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Chat rooming with MSD and MFR is like...

[Jan 28,2009 4:54pm - aaron_michael ""]
...trying to cross rt.1 in Saugus with a blindfold on after a Red Sox game.

[Jan 28,2009 5:18pm - archaeon ""]
mikeposted (4:28:39 PM): GRANT GUESS WUT
fenderwnt149 (4:28:43 PM): wut
meamogre (4:28:45 PM): I HAVE A BONER
mikeposted (4:28:48 PM): MY TEXT IS PINK
mikeposted (4:28:48 PM): LOLZ
fenderwnt149 (4:28:51 PM): ahahahaha
mikeposted (4:28:59 PM): GUESS WUT ELSE
fenderwnt149 (4:29:03 PM): WHAT
mikeposted (4:29:05 PM): I HAVE A BONER
mikeposted (4:29:07 PM): LOLZ
meamogre (4:29:12 PM): WE HAVE BONERS!
[Jan 28,2009 5:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
might as well just call that a circle jerk and not a chatroom
[Jan 28,2009 5:21pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
chatrooms still exist?
[Jan 28,2009 5:48pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Saw a brutal car crash on RT.1 in Saugus heading home this morning, state trooper wrapped his cruiser around a light pole after flying off the road (RT. 1 was a skating rink last night). The car didn't even look like a Crown Vic, completely accordioned and it looked like it had been crushed by tree.

[Jan 28,2009 5:51pm - RustyPS ""]
that was all over the news this morning....trooper died
[Jan 28,2009 5:54pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
funny thread got serious
[Jan 28,2009 5:59pm - W3 nli  ""]

Hi I Failed, Have A Nice Day.
[Jan 28,2009 5:59pm - Lamp nli  ""]
[Jan 28,2009 7:19pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
OH MY GOD OUR CHAT WAS ON THE NOOZ?! Aaron, I didn't know that was you in there.
[Jan 28,2009 7:47pm - dreadkill ""]
that chat was hot
[Jan 28,2009 8:24pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Too bad no one posted the full chat. Shit got hotter than hot.
[Jan 28,2009 8:26pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
What chat room was this?
[Jan 28,2009 9:01pm - aaron_michael ""]
yar tis me.

[Jan 28,2009 11:50pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Well goddamn.
[Jan 28,2009 11:52pm - ouchdrummer ""]
strangeness is afoot at the circle K...
[Jan 28,2009 11:54pm - dreadkill ""]
having sex with MSD and MFR is like being in a totally hot chatroom with them.
[Jan 28,2009 11:55pm - ouchdrummer ""]
kissing MFR (on the lips) is like a little taste of heaven..
[Jan 28,2009 11:57pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Having Jim kiss me on the lips is like tasting a little slice of Uncle Bruce.
[Jan 28,2009 11:58pm - ouchdrummer ""]
your uncle tastes like orange chicken.
[Jan 29,2009 12:02am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
And fear.
[Jan 29,2009 12:17am - ouchdrummer ""]
and blood, strangely enough. I really liked it.
[Jan 29,2009 12:18am - Martins ""]
I liked it and i wasn't involved.
[Jan 29,2009 12:19am - ouchdrummer ""]
i don't lose at gay chicken... because i am not PLAYING gay chicken.
[Jan 29,2009 12:20am - ouchdrummer ""]
here is something you can't understand
how i could just kiss a man!
[Jan 29,2009 12:43am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Jan 29,2009 12:59am - narkybark ""]
At least I don't kiss and tell.
[Jan 29,2009 1:00am - narkybark ""]
Now where's your nephew at? We need to discuss some... things.
[Jan 29,2009 1:00am - ouchdrummer ""]
you don't really kiss, now do you.
[Jan 29,2009 1:03am - narkybark ""]
When I do, it's hot with passion. You couldn't handle it.
[Jan 29,2009 1:09am - ouchdrummer ""]
i believe that. because you show SO MUCH emotion constantly.
[Jan 29,2009 1:31am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
He saves it all for when his lips let loose a cannon of passion.
[Jan 29,2009 1:41am - narkybark ""]
I spit hot fire
[Jan 29,2009 1:46am - W3 nli  ""]
[Jan 29,2009 10:30am - archaeon ""]

narkybark said:I spit hot fire


[Jan 29,2009 10:34am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I rhyme and I rock, I rock and I rhyme, my name is Dy-lan and I spit hot fiiiaaaahhhh.
[Jan 29,2009 11:17am - archaeon ""]
god that quote was so wrong.

fuck you richards
[Jan 29,2009 11:27am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I'm Da best mayne! I Deeeeed it!
[Jan 29,2009 11:35am - c.DeAD  ""]

W3%20nli said:[img]

Hi I Failed, Have A Nice Day.

So awful, yet hilarious. Some of us got some shitty karma coming I tells ya.
[Jan 29,2009 12:53pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Fuck you for knowing the quote Grant. I don't give NOOOOO shitas.
[Jan 29,2009 5:34pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

DrewBlood@Work said:funny thread got serious

no, its still funny
[Jan 29,2009 5:37pm - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:I'm Da best mayne! I Deeeeed it!


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