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Bloodwitch at O'briens whose going

[Jan 16,2009 2:55pm - thebloodening ""]
Goin to this show cuz bloodwitch bassist recorded our last cd (www.myspace.com/thebloodening) haven't seen that bitch in ages...

whose with me?
[Jan 16,2009 3:22pm - thebloodening ""]
[Jan 16,2009 4:30pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i am at work, and cannot check them out. What do they sound like?
[Jan 16,2009 7:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Like a sandwich, but with blood.
[Jan 16,2009 7:13pm - thebloodening ""]
haha yea i dunno not to heavy but fun...maybe some hot allston chicks going not sure.

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