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I hate Lindsay Lohan

[Jan 20,2009 12:17am - dj sam ronson  ""]
but those puppies are just begging for a semen tsunami

[Jan 20,2009 12:46am - Martins ""]
You've seen the nudies right? The boobs were meh at best thanks to how pale and freckly they were and the areola size.
[Jan 20,2009 7:33am - Yeti ""]
her vagina is pretty brutal too.
[Jan 20,2009 8:51am - Hooker in sweatpants  ""]
Oh yeah anyone here would kick her out of bed.
[Jan 20,2009 8:58am - oscarct ""]
yeah i have no complaints bout her
[Jan 20,2009 9:03am - Conservationist ""]
She's already starting to look like Jodie Foster.
[Jan 20,2009 9:05am - Lamp nli  ""]

Martins said:You've seen the nudies right? The boobs were meh at best thanks to how pale and freckly they were and the areola size.

I have not seen these.
[Jan 20,2009 9:26am - arilliusbm ""]
she's got no hips/ass and too many freckles on her boobs. still attractive, but nothing that floats my boat. 6/10. a generous 6. well, I guess not a 6. i'll give it a 5.
[Jan 20,2009 9:28am - RustyPS ""]
She was alot more curvy/hotter before she started hitting the nose candy....

...and where are these nudes?
[Jan 20,2009 9:30am - largefreakatzero ""]
She's a trashbin, but I really have no problem with her boobs in that picture.
[Jan 20,2009 9:31am - largefreakatzero ""]
Someone needs to post those n00dz.
[Jan 20,2009 9:42am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm assuming the nudes are from when she posed as Marilyn Monroe. Not sure how you guys didn't hear about that; they were all over the internet for months.
[Jan 20,2009 11:40am - W3 nli  ""]

largefreakatzero said:post n00dz.
[Jan 20,2009 12:59pm - Martins ""]

You know what, I take some of my statement back. Her boobs are fine, though they look a bit questionable in the second book. I think what really turned me off was the blonde wig. It looks hideous.

I mean, no matter what I say, I'd put it to her as if there were no tomorrow. She wouldn't have a pelvic bone after I were done with her.
[Jan 20,2009 1:21pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
She was hotter when she wasn't legal.
[Jan 20,2009 1:29pm - The Concierge  ""]
Both of them are staying at my hotel tomorrow for their appearance here in Boston. I'll make sure to post snuff, I mean pics when I wake up.
[Jan 20,2009 1:35pm - W3 nli  ""]
room number, keycard and staff uniform plz k thx
[Jan 20,2009 1:48pm - sigh  ""]
Gingers have no souls.




Pedo Bear inbound...
[Jan 20,2009 2:21pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Thanks for n00dz. Yeah, again, I would have no problem with penetrating her forcefully.
[Jan 20,2009 2:28pm - arilliusbm ""]
you guys would have to disguise yourselves as girls then. at least, I think? wait, she's no longer attracted to women, right?
[Jan 20,2009 2:42pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Hmm, that would be quite a disguise for me.
[Jan 20,2009 3:51pm - joeyumbrella ""]
you picky fucks. I hate her and would repeatedly stab that for a good 7 seconds...

then "B" my "L" on her "T's"
[Jan 20,2009 7:38pm - Dankill  ""]

RustyPS said:She was alot more curvy/hotter before she started hitting the nose candy....

"Mean Girls/Herbie" era Lohan was her peak before all the coke, gang bangs with eurotrash and box licking.
True, I wouldn't kick her out of bed. But back then, she was pretty fuckin' hot.
[Jan 20,2009 8:27pm - DomesticTerror ""]

arilliusbm said:you guys would have to disguise yourselves as girls then. at least, I think? wait, she's no longer attracted to women, right?

women? her g/f looks like Jonboy.
[Jan 20,2009 8:34pm - Lamp nli  ""]
She likes men with vaginas.
[Jan 20,2009 8:48pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

dj%20sam%20ronson said:but those puppies are just begging for a semen tsunami


Any n00dz of the Asian lady?
[Jan 21,2009 10:49am - The Rooster  ""]

In a second.
[Jan 21,2009 12:34pm - hoehan  ""]

joeyumbrella said:you picky fucks. I hate her and would repeatedly stab that for a good 7 seconds...

then "B" my "L" on her "T's"

And then shove her butch girlfriend's face into it
[Jan 26,2009 11:42pm - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]
[Jan 27,2009 2:11am - ouchdrummer ""]
You know what my problem with lindsey lohan is? she's dancing around on stage, and doin her little thing, and i'm just sitting her.. she's doin her thing, and i'm just drinking a beer. and she wants me to believe that women ANYWHERE want me to have sex with them, when they don't.

women are such teases.
[Jan 27,2009 8:55am - TheBloodening ""]
dancing around with her little hands, no man nowehere would wanna do anything with anyone...
[Jan 23,2013 1:58pm - wilmer valderrama  ""]
her cunt taste like an ashtray and her anus taste like taco bell! ay caramba!
[Jan 23,2013 2:15pm - nekronaut ""]
Mean Girls. Enough said.

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