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[Jan 25,2009 6:18pm - Josh Martin N2FAEI  ""]
April 16th Boston @ The Church
April 17th Danbury,CT @ Heirloom Arts
April 18 Baltimore,MD @ Talking Head
April 19 Charlotte,NC @ Milestone
April 20 Spartanburg,SC @ Ground ZERO
April 21 GA/TN/NC/SC
April 22 TN/KY/
April 23 Nashville,TN @ The Muse
April 24 Tallahassee,FL @ Engine Room
April 25 New Orleans,LA
April 26 Houston,TX
April 27 McAllen,TX
April 28 San Antonio,TX @ Rock Bar
April 29 Dallas/ Austin
April 30 Fayetteville,AR
May 1 Kansas City,MO @ Riot Room
May 2 IN
May 3 St Louis,MO @ Fubar
May 4 IA/WI
May 5 St Paul,MN @ Station 4
May 6 Chicago,IL @ Metal Shaker
May 7 Lansing,MI @ Macs
May 8 Wheeling,WV @ Yesterdays
May 9 NYC
May 10 Philly

[Jan 25,2009 6:19pm - W3 nli  ""]
Josh you should play Virginia Beach on April 21st
[Jan 25,2009 6:35pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Going from Spartanburg, SC to VA Beach then back the other way = bad idea
[Jan 25,2009 6:57pm - W3 nli  ""]

Lamp%20nli said:Going from Spartanburg, SC to VA Beach then back the other way = bad idea

well if theyre trying to go to NC from SC its not that far of a stretch to go to VA then to TN i mean they do have two days off and could get a show in rva and then vabeach before hitting up tn
[Jan 25,2009 8:26pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I'll probably go to IN, I hate driving at night. coming back 3 hours from St Louis and then having to work, bleagh, i'm so old
[Jan 25,2009 8:44pm - Lamp nli  ""]

W3%20nli said:
Lamp%20nli said:Going from Spartanburg, SC to VA Beach then back the other way = bad idea

well if theyre trying to go to NC from SC its not that far of a stretch to go to VA then to TN i mean they do have two days off and could get a show in rva and then vabeach before hitting up tn

Charlotte and Spartanburg are really close to each other, right on the same stretch of highway. Can't be more than like, 70 or 80 miles apart. Going back up to Richmond from Spartanburg would be something like 6 hours, then there really isn't a good highway to go directly from that area to Tennessee so you'd be looking at another really long drive.

Not that I've toured or anything but I wouldn't be too huge on the backtracking.
[Jan 25,2009 9:11pm - W3 nli  ""]
this is why you fail.
[Jan 25,2009 9:18pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Because I have knowledge of where all these cities are in relation to each other?
[Jan 25,2009 9:39pm - W3 nli  ""]
nope cause you smell of lavender and mint chocolate chip ice cream
[Jan 25,2009 9:49pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I wish...
[Jan 25,2009 10:50pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
hmm, this thread went in a weird direction. Less lavender and more Hitler please
[Jan 25,2009 10:58pm - the_reverend ""]
damn.. I would hang out with hitler right about now to eat some icecream
[Jan 25,2009 11:03pm - W3 nli  ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:more Hitler please


the_reverend said:damn.. I would hang out with hitler
[Jan 26,2009 11:52am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

the_reverend said:damn.. I would hang out with hitler

sing that to the tune of "damn, i wish i was your lover"
instant lolzz
[Jan 26,2009 5:53pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
up, see you guys in Indiana. Recommend any places to crash out there?
[Jan 26,2009 9:59pm - tim26 ""]
I'll be at Kansas City and St. Louis, maybe Chicago if everything works out right. Can't wait!
[Jan 28,2009 12:45pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

tim26 said:I'll be at Kansas City and St. Louis, maybe Chicago if everything works out right. Can't wait!

where do you live?
[Jan 28,2009 4:42pm - tim26 ""]
St. Louis
[Jan 28,2009 4:59pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Hitler invented black raspberry ice cream. Before Hitler, it was plain old regular ass raspberry.

Thanks, Hitler.
[Jan 28,2009 5:04pm - W3 nli  ""]
mmm i want a black raspberry milkshake now
[Feb 7,2009 1:40pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
*punches mic*
[Feb 7,2009 2:08pm - KeynoteCompany ""]
Why is May 11th @ Club Hell not up?

[Feb 7,2009 2:15pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Feb 8,2009 7:13pm - KeynoteCompany ""]
[Feb 8,2009 10:42pm - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
[Feb 8,2009 10:45pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

what does this mean anyways? Is it anything like 2L2Q?

too legit! too legit to quit!!
[Feb 24,2009 11:17pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:N2FAEI

what does this mean anyways? Is it anything like 2L2Q?

too legit! too legit to quit!!


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