes longer then she should have. It made me really mad, and I had Abhorred impale her after her set. Then we ate her body.

FAHK! I kinda wish you told me 'cause I would have done dirty, dirty things with her before you ate her. She was kinda hot. Stupid bitch.

Since Phantom Limb got a bassist, I have decided every band needs a bassist (just judging on how much better they sound now

Fuckin' right.
[Mar 9,2004 9:27am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Mar 9,2004 9:58am - pessimist ""]
another great show. yes my voice sucked but the rest of the band killed...i think it was all that dead girl that i ate before the set.

CWAF was awesome. I didn't really know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. Check these guys out on March 20th at the Choppin Block (cheap plug)

Noosebomb was fucking sick. I love Grief, and now I love Noosebomb. I think I read a review once that pretty much nailed it. "Its like Grief injecting caffeine into their veins, while drinking beers with Celtic Frost"
Great show guys.
[Mar 9,2004 10:26am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't think your voice sucked, but your highs were not as good as they will be on march 20th, so everyone should come to that show to judge.
[Mar 9,2004 10:30am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
oh, thanks again for the dayquil.
my health is failing more and more.
and i have to work 12-9 today
[Mar 9,2004 10:45am - pessimist ""]
no problem, i'm probably dayquills #1 customer. but yeah, i hear ya, i've been at work since 9 and i won't get to leave til 6, i need a nap...
[Mar 9,2004 10:46am - pessimist ""]
and yes, everyone should come to the show on the 20th, and get there early.
[Mar 9,2004 4:49pm - Assuck ""]
[Mar 9,2004 5:56pm - Brad ""]
pessimist said:
CWAF was awesome. I didn't really know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. Check these guys out on March 20th at the Choppin Block (cheap plug)


thanks dude, glad you liked it!
Checks in the mail!!
[Mar 9,2004 6:01pm - Assuck ""]
who was taking pictures last night? i saw flashes, and someone told me who it was, but i forgot.
[Mar 9,2004 8:11pm - Brad ""]
Assuck said:who was taking pictures last night? i saw flashes, and someone told me who it was, but i forgot.

[Mar 11,2004 5:16pm - Assuck ""]
oh. alright then. where can i see these pictures?
[Mar 12,2004 4:42am - Phantos ""]
where them pictures at Biatch!?!
[Mar 12,2004 3:31pm - Brad ""]
there ^

and here

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