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PM5K apreesh lols, Flu unapreesh.

[Jan 29,2009 12:05pm - eli_hhcb ""]
We're leaving at 2:30 to drive to The Webster, in Hartford, to be there by 4. Powerman 5000 is headlining.

Anyone remember that band? Is it true that he's Rob Zombie's younger brother?

I also have been in bed for the last 3 days with the flu. Rocking out with a decent fever is pretty metal.


I just like those words,

Thanks Live Journal!
[Jan 29,2009 12:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya spider is rob's younger brother. pm5k was kinda ok at one point 10 years ago but they are beyond suck now.
[Jan 29,2009 12:08pm - KEVORD ""]
Jokes are funny. Hardy har har.
[Jan 29,2009 12:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh jokes hahaha i get jokes
[Jan 29,2009 12:12pm - eli_hhcb ""]
Are you saying they have more material than those radio songs? that "When worlds collide" song. I lost my virginity when I was 10 to that song.
[Jan 29,2009 12:13pm - KEVORD ""]
Funny posts are funny.
[Jan 29,2009 12:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
exit thread stage left
[Jan 29,2009 12:24pm - xmikex ""]
This is what happens when you introduce RTTP ideas into lambgoat.
[Jan 29,2009 12:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 29,2009 12:38pm - Yeti ""]
they went to release an album and the record label refused because it was so horrible.

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